This was posted 2 years 7 months 16 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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Breville Duo Temp Pro Coffee Machine BES810BSS $349.99 @ Briscoes


Briscoes one day sale has the Breville Duo Temp pro for just over 50% off making it slightly better than friends and family the other day

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  • I've got one of those KMart espresso machines everyone lost their shit over during lockdown. Anyone got any thoughts on whether this is a worthy upgrade or should I just keep the money for something significantly more expensive?

    • +5

      1cup & 2cup Single & Dual Wall Filter Baskets (4).

      A lot of low end machines come with a dual wall basket. Mid range machines like Breville's come with both. This is also known as a pressurized basket, and can be identified by having a tiny hole in the bottom of the basket that sits in the portafilter. These use coarser ground espresso coffee (eg supermarket pre grind) and rely on the basket to build pressure. It allows for espresso to be produced with very little knowledge or practice.

      Single wall baskets have many holes in the bottom. These use finer ground coffee (you should ideally grind fresh) and rely on the coffee puck and the tamping to provide resistance and build pressure. This is what all commercial espresso machines use. It means you can use grind size + dose amount + to some extent tamp pressure to control how the coffee extracts, and with some practice, produce better coffee.

      Saying that, the best upgrade for any home espresso setup is a good quality grinder. A $1000 espresso machine with a $100 grinder will give worse results than a $100 espresso machine with a $1000 grinder

      • Thanks for sharing your knowledge. So do you think getting something like this would be more worthwhile?…

        • +1

          A bur grinder like that is fine. I have no complaints on mine. Bean going for years.

          Reality is if your making milky drinks anyway (I like a flat white) then a bur grinder like that and fresh coffee is going to produce better results than a lot of cafes after a bit of practice and dialling in.

          Biggest change after that for me was roasting at home. Saves a lot of money(if you don't drink more because of cheap price)

          Ozito adjustable heat gun and a breadmaker is all you need to roast 500g batches.
          Again because fresh you have to stuff up pretty bad to get worse results than a supermarket. Which is only way to get comparable price of beans.

          • @waxernz: how do you roast with the bunnings heat gun and breadmaker. Also where do you get your fresh beans from?

        • +2

          That's not the best grinder geared towards espresso in my opinion, it may be an okay as a starter.
          If you're wanting to produce consistent, good espresso, you need something that has micro step adjustments. The steps on the BGP are too large.

          So what are some better options you might be ask: DF64 > Eureka Mignon (Manuale, Silenzio, or specialita) > Baratza Sette 270

          I often recommend the Eureka Mignon Manuale imported from espressocoffeeshop. It will only be slightly more expensive than the BGP, but it will blow it out of the water when it comes to making espresso.
          If you want to spend more money look at importing a DF64 from Alibaba.

          • @Bargain-Hunter: +1 to the Eureka Mignon Manuale from Espresso Coffee Shop, which Bargain-Hunter helped me acquire :). Link is here( - use code '3337' to take the total price to roughly $356NZD delivered. It has an EU plug but is shipped with a heavy duty NZ adapter that you latch and screw on. The Mignon is widely available in NZ so finding parts and servicing isn't an issue. Local retail is about $599. Warranty is a bit of a grey area - I accepted the fact that there really isn't one, as shipping a heavy box back to Italy is cost prohibitive. But with the savings on the local price I figured it was a gamble worth taking.

            Shipping is via UPS Express direct from Italy and delivery estimates are 2-4 days (mine arrived in about 6).

            I went to this from a Breville Smart Grinder Pro, which only lasted 2 years from new after the motor died. The Manuale completely blows the BSGP out of the water. It is built like a tank, and being stepless you have soooo much more control over the grind (which was my biggest gripe with the BSGP).

    • Is this coffee machine( the one you have?

      How do you find it?

      • Yeah that's the one. Honestly for the money I think it's a lot of fun and I've made a lot of enjoyable coffees with it. I bought an unpressurised basket off of Amazon to play around a bit more too.

  • I suspect this might be nice to pair with a commercial grinder.

    The grind is one of the most important things to get right when making a coffee and most commercial ones work off a standard 10amp plug which is a big plus.

    • +2

      yup we did this. Paired with Baratza Sette 270 Coffee Grinder. Dont think its a commercial grinder but its almost twice the cost of the coffee machine. Once i nailed the crema etc i couldn't really distinguish with cafe cofee (incl Amano and Mojo etc)

  • +2

    Some good coffee machines over on Geekzone too(

    • coffee machine recommendations**

  • +1

    We have the infuser and from what I could tell it's almost the same machine functionality wise, only real difference is we have a pressure gauge and the hot water dispenser on three duo is out of the milk wand do rubbish.

    Paired for now with a bodum Burr grinder that was only $90 when I got it and it works well, we can't quite go fine enough to get it perfect but the coffee we are getting is decent enough for our tastes and we find we get less coffees out at the weekend since we got it. We do tend to use the normal double basket as the ouck does build up enough pressure even if it comes through a bit when doing the pre infusion. For single servings I have to use the pressurized basket though, with our cheap grinder that volume of coffee just can't build up any pressure. Upgrading the grinder is in the cards one day but I'm not sure if or when as now we aren't working from home much the machine sees much less use.

    • Good to know cheers. I've been on the fence about getting a machine for some time now, so lurking and reading and finding the best way to get into it. That KMart option for $109 isn't a bad option to test the waters, as I'd be confident that when I went to sell it I'd get over half my money back, so probably only lose $50-$60 max

      I've also been watching for cheaper second hand Breville options and I think I can get one for just under $150 with a bit of patience come time.

      • +1

        The nice thing with the brevilles like this one is you get the pressurized and normal baskets. It's easy to get ok coffee from the pressured one and means you can use lre ground if you need to, but you can play and experiment with the normal ones as you get more confident or upgrade to a half decent grinder without having to find new baskets. The pressure gauge is something I look at all the time on our that the duo lacks, it's not perfect but a good indication of how well the puck was prepared.

    • This is our exact setup too. Was wondering if I was doing something wrong with the single serving non-pressurised basket, nice to know it may not just be user error! Still, decent results with the double baskets.

      • +1

        Yeah the bodum is ok for the $90 I paid but all the reviews said it's not fine enough for true espresso. I got it for the aeropress which it was fantastic for and ended up buying the infuser afterwards. I think the double just creates enough resistance by volume, but the single without the extra volume just pours through without any pressure. It's not a total deal breaker as generally we make two cups at a time but one day I'd like a grinder that can go that bit finer and doesn't need me to weight the beans out every morning.

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