• expired

50% off Kogan Mobile 365 Day SIM Plans (Small $80, Medium $125, Large $165) @ Kogan Mobile


Same deal as previously.

$80 SMALL plan: 1.5GB/30 days, unlimited calls and text
$125 MEDIUM plan: 4GB/30 days, unlimited calls and text
$165 LARGE plan: 15GB/30 days, unlimited calls and text

Thanks to @dekodE: signup for a new Kogan account and get $5 off the first order above $100

Also worth noting for new users: there is time to get the 15GB $5 prepay starter pack for the first month, then activate your voucher code before it expires. Just make sure to use it in time. (https://www.kogan.com/nz/buy/kogan-mobile-prepay-mobile-star…)

Free SIM card and free shipping. The voucher code will be emailed and can be used with an existing SIM if preferred.

Offer is valid for new and existing Kogan Mobile customers. Available on plans purchased before 11:59pm NZDT 30/11/2022 unless sold out prior or extended. Voucher must be redeemed by 11:59pm NZDT on 31/12/2022.
Full terms and conditions at https://www.koganmobile.co.nz/

Links to threads from when this deal has been posted previously by @bigcheese:

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Ye nice

  • +2

    she’s back

  • +2

    Thanks OP. Timely

  • +4

    Having digital vouchers expire quicker than Greek yogurt is annoying.

    • It's pretty reasonable giving you 1 month after the deal ends to activate.

      • I'm not sure how that's reasonable. Gift vouchers etc usually have expiry date of 1 year from date of purchase. Considering this is a year of subscription not everyone can switch their plans over on such short notice.

        • For NZ telcos these plans/prices would be lossleaders, can't speak for Kogans pricing via Vodafone/One but I suspect it's more to keep their subscriber numbers up while also using as much of their services contracted from Vodafone/One as they can.

          Keep in mind it's only done twice a year so they are targeting ~25% of possible postpaid mobile plans and prepay customers, theres a reason why it's not a year round offer.

    • pretty reasonable due to the deal. They don't want you stacking because what if their overheads and costs go up in the following years.

      I have been with them 3 years, I get the deal every Black Friday so no big issue for me because my previous sub is about to end.

  • Nice spotting OP.

  • It is BACK!

  • I have ordered one! Many thanks!!

  • Can you send SMS to short numbers/premium text services/messaging services with Kogan yet?

    • Nope.

    • +1

      Never going to be possible as far as I'm aware, atleast that was their position this time last year

      • I wasn't aware this could be a limitation. Do texts to short numbers cost Kogan more, or why are they opposed to them?

        • +2

          Yeah essentially passing on texts to shortcodes could cost upto 20x more than passing on a text to other networks depending on their agreement in place and Kogan don't have a credit function to charge customers 20c per text to recover that extra cost. They are a no frills service, much like Skinny/BigPipe etc offering naked broadband and no phone support, something some customers would consider essential but others not.

          Companies can also offer free to text services but their costs essentially double because they pay to send and receive texts to their shortcode too. No idea if that works fine with Kogan.

    • explain what this means? is this like when my pharmacy says 'reply yes to renew prescription'?

      • For me this means I can’t reply “STOP” to opt out of things

      • If they send from a short code like 3344 then you can't reply. If they send from a normal number like +64281234567 then you can reply.

        • thanks. hmm. that's close to a deal breaker :/

          • @beatthatflight: I got this deal last year, getting it again now - probably had 3 or 4 times where I couldn’t reply or unsubscribe. It’s a pain but easy enough to email or call the business instead. The free voicemail and cheap prices outweigh that inconvenience imo

            • +4

              @gooblue: ooh free voicemail, that's a plus. I refuse to listen to voice messages if I have to pay :D

              • +2

                @beatthatflight: You can always get around voicemail charges by calling from another phone and pressing * when you get to the recording. Will ask for your pin, then you are in.

              • @beatthatflight: Get free pxting too.

        • Wouldn’t blocking the 3344 number be a way around this?

  • +1

    would this work with a pocket wifi with a sim slot?

    • +1

      I use it in my laptop, so I'd say yes.

    • yea i use another phone to hotspot.

  • Thank you! Ordered and sorted for the next 12 months!

  • Can I bring my existing number or has to be new number

    • Yes you can bring your number.
      When you order you get sent a SIM with a new number but you have the option to port your exisitng across.

