• expired

[Sharetank] 95 Unleaded Petrol $2.35/L @ Auckland


This might be from Manukau station and might be a pricing error.

Referral Links

Z App: random (42)

Referrer gets 1 free coffee (up to 3 max). Referrer requires referee's phone number.

Z Electric: random (4)

Referee gets 50L+ extra 25L. Referrer gets 50L. Referral code needs to be entered during account creation in the "Promo" section.

Related Stores

Z Energy
Z Energy

closed Comments

  • +1

    You mean 95? $2.359, now that's a deal!

    • Its 100% apricong error

      • +1

        Loading up!

        • +1

          Damn wish i could get some without the risk of getting banned

          • @Sharetank Dude: What do you mean

            • @dealhunter: If you get caught spoofing they can take any litres youve purchased

              • @Sharetank Dude: and give you a refund right?

                • @coffeee: They arent obligated to, as their T & C state. You are in breach of their T&C so they can close your account.

                  If your account is closed, you forfeited all litres, vouchers etc that is saved

                  • +2

                    @Sharetank Dude: "You must not interfere with the device settings in a manner that could provide incorrect location information. If we detect that such interference has occurred, we may suspend the Sharetank account and/or reverse a particular Fuel purchase."

                    • @dealhunter: Probably suspend indefinitely. Thats what was discussed when i worked for them.

                  • @Sharetank Dude: Not sure how they would tell though!

          • @Sharetank Dude: …. Its available widely… Not a spoofing thing as far as I know

    • Fixed thanks

  • Thanks OP.

    I live near Pukekohe and still got it for $2.35.

  • +2

    Im in Karaka, Auckland. Shows same price for 91 and 95 : $2.359, bought 45litres

  • I should really sign up for this.

  • Thanks OP.
    I'm in CBD and shows $2.359 for 91 and 95.bought 70L!

  • +2

    1,000L for $2359. Half tempted

  • +1

    Bought 80L - went and filled up. Great deal!

  • +1

    FYI the Z in Wiri, Manukau (where this price is) is often cheap as they compete with the NPD down the road plus you can get the additional Flybuys/Airpoints 6c/L.

  • I'm in Hobsonville (far West) and have access to 2.35c for 91 fuel… So much be a few servos offering this price

    Could just get a person outside Auckland to buy your fuel.. Ts&Cs allow this.

    • A Friend in Mairangi bay could not get the price. Go figure must be from South Auckland area

    • Tauranga often has cheap fuel and their piece today is 2.40 (you can check using gaspy app)

      So 2.35c is an honest days work!

  • +4

    Tip: just realised you can turn on alerts in the sharetank preferences to alert when the price drops below your last top up.

  • Anyone with the asb rewards card… The one that does 6 months interest free on payments over $1000… Spend this and enjoy your fuel for next 6 months!

  • Looks like it was a price error, 91 and 95 not same price any more

  • Thanks for your OP. However, my car only goes with 91.

    • I don’t even know if i can put 95 in my car lol

  • Jeez just managed to buy 300l before the price change. Thanks for the deal op
    Wishing now i had bought more…

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