Noticed this when using the 2degrees Data Clock app for my daily free hour of data.
There is a new section which talks about free data every day. Clicking the link in the app takes you to, where you confirm your 2degrees mobile number.
This loads what seems to be an augmented reality webpage (asked for camera permission), where you have to move the camera around and whack a piñata. I couldn't see a piñata, but whacked at empty space all the same, and when I went back to the Data Clock app, there was a free 30 minutes of data added which expires in 48 hours.
Loading the site with a desktop browser asks you to view it on a mobile device.
Ts&Cs from here(
Data Pinata offer:
Available until 22.01.23 with an active 2degrees plan. Packs last 48 hours from win. Fair Use Policy applies.
One winning pack per day, per person. Max speeds reduce to 1mbps after 40GB/m, per person. Redeemed via Data Clock app, see app for details. 2degrees may cancel or amend this offer at any time. Plan and Data Clock T&Cs apply.
I gave up trying to hit it - nothing happened, just like most real pinatas!
Despite scoring exactly zero, I got 45 mins which expires in just under two days.