    • You can bring your own number

  • I see no mention of it, but I assume the 15GB per 30 days doesn't roll over to each month but rather just resets??

    • +3

      Correct. No rollover - use it or lose it.

        • It's a 365-day pack and 180GB is what you get across that time period. It's broken down in the small print

          • @Plug: Yup, but only if you choose to use the 15GB every 30 days. If you don't (for what ever unlikely reason), then you're really only getting 15GB at the end of the 365 days, nothing more. The 180GB would be correct if the 15GB rolled over, as you're getting what you're paying for. This is just good marketing.

            Full disclosure, I did buy the 180GB pack.

            • @Moodkiller: its 15GB a month then it resets again, under 500mb a day which is not hard these days. "If Data Per 30 Days amount is exhausted before 30 days has elapsed, access to data will cease until the beginning of the next 30 day block"

  • Awesome - thanks! been waiting for this to happen again :)

  • Score, thanks

  • +1

    Out of interest, what plan is everyone buying?

    Small, Medium, or Large?

    • +3

      Nothing this time around but always end up getting the Large 15Gb plan for my kids.
      At $13.75 per month it's pretty cheap.

    • +1

      Large seen as 2x Small's is around the same price but you're getting 10x the data

    • +1

      Large for sure.

      1.5gb is just too small for me now and some months I will break 4gb so the $40 medium -> large difference is quite insignificant spread out over the yearly cost ($6.67 p/m small vs. $10.42 p/m med vs. $13.75 p/m large)

      The yearly charge might make it look like a big diff, but when you compare slightly over 2x the cost to go from small -> large to get 10x the data.

      • +2

        In addition to this, ýou can also check out with Zip to spread the once off payment out over 4 weeks

      • You can buy a data add-on if you run out of data during a 30 day plan period. The add-on is then used up first. So when your 30 day plan renews the add-on continues until exhausted and then the included plan data is used. So one data add-on should cover two 30 day periods if you buy the right sized add-on.

        • You can, but they are so spendy for what you get(koganmobile.co.nz) compared to just buying it upfront, I don't know you you would bother. At best you spend slightly less than the next tier up and at worst you spend a whole heap more if you vastly underestimate your usage.

          I'd rather pay the tiny one-off yearly cost to go large and my data effectively be unlimited at the rate I use it.

    • I average 4-5GB usage per month but always get large just in case I do need extra

    • +1

      2x small this time around, got medium last time but most of my data is on wifi so have found I didn't need that much.

    • Large.

      Data add on's are super expensive.

      $4.90 for 300mb, 1.25GB for $11.90, or 3GB for $21.90

      Well worth the $40/year jump from Medium to large, even though I typically use under 4GB per month, to reduce the odds of needing to pay any of the above. And for me it is worth the $40/year to largely not worry about data use too..

  • +1

    This is such a good deal. I bought it last year and honestly it's been fine. 2degrees customer service is a bit better and i swear I've had some issues receiving texts from time to time but worth it considering I was paying $55pm with 2degrees.

    • +1

      Oh and you don't seem to be able to respond to automated texts. e.g. your hairdresser automatically texts you to say "please confirm your booking on saturday". You have to call them instead which is a bit of a hassle. Worth it for the savings but a bit weird.

  • On average I use 8-9gb a month so I need the large plan

  • Appealing, but their roaming add-ons seems expensive!

    • +3

      Don't use Kogan NZ for Roaming overseas as it's really expensive.
      Much cheaper to buy a local sim for data - if you're going to Oz you can get the Kogan Oz medium pack(kogan.com) right now for free (40Gb for a month). Then just cancel straight away.
      All on eSim ($2 if you need a physical SIM)

    • It's almost always a better idea to buy a local sim anyway.

  • Right in time for my other one to expire. Awesome.

    These make great Christmas gifts

  • +1

    My 50%off Kogan plan ends 26 jan 2023. Sadly I will lose one month!!

    • +1

      Same. I'm on the small $80 plan. Over 12 months that's $6.66 per month. Over 11 it is $7.27. That's $0.61 per month difference. I'm debating waiting to see if they have an Xmas sale.

      • +2

        Yeah same boat. Surely they’ll do a Boxing Day sale like last year? Might just grab it now tbh, not worth the hassle if I miss out.

        • Idk much about kogan are their Chrisas deals any good/better than this?

          • @Kirkitplayer3: Price is usually the same but varies between 50% off (this deal) or Buy One Get One Free.
            Same net result but if you are only after one plan then much better with this offer as you don't need to find someone else to share.

