Countdown - Wiltshire Cutlery eStamps (for Those of You Who Don't Want It)

Hello guys,

Please mods, remove this if it's not appropriate for the website. Unsure if it's okay.

If anyone isn't going to use their eStamps, I'd love to take them.

Onecard number - 9481 0024 87746 (guess it's safe as you can't get anything with it unless it's for my own benefit).

Appreciate your time, guys ☺


  • +1
    • Thank you ☺
      Am I allowed to add my onecard number here since it doesn't link to anything actually personal? Or rather leave it to PM?

      • No idea eh.

        • Guess we only have one way to find out 😂

  • Putting my hand up for some eStamps if anyone has extra they want to give away 😅

    Saving up for the parfait spoons.

    • I dont think I can edit my original reply so ill just pop my onecard number here

      9480 0524 41173

      Only after 1 set of parfait spoons.

      thank you!

  • Also open to some spare stamps if there is any going, have 18 at the moment but will probably aim for a four sets of 4 piece dinner sets (80)
    9480 0325 40285

  • I would also love some stamps of anyone has too many 9480032192040. Have 19, aiming for at least 1 children's set and 1 parfait spoons set. Thanks.

  • +1

    I don't even know how many stamps I have. Still 53 days left, so if I don't have enough by then for an item, I'll give em to someone here.

    Edit - sick. Somehow have 13 stamps. Must be those late night snack runs.

    • +1

      Today I found 3 bags of Maltesers in my shopping, along with a lot of chocolate and other specific treats. Wonder how they got in there 😂

      • +1

        2 weeks ago they had cadbury bars on special for 90c and each bar had a bonus stamp so I purchased 20 bars of chocolate.

        • I'm still going through the bunch of crunchy bars that were on special. My husband took care of the Perkinanas 😂

  • Will add my one as well, cuz why not. Just aiming for the steak knives.
    9480 0317 26604

  • Also looking :)
    Onecard account: 9480027449340

  • +1

    This promotion still has 2 months to go. I think people should come back in 2 months, and say something like "I need 15 stamps but I only have 14, please give me 1 if you have any spare". More likely to get donations that way.

    • Fair enough - at least we can re-hash it later on!

  • If there's anyone with more stamps than they need, have 2 dinner sets but looking for 2 more if possible. I know it's ambitious but I'll take what I can get, thanks!
    9480 0116 17007

  • Flick me thorough your spares and unwanted :)
    Would like to get one of these dinner sets, hard to do as a single person 😅
    Thank you in advanced 👌
    9480 0346 32339

    • Hi, have you managed to get a set yet? If not, how many stamps do you need?

      • Hi!

        Nope need about 11 more to get to 20 lol

        • done, good luck!

  • I would love to be considered for some stamps if anyone isnt interested in using them
    9480 0678 44211
    thanks so much :)

  • +5

    I might run a competition some time in September, with the prize being whatever eStamps I have remaining on my account.

    A repeat of the competition I did for The Warehouse free shipping code.

  • I would also very much appreciate any eStamps, thank you!
    Hoping to replace our cutlery sets as most of them are chipped and damaged from a "ride" in the waste disposal over the years 😅
    Should have enough for one set and a half in about 2 weeks time, but need 4 sets if possible. Hope they don't run out of stock either…
    Cheers :)

    • Forgot the most important detail: 7005 3174 2101

  • I would appreciate any spare stamps as well.

  • Would also appreciate some please

  • Would appreciate some too… 9480043349709

  • Most stores are already out of stock, and they won't get more stock in. Just like the New World knife promotion.

  • I will join the queue 9481003627455, please and thank you.

  • I need 7 if anyone has spare (I have 28 now)
    9480 0325 40285

    • Sent you my 9 I had left over.

      • Thank you!

    • Kids set sold out already

      • Just messing around 😄. Still 21 days left.

        • +1

          That did make me laugh and snort a bit 😂
          People are now gonna end with 67 4 pce sets and no kids sets or parfait spoons 😂

  • Needing 10 stamps to get the cutlery set please, if anyone has any spare I’ll really appreciate it, thanks :) My onecard number is 700311572007

    • Just needing 7 more now, currently have 13 stamps :)

  • I would appreciate any spare stamps as well.Thank you 9480040202564

  • I've got 10 stamps, I'm only going to give them to active contributors of the site, that means people who have posted at least one deal in the past 12 months. If you need less than 10 then say that so someone else can grab what's left.

    • May I be considered? :)
      7005 3174 2101

      • How many you need?

        • All 10 if possible please. Cheers

    • Can I have 10 please? Or anyone else have any spares, I highly appreciate it.


      • +1

        Sorry, all gone

  • If anyone else have any spares, I highly appreciate it.


  • Merged from Spare Countdown Wiltshire cutlery eStamps

    If anyone still have spare eStamp(s), I'm hoping to get the parfait spoons or the kids set, but don't shop at countdown often enough.

    My card number:
    9480 0222 81174

    Much appreciated :)

  • Hey! If anyone has any to spare and are not going to use it - could I get some please? 9481015709774. Thank you.

    • I only need one. Thank you in advance..

      • I've just given you one, enjoy.

        • Thank you so much!! Have a great weekend :)

  • need 2 more stamps… 9480043349709. TIA

    • +1

      I've just given you my last 2 stamps, enjoy.

      • thanks a lot :)

  • How do I gift the eStamps? I can't seem to find it on the website.

