Parkable free parking session code for April:
Claim your free session
1: Open the Parkable app
2: Load your voucher
Enter your promo code in the 'Voucher codes' section of your Parkable app by the 20th of April.
For New Zealand: 'NO-APRIL-FOOLS-NZ'
For Australia: 'NO-APRIL-FOOLS-AU'3: Start parking
Find a park on the Parkable app. Reserve 30 mins in advance or arrive and hit 'Start parking'. Your voucher will be automatically applied!*
*The voucher is redeemable at any public car park on Parkable, not applicable to private workplace parking. It expires 30 days after being loaded.
Thanks OP.
Another point to note:
You can add both the NZ and AU codes to the app but they will only work in their respective countries.
If you’re not intending on travelling over the ditch may as well leave the code for someone else as the AU code will not redeem here.