• expired

American Express: Spend $50 or More, Get $10 Back @ Mighty Ape (+ Other Deals)


Open the app, tap on your card, and as you scroll through recent transactions they will appear. After adding each deal to card, a new one then pops up. Could be targeted but as always, Amex will usually add it to your card if you call them.

Other deals (thanks to zqsn) are:

Farro Fresh Spend $50 get $10 back. Exp. 05/05
Smith & Caughey's Spend $150 get $30 back. Exp 26/06
Glengarry Wines Spend $100 get $20 back. Exp 26/06
NZ Herald Spend $149 get $60 back. Exp 24/06
Computer Lounge Spend $300 get $50 back. Exp 24/06
Veronika Maine Spend $200 get $30 back. Exp 24/06
Cue Spend $150 or more, get $25 back. Exp 24/06

Referral Links

Airpoints: random (16)

Referrer gets 15 Airpoints Dollars. Referees should select the Airpoints card if not taken to the correct Amex card.

Airpoints Platinum: random (34)

Referrer gets 40 Airpoints Dollars. Referees should select the Airpoints Platinum card if not taken to the correct Amex card.

Related Stores

American Express
American Express
Mighty Ape
Mighty Ape

closed Comments

  • +1

    Thanks! I just logged on and found a whole pile of offers under the statement area of the app. Only showed one at a time but each time I went back there were more. Probably was 6 or 7 offers in there.

  • +7

    I just logged in my the app and there are many spend x get x back. Look in-between your recent transactions. Doesn't seems to show up on the desktop account.

    Might Ape Spend $50 get $10 back. Exp. 24/06
    Farro Fresh Spend $50 get $10 back. Exp. 05/05
    Smith & Caughey's Spend $150 get $30 back. Exp 26/06
    Glengarry Wines Spend $100 get $20 back. Exp 26/06
    NZ Held Spend $149 get $60 back. Exp 24/06
    Computer Lounge Spend $300 get $50 back. Exp 24/06
    Veronika Marine Spend $200 get $30 back. Exp 24/06

    The question is how do we track these promotions if it doesn't get credited and you have to prove it?

    • +1

      Nice! I'll update the post :)

    • Yeah interesting one. If they haven't shown in your statement, do you still get them?

  • I logged into both the app and website and cannot see where to find the offers tab

    • There's no offers tab as such, the deals just pop up as you scroll down your statement on the app.

      • I used the live chat and the person said I was eligible but cannot see anything. The statement I just see my spend but nothing pops up.

      • Okay, just reinstalled the app and its showing in the home tab. Can't click to 'add to card' though. I'm guessing we'll just have to spend it before it expires

        • Did you try clicking on the offer you see on the home tab. It should pop up with the add to card there. We used the term statement where we found them but it was on the home tab as you scroll through the purchases.

          • @HighvoltageRuss: Clicking the offer does nothing for me. Can see them but showing but cant click to see further details / register the card.

    • I couldn't find them at first, the offers for me weren't in the statements tab, but after opening the app, tapping my card, then scrolling down through recent purchases they showed up in between there

      • Ahh yep same here :)

  • Previously I would get email confirmation of the offer and now there is nowhere I can find to confirm the details once you exit the offer confirmation the first time.

  • I can see the offers but you cant "click" on them to register the card, as you normally have to do with these type of cashback offers.

  • Amex live chat just said "The offers tab has been recently added and at the moment is still in process of getting implemented"

  • Live chat has just manually added three of the above multiple offers for me

  • Thanks OP! Couldn't see the offers the first time, logged out then logged in again, I can see 9 offers all together.

    *** I took screenshots after I saved the offers in case I need the proof if they don't honour the promo

    • Hey! Can you pls share the screenshot? I cannot see it in my app for some reason…maybe I am looking in the wrong spot?

      • Yes I can but how do I share the screenshots here?

  • Can I ask what version of the app everyone is running that's managed to save the offers?

    Live chat says there's a new app version that shows all eligible offers for the card.

    I'm running 6.46.1 which apple store is saying is the latest version (published 5 months ago). I can see the offers but cant save them.

    Live chat is now saying the update is not yet on app store but rest assured will be soon.

    Live chat is now manually adding the offers for me, sharing the T&C's in message and asking me to confirm I accept them

    • Android 6.46.0. Can see all the offers

    • They indicated the new version of the app would have something like "Membership" on the bottom tab in addition to the Home, Statements and Account options.

      It took a while but Chat have manually added Cue, Farro, Glengarry, Mighty Ape and S&C to my Platinum edge card. They added the same to my Platinum Charge too plus the Computer Lounge offer as it was only eligible for this card not the Edge.

      • Also, I see the usual offer conformation emails have also now come through to me.

  • Android 6.46.0 seems to be the most current version showing on play store for me and worked fine to save the offers.

    • I'm running this version - have no offers showing :-(

    • The offers sit midway on my transactions. You need to save one, then go back to transactions and save the next one, and so on.

      • I only have two transactions showing, and no offers anywhere. Version 6.46.0. Will try via live chat

  • Does this apply for the Amex Airpoints Card? Can't see any under statements or transactions for me. Cheers

    • Yes It works for my airpoints card. Just have to scroll through your transactions.

  • It only show up on home tab when I scroll down my most recent transactions.

  • +1

    Thanks for the share OP!
    Yep, found them in current transaction area as you scroll down, not statements.

    OP might want to correct the details.

    • Good point, have updated. Thanks!

  • Will have to check it out…

    I only got an offer for interest rate of 7% for 6 months via mail but don't usually use the app.

  • I can see the offers but unable to click on.

  • Thanks for the heads up. I added some of those offers through my AMEX app :)

  • Wonder if this only applies to the cardholder or partner cards as well..

  • Tried my wife's supplementary card on iphone app and couldn't click on links. Logged in on my Android and worked fine. So can add to extra cards too.

  • I can see the offers but when I click on it, each offer is highlighted then nothing happens… weird..

    • +2

      The Offers tab is now up on the amex app - it lets you see new offers to save as well as currently saved ones.

      • Ah awesome I c it now!!

  • +1

    Could see them on my app, and my partners supplementary card on Android too. Saved them all to the cards.
    Split my computer upgrade into 3 purchases and also utilized a friend's card to get a $150 total discount. Thanks OP!

  • FYI if you try to renew your Primate membership with Mightyape ($48 + $10 physical item) for some reason they charge the Primate seperately, so doesn't count for the $10 off $50

    • Do you know if it works if buying a Mightyape $50 online voucher?

  • Sorry if someone has already mentioned this - but on the latest Amex Android app there is now an offers tab in the bottom list. Thanks for the heads up OP

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