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Buy one of these vouchers for only $10 and we will email you a unique voucher code for $20 that you can add to your Onceit account. Please note we will email you within 48 hours with a unique code to apply to your account.
$20 credit for the referrer when referee makes a $60+ purchase.
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What are good buys from Onceit?
I tend to buy clothes, shoes, bedding, liquor, home decor, and baby products.
My last few purchases:
Cheers :)
How did you get the Herschel item for $4? (Or maybe I'm not looking at the same one..)
That order was a few months ago and just happened to be on sale at the time.
@Wakrak: Nice. So I guess "good buys" are when there are good deals/promos and you spot it in time? There aren't anything that's like steadily or generally a good deal here?
I think they may have learned a lesson from last time