      • Maybe I'm just dumb, but I can't see any option to gift the points on that page? Maybe it's an issue with my account.

        • This is what I see

          Transfer or gift your eStamps to another Onecard

          • @Wakrak: Ah ok, I didn't have that section appear but turns out it was because I'd used the wrong Countdown login. Thanks for the help - are you wanting a few of them?

            • @Dunedinite: I'm good for now. Couple weeks left still, and we shop at Countdown anyway, so I'll see if I can earn em through our shopping first.

    • I had the same inconvenience. Countdown could really improve this. Whenever they run such promo, it'd be good if one can check their "eStamps" all together on their Onecard account rather than having to locate a specific "tab/page" for anything related to the promo.

    • Anyway, would appreciate your consderation if you have any spare eStamps thanks :)

  • If anyone has a lazy 4 stamps, id appreciate it for one 4 piece dinner set please and thank you


  • +1

    Putting my hand up for some estamps.. 13 more to go.. appreciate your help!


    • +1

      Transferred a few to you

    • +1

      Shared my last two enjoy

  • Be a laugh if someone asked for 20 stamps

    • can I please get 19?

  • Just needing 5 more stamps now, any chance anyone has any spares they’re no longer needing? Would be greatly appreciated, thanks :)
    My onecard number is 700311572007

    • +1

      Was trying to find the best person to transfer to and saw you’ve been steadily getting closer to your goal! Transferred 5 to you now :)

      • +1

        Thank you so much! Yay so happy I’m all done now :D Now I don’t have to keep going to countdown buying things I don’t need haha!

        • Hopefully you didn't spend too much, because you can just buy the set for $20


          • @Wakrak: I see there is also a cutting board for sale but I don't see that promoted anywhere. Did they just decide to sell it separately?

            • +1

              @Bill: I think so, yes. I almost got it a few weeks back, until I got to the counter and realised that it wasn't part of the estamp promotion.

              • @Wakrak: You already had 20 stamps a few weeks back? Must have gotten a lot of $2 bags of chips or something.
                I don't let the bonus stamps influence my purchasing behaviour.

                • @Bill: Wouldn't have a clue what the bonus products are. Countdown just happens to be where we do most of our shopping.

  • If anyone has any 4 spare stamps it will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!


  • If anyone else have any spares, I highly appreciate it.


  • Managed to get 18 already on my own. I'll see what I can get closer to the end of the month, either way any stamps would be great to get me closer and I'll give away anything extra.

    Not a fan of these promotions anymore, and not a fan of countdown, especially their troublesome onecard rewards, but might as well take advantage. Thanks in advance

    • Ahh, I forgot I commented about this earlier on the deal post, need to remember to redeem them before the last week now then.

    • How many do you need?

      • There are reward tiers at 20, 35 and 45 stamps. Depending on the number of stamps I can get in the next few weeks from shopping, I'll try getting the highest reward I can. I will give any extras away. Thanks

        • +1

          You might not want to leave it till last minute as it could be all sold out. Better to just get what you can now than nothing later.
          I'm hoping to get one more 4pc Dinner Set but my closest Countdown is already out of stock and branches nearby are also getting low apparently (and they only have this set remaining as well) :( I probably won't be able to collect enough stamps by the end of this week myself, so if anyone's not keen on getting these sets, I'd really appreciate some donations thanks! I'm happy to donate back if I have any remaining next week :)

          • @Totto: So my best bet would be to try and get the 4pc asap then. I need two more stamps. Still nearly 2 weeks until the promotion ends.

            • @Bill: I mean I don't know about your local CD stores and their current stock so you can always check, but you can easily get 2 eStamps within this week - if you get those "bonus stamp" items, you won't even need to spend the full $40 either :)

              • @Totto: Yep, how many do you need? I would rather get them earlier from anyone who has extra and give away any I procure later on. There are lots of low-cost items that give a bonus point like $2 bags of chips that give one stamp each. Do you buy a lot of those since you're trying to get "one more" 4pc whereas I've only managed to get 18 estamps.

                • @Bill: I actually don't go to CD much these days as their prices are a bit questionable, but I've been going the last few weeks and tried to collect these stamps. The thing is, I've already been stocking up on those snacks (yes bags and bags of chips), pantry items and even frozen items that I'm running out of options (and space to store them) 😂
                  I was hoping to get 4 sets and have enough stamps for about 2.5 sets now, so still need some stamps by the end of this week if possible before it goes out of stock. Otherwise, I guess I'll just have to take my chances or be grateful for 2 or 3 sets.

        • Hey Bill. Thanks for always being so helpful. I have just done my shopping and transferred my estamps to you. Not a lot as I gave my friend all my stamps last week. But hope this helps.

          • +1

            @Superpower21: Thank you so much. I hope you didn't spend more to get the estamps as it's really not a big deal to me. All mine is mixed and matched. I don't have the matching identical sets of cultery some are going for. So these 4 will fit in perfectly.

  • haven't been able to get my hands on one of those. Would be great if someone can help out with stamps
    Card #: 9480007287894. Thanks in advance

  • For your curiosity only:

    • +1

      I don't quite understand the high appeal. Is the quality just out of this world, or are people fixated on having a matching set? Because at the end of the day it's just cutlery.

      Looks pretty similar to this:…

      • Yeah I wouldn't be bidding to get these. Just because it's a "bonus" from our shopping anyway and we just happen to need replacing of our cutlery sets as most of them are chipped and damaged from being accidentally ground in the waste disposal over the years.

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