This is a Broadband comparison plan exclusive deal - glimp(
But you do not have to go through their website. You can directly get the deal using the voucher code in the URL below.
Orcon has partnered exclusively with glimp to give glimp customers an exclusive deal of 6 months half price on unlimited broadband and voiceline when you sign up for a 12-month contract with Orcon using glimp's voucher code URL
The offer has Free Wi-Fi Pro for homes and small businesses under 120sqm or Wi-Fi Pro up to $20/mth for larger spaces.
Interesting try:
If you Bundle up your home or business electricity with Orcon broadband, you can get a 10% discount on both. Can also bundle with Mobile and get $5 discount on your monthly bill.
So you can save up to $338.85 for the first 12 months!
*Terms and conditions apply
*$250 exit fee applies
*Not available everywhere.
Is the title correct, "Save up to $809.55"?