This is in the Countdown Mailer starting Mon 25th April.
Normal price for the 1L Dove Body Wash is $15 at Countdown, down to $9 in the mailer.
Available in Hydrating and Triple Moisturising.
The Warehouse have it for $11 but if you price match beat against Countdown you can get it for $8.10.
That's about as cheap as I've seen it.
Link for The Warehouse Dove Body Wash( for pricebeat.
Also available at Countdown in the mailer on the same page.
- Old El Paso Kits for $5 each - These are $7.50 at Countdown usually and $6.79 at the Warehouse.
The Warehouse Old El Paso link( takes them down to $4.50 each on Pricebeat.
Multi-User Free Shipping coupons with the Warehouse end on the 28th April so you will have just a few days to use it if you want this delivered for free.
Free Shipping Code here thanks to @Verlith
Could try your luck pricematching Surplus Direct $6.99(