Heard on the radio this morning and at a quick glance of their website with a brief chat with someone from their online team:
The savings and costs $$$:
- The -$0.13/L @ Mobil lasts until the end of June, then changes to -$0.10/L.
- The -$0.10/L @ Waitomo is on-going.
- There is a fee of $2/month but you'll save this anyway with when you fuel up i.e. 60L with -$0.13/L = $7.80 saving.
- You won't be able to use the $ from the free spin deals/promos.
- Payment is by direct debit, credit card or debit card weekly, fortnightly or monthly on the due date.
- Replacement card fee is $6.
- Payment dishonour fee is $65 and interest on outstanding balances if they charge it, is 2.5% - so make sure you pay on time lol.
- A credit check is performed so make sure your credit is healthy. You can check this here(creditsimple.co.nz).
- If you have too many enquiries within a certain period or something minor on your account - as long as your review score was within their threshold, they'd ask for a bond to be paid. The bond would be held and used if an invoice wasn't paid, and after a period of about 6 months trading, if there are no issues, the bond would be refunded.
General info:
- This is a fuel card, similar to a charge card or credit card which you apply for.
- You will get two separate cards for Mobil and Waitomo to use nationwide, but one invoice.
- They're hoping to add other fuel companies in future, as well as an app.
- They offer a special, discounted fuel deal for businesses.
- They also offer a special, discounted fuel deal for charities/NFP where a portion of the fuel saving can be donated back to the charity/NFP.
- If you're closing the account, you have to give 14+ days notice.
More detailed FAQ here(kora.co.nz).
Member T&C here(kora.co.nz).
Just a reminder, Farm Source SuperCard gives you 16c/l discount @ Mobil and it's free, it works like a credit card (might have credit check),