This was posted 2 years 11 months 14 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Save $0.13/L @ Mobil until End of June, and $0.10/L @ Waitomo with KORA Fuel Card


Heard on the radio this morning and at a quick glance of their website with a brief chat with someone from their online team:

The savings and costs $$$:

  • The -$0.13/L @ Mobil lasts until the end of June, then changes to -$0.10/L.
  • The -$0.10/L @ Waitomo is on-going.
  • There is a fee of $2/month but you'll save this anyway with when you fuel up i.e. 60L with -$0.13/L = $7.80 saving.
  • You won't be able to use the $ from the free spin deals/promos.
  • Payment is by direct debit, credit card or debit card weekly, fortnightly or monthly on the due date.
  • Replacement card fee is $6.
  • Payment dishonour fee is $65 and interest on outstanding balances if they charge it, is 2.5% - so make sure you pay on time lol.
  • A credit check is performed so make sure your credit is healthy. You can check this here(
  • If you have too many enquiries within a certain period or something minor on your account - as long as your review score was within their threshold, they'd ask for a bond to be paid. The bond would be held and used if an invoice wasn't paid, and after a period of about 6 months trading, if there are no issues, the bond would be refunded.
General info:
  • This is a fuel card, similar to a charge card or credit card which you apply for.
  • You will get two separate cards for Mobil and Waitomo to use nationwide, but one invoice.
  • They're hoping to add other fuel companies in future, as well as an app.
  • They offer a special, discounted fuel deal for businesses.
  • They also offer a special, discounted fuel deal for charities/NFP where a portion of the fuel saving can be donated back to the charity/NFP.
  • If you're closing the account, you have to give 14+ days notice.

More detailed FAQ here(

Member T&C here(

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Waitomo Group
Waitomo Group

closed Comments

  • +4

    Just a reminder, Farm Source SuperCard gives you 16c/l discount @ Mobil and it's free, it works like a credit card (might have credit check),

    • Completely forgot about Farm Source! I remember signing up for an account but not going through with an application back in early 2021 haha. Might have to revisit that!

    • Yes ive signed up for this but still awaiting for the update.

    • +1

      By using the SuperCard, you won't get the normal credit card rewards - if you normally pay with a credit card. You need to take the opportunity cost into consideration.

      • 16c of $3 is 5%. There are very few cards that give you a 5% rewards.

    • Yeah, Supercard is better anyday as you can choose between Mobil, Z, Caltex and BP, plus 16c at Mobil and no extra charges.

    • +1

      It's more of a charge card than a credit card - the difference is you need to pay it off every month, can't carry over the balance.

    • I’ve tried to signup for a Farm Source SuperCard and little confused on whether individuals, not in the farming industry are eligible?

      It’s asking for stuff like your milk supplier ID.

  • I have seen multiple types of these cards popping up through google ads. They are often vague in their website and look quite lacking in information like they were built the day before.

  • Can we connect it to waitimo app for double dip?
    (10c/ltr plus spin on every $20)

    • No - refer to the fourth point.

  • Can you use Supercard just for fuel and pay by your EFTPOS card with 16c off?

    • +1

      You get a monthly bill that you pay off via bank transfer / credit card etc. Not something you can just swipe for the discount and then pay with something else there and then.

      • +1

        Thanks for clarifying Wakrak.

      • Oh can you pay off your FarmSource card with another credit card?

        • My very first bill says

          How to pay your monthly account/balance?

          Direct credit

          Pay into our bank account 00-0000-0000000-00. Please use 0000000000 as a reference. If you are paying multiple accounts by direct credit please email your remittance advice to:


          Pay at your local Farm Source store by cash or credit card. Please note credit card payments will include a surcharge of 2%

  • Can the Supercard be used in conjunction with the Z App or Caltex to collect FlyBuys etc points?

  • Might be about to find some member deals for Kora.

    Manchester Unity members get the $2/month fee waived.

  • Farm Source seems to have increased the discount with Mobil to 21c/L, as shown on their website:

    • *Exclusive to Fonterra Suppliers. All Farm Source Rewards cardholders receive 16c per litre off at Mobil.

      • Ahhh…didn't notice that, thanks.

  • I almost signed up and have decided not to as read the terms and conditions.

    The following fees may be added to the Account by Kora, and will therefore form part of the Sum Owing: a) a $2 monthly membership fee per Account;

    Be careful, it’s unclear whether you’ll actually save a good amount (vs the usual 6 cents discount) if like me you sometimes fuel up at other stations Gull, Z, BP etc.

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