• expired

Free - 3 Months of Individual Premium (New Users, $14.99/Month Thereafter; Returning Users 3 Months for $14.99) @ Spotify


New users

Individual plan only. $14.99/month after. Terms and conditions apply. Open only to users who haven't already tried Premium. Offer ends 31/12/22.

Returning users

Individual plan only. 3 Months for $14.99. Previously $14.99/month, $14.99/month after trial. Terms and conditions apply. Offer not available to users who canceled Premium after October 28, 2022. Offer ends December 31, 2022.

I was able to claim the three months free offer despite having claimed a 3-month trial earlier in the year.

My Dealz tip:(mydealz.de) If you want to take your old playlists and liked songs with you to the new account, try http://www.spotmybackup.com/

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closed Comments

  • Worked for me on an account that had premium a few months back.

    • My new user free trial of Spotify Family expired 30-09-2020 and I'm offered:

      Individual plan only. 3 Months for $14.99. Previously $14.99/month, $14.99/month after trial. Terms and conditions apply. Offer not available to users who canceled Premium after October 28, 2022. Offer ends December 31, 2022.

      • Sounds I got different aspects of this deal mixed up.

  • +3

    Thanks OP.

    SpotMyBackup is really easy to use but note for those of you that like your playlists in a set order - it puts them in reverse.
    In my case, I reimport my exported playlist and then export it again. This results in it staying in the original order.
    I’m sure there are easier ways but works for me!

  • +1

    Until 1st April you can also get 3 months of Apple Music and Apple TV+ (new subscribers only) through the perks tab in Gamepass Ultimate (xbox & pc) which is currently $1 to join.

  • If if you know people in other countries where cost of living is dirt cheap, spotify is significantly cheaper there. e.g I got mine for $10 / YEAR, currently at my 2nd year of doing it. Works flawlessly.

    • Even cheaper with a Wise card…😉

      • Other than a wise card did you need a VPN?

        • No, a VPN is not required.
          To get the trial all you need is a new email address and a credit/debit card number not previously used before with Spotify.

          • @bigcheese: How does that work? Which country are you buying it from?
            I've got a wise card and have tested it with other products but did not work. If the service checks for the Car's country of issue then Wise still shows as NZ. For example Amazon Prime India will not accept my Wise Card as a payment option. Maybe spottily is different?

            • +1

              @Steve113: From NZ.
              I have an NZ issued Wise card and have never had any problems with Spotify.

              • @bigcheese: Thanks I'll give it a shot.
                I'm also looking at Prime Video, Apple TV+ and YouTube Premium. Will be interesting to see if the same method works.

                • @Steve113: It works for all of those.

                  • @bigcheese: I've just tried it with Spotify. It did not work.
                    (with or without VPN) Got the error "Your payment method and country don't match".

                    • @Steve113: OK. Now I understand what's happening.
                      Yes both the payment method and country need to match in order to work.
                      In the Spotify example the link in this post takes you to the NZ site for Spotify. Using my NZ issued Wise card is fine in this case.
                      Same thing for Prime Video, Apple TV, Youtube etc - you need to go to the NZ sites to get the trials and then it will work.

                      • @bigcheese: All good Thanks. I was thinking more along the lines on how the OP got his subscription for $10 / YEAR.
                        Doesn't seem that straight forward though with just a Wise card though.

    • Can you please share how I can I do that with my nz account.

      • +1

        I do it in a way thats probably against the rules so I can't share specifics.
        Basically the payment has to come from the country thats subscribing to the service, the account has to be logged into that country once a year. Other than that, no issues.

        • Does Spotify accept gift cards as a form of payments or is your way more streamlined than that.

          • +1

            @Steve113: No clue on gift cards man. I just got a guy who logs into my spotify account from his country, buys the subscription and I change the password. I pay the guy his fee, $10 and im sorted for the year. Same dude did it again for me earlier this year and plan to get him to do it next year too. Its a win-win lol

            • @blazekid43: That's a brilliant and clever setup. I would love have a similar setting as such.

  • Reminder: Last day today to get 3 months free with this offer.

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