Just copying the format from the recent post similar to this one
Price match weetbix 1.2kg at the warehouse with New World Birkenhead store and the warehouse will do a 10% off price match making it $4.50 (limit of 2)
The Warehouse weetbix: https://www.thewarehouse.co.nz/p/sanitarium-weet-bix-1.2kg/R2702278.html (Nevermind it was pointed out that it's $5 at The Warehouse)
Oi Organic Cotton Regular Tampons 16pk(newworld.co.nz) and at The Warehouse(thewarehouse.co.nz) ($5 at New World, $6 at The Warehouse, may be able to price match to $4.50)
Same deal with these Oi Ultra Thin Liners 24pk for $5 at New World(newworld.co.nz) vs $6.50 at The Warehouse(thewarehouse.co.nz)
I haven't tested it out myself but sharing just in case
Meadow Fresh Longlife Original UHT Milk 1L $2.19 @ New World(newworld.co.nz) vs $2.69 @ The Warehouse(thewarehouse.co.nz) (May be able to price match to $1.97)
Up & Go Chocolate Ice 250ml 6 Pack @ Countodwn(countdown.co.nz) vs $9.39 @ The Warehouse(thewarehouse.co.nz) (May be able to price match to $7.65)
Vanilla Ice(countdown.co.nz) and The Warehouse(thewarehouse.co.nz)
It’s already $5 at The Warehouse - so you won’t get a pricematch.
This is their everyday price now.
See my post last month here