This was posted 2 years 2 months 4 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Unlimited Fibre (304/109Mbps) + $100 Prezzy Card, 1YR Prime Video & Orbi Modem $65/Mo (12 Month Plan) @ 2degrees (New Customer)


Decent deal for internet if you are coming close to that time again.

Link is direct to 2degrees.

  • $75 per month - Fibre 300mbps
  • $90 per month - Fibre Max
  • $100 Prezzy card
  • 1 YR Amazon Prime subscription
  • Orbi WiFi 6 Router free rental ($15 shipping fee)

edit: $65/$80 through broadband compare…

^ ends January 22

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2degrees Mobile
2degrees Mobile

closed Comments

  • Got it a couple days ago. $55/month for the above plan, with 100 prezzy card and prime

    • +1

      How did you get it for $55 per month?

      • +1

        If you have a 2 degrees mobile plan, it shaves off another $10

      • +1

        Yep, if you have a 2 degrees mobile plan, its another 10 dollars off, so 55/month.

        • It shows up for me as $75 a month for fibre 300 and $65 if you have a mobile plan with them. Am I doing something wrong here?

          • +1

            @Monyet: you need to click the broadband compare link to see $65 without mobile plan.

            • @simch: Ah alright thanks, so they will give me a call back to sign me up?

              • +1

                @Monyet: I didn’t have to involve any calls in signing up. It was all done online

              • +1

                @Monyet: Nope. Just click proceed on broadband compare. It will re direct you to 2 degrees website with the added discounts. Hope that helps @monyet

        • Do you know what's the cheapest mobile plan at 2degree? would like to sign up a cheap plan to get the buddle $10 off.

          • @DigitalTeam: To get the additional $10 off it needs to be a pay monthly plan you are on - pre-pay plans don't apply.
            Cheapest plan is $35 month.
            See all plans here(

    • Signed up with Skinny broadband with 6 months free last year. contract coming to end next month ! Will ask Skinny if they can do it again :)

      • +2

        I got lucky. They gave me 12 months! December 2021. Think I'm in my last month now (got the 'your free six months starts now' email a few months back).

        There was an issue getting me setup, took over a month to sort. Maybe it was their way of saying sorry.

        • 12 months free??😱

          • @simch: ❤️ bloody good eh. And the money that would’ve gone towards monthly payments I put in a separate account. Next 12 months covered.

        • I did the slingshot free 6 months for front line workers with no early termination fee, now on skinnys free 6 months. No 12 months free for skinnys for me tho.

    • When do they send you the prezzy card and details for prime video?
      I've got the modem but no sign of the prezzy card and prime video.

  • Looks like $71 per month ($61 w/ pay monthly mobile plan) - Fibre 300mbps through glimp (without 1 year of prime).

    • and the $100 prezzy card, no mention of amazon prime video

    • The one on this post is $65 ($55 with mobile plan) + $100 prezzy + 12 months Amazon prime. For 300mbps.

  • holy heck this is a good deal based on current market. I just let my Skinny rollover as they dropped to $75 but this is wild. Time to switcheroo :)


    • Same boat - Skinny will resign with a month free and 10$ off with a eligible mobile plan.

      I'm a serial switcher but CBF this time around.

      • The signup bonuses haven’t been particularly great tbf

    • Do skinny give any deals to existing customers to keep? If so, what have you been offered?

      • +1

        I’ve been offered what is on current market. So 1 month free atm. When the deal was great like 6 months free (Skinny), they didn’t match it for existing customers.

        Problem is that the KPIs of these companies don’t focus on loyalty, rather they focus on new customers.

        Play stupid games win stupid prizes and round the merry go round we go 😆

        • Live chat offered me two months.
          But 2Degrees deal is still better overall!

  • +1

    Nice one, have switched as well thanks

  • Went with Contact Energy Fibre, 70pm with 3 months free which comes to 52.5pm and Modem is free to keep rather than a rental.

    Obviously needs to be using Contact for electricity, which I do and charges my Tesla for free during 9-12 :)

    • what kind of modern?

      • TP-Link Deco X55 modem as per t&c

    • What you are going to do after May? I'm assuming the fixed price contract ends on 31 May like mine.

      I'm contemplating between doing what you do and get the 3 months free since there's no contract with Contact or go with this deal with 2 degrees as the pricing is similar $52.6/month with the $4 off without Prime subs.

      If the rate offered is high after May would probably look around for bargain again but then it means will miss this deal.

      hmm.. decision decision. .

      • Yeah probably switch to 2degrees afterwards. Or see what skinny has to offer.

  • +2

    if you have a supergold card(not most of cheapies I know, use your parents card if eligible..) then you can save another $5/mo on broadband or if bundled with mobile plan it's $25/mo discount.

    • They also do good discounts for first responders

    • +1

      Cheers. Signed Mum up today. Should be $60 pm for her with the Supergold discount

  • Offer ends 22nd January 2023.

    Dang it that broadband compare one ends too soon, That's unfortunate!

    Though I'm unsure if I want to go with a CGNAT provider…or pay for a static ip to avoid it.

    • 2degrees waived off the static IP charge for me as I complained that my VPN drops off constantly due to CGNAT.

      • I have my fee waved as well. I was running a home server for homeassistant / plex / etc and wanted a fixed IP. This was at the time they changed over to cgnet and I had complained that I lost a feature I was using.

        • Yeah as a prior customer I had that too. But I feel like they would be less likely to do it for a new customer?

          • @eXDee: Yes I don't think you will get it unless you can get it as a sign on bonus and then they just end up continuing it indefinitely.

          • @eXDee: who are you with now that doesn't use cgnat?

            • @kiwijunglist: Skinny, they used to be CGNAT when they were on bigpipe infrastructure but both sub brands got consolidated onto spark infrastructure without CGNAT

    • CGNAT is fine, I run home hosted services and needs some of them publicly accessible. Public IP was a hard requirement. But since I discovered and setup CloudFlare Access this is no longer the case. I can also remove all the complicated firewall rules from my router as well.

      It requires some technical knowledge and elbow grease to setup but it is free for normal home server scenarios.

      • Interesting. Can you elaborate or have some kind of how-to guide for cloudflare?

        • +1

          They have pretty good documentation. You can watch this video by Lawrence Systems too.

          It is better if you have some idea on how basic stuff works eg SSL, DNS. There are quite a few moving parts.

          • @patwobbly: Thanks. I am in IT and have decent knowledge on how to get things done. Not that great with linux but will give it go if that's required once I have some time. Got a windows server with few VMs running with