  • +1

    Thanks OP! Re-upped for another year

  • How long does it take for them to ship sim card?

    • +2

      Mine usually arrive within 10 days. Others have commented that theirs took 2-3 weeks.

  • How does the 30 day renewal work with the 365 day plan? Does the last month go for 35 days instead of 30?

    • +2

      This(koganmobile.co.nz) might explain it better.
      The key part is below - you actually get 195Gb of data over the 365 days.

      This plan comes with 195GB Total Data to use in New Zealand, split
      into 30 day blocks of 15GB from days 1 –360. From days 361– 365,
      15GB to use in New Zealand will be added to the account. Unused
      data expires if you renew your Plan before it expires, at the beginning
      of the next 30 day block, or the expiry date of your Plan, whichever is
      earlier. If 15GB is reached before 30 days has elapsed, access to data
      will cease until the beginning of the next data 30 day block (if any),
      or you renew your Plan, or purchase a data pack. Data sessions are
      rounded to the nearest KB. 1GB = 1024MB.

      • Thanks!
        What does it mean to "renew your plan" if I have exceeded my data allowance but I am only 2 months in?
        Do you know where to view the available data packs?

        • +2

          Whatever you do, don't 'renew' before your current plan expires.
          This means you effectively purchase a new plan and any remaining data on your current plan will expire. It doesn't stack.
          If you really need extra data you can buy more but it is expensive - costs here(koganmobile.co.nz)
          Better to either just accept you have no more data for the month until it renews or hotspot data from elsewhere.

  • just ordered 2x large plan, thanks OP

  • they used to have an extra large plan, anyone know if this will come back?

  • Has anyone else had problems transferring their current number? Any tips? Issues with 2degrees transfer and voda

    • Depends what the issue is. I switched from Vodafone to kogan and found it really simple. Switched to 2degrees for a month and their documentation is horrendous.

    • +1

      No it was painless

    • You have to keep your old 2degrees sim in until you receive a message from NZ Telco Forum that you have to reply 'Yes' to confirming the swap. Then you can put the Kogan sim in.

      • -1

        How are you practically supposed to do that if you have one phone that only takes one sim?

        • +3

          Only remove the old SIM and insert the new one after you get the message and have replied.
          You don't need to have both SIMs in a phone at the same time.

  • Found their mobile service to be quite poor and cheap for a reason.

    • Kogan is an MVNO. They literally use the Vodafone infrastructure and services, so if you're having issues with it, you'd have issues with Vodafone too.

      • My connection was limited to 4G and was barely usable at various locations. Luckily i only paid $5 to try their acic.

        • Not sure where you are, I'm in Auckland and get 5G coverage much easier than when I use to be a Spark user. I was really surprised.

        • Okay, again that's not Kogan's fault, that's Vodafone. They own different towers than say Spark.

          Even though they only advertised 4G speeds, I was getting 5G in places where Vodafone provided the 5G service. So unless you have a mobile where some of the bands weren't available to your for some reason (Chinese phone like Xiaomi for example), the reason why you didn't have 5G was because the service wasn't available in your area.

          • @Latex Fist: I was using the galaxy s21 and had 5g on my 2degrees sim in Auckland. I just never managed to get 5g on kogan regardless the location

            • +1

              @tonyLtony: Okay. I don't think you're quite understanding my point. But do what you will.

      • +1

        MVNOs get deprioritized over the host provider. So a Vodafone customer may get max speed during congestion, while Kogan will be throttled.

    • I moved from Vodafone (and my phone doesn't support 4G). Didn't notice a change in the level of service.

      Of course, there are places where Vodafone lacks coverage. In the Kelly talons cafe, Vodafone data is barely usable, but spouse on 2 degrees has their data work fine.

  • Great! Thank you, I’ve been with them for 4 months now and had no problem, 5G most the time, fast speeds and VOIP wifi calling when on wifi etc. happy with kogan mobile

  • So if i’m already a Kogan customer (started on the large plan in June), can i stop current one and buy a new cheaper voucher?

    • Yes. This will replace whatever plan you have as soon as you activate it.

    • You will lose whatever you paid for the remaining 7 months of your current plan though.
      That’s a lot of money wasted?

      • I actually didn’t pay for a year in advance, i just bought a one-month voucher and that’s been renewing every month since

        • +1

          In that case it makes sense to buy the 365 day plan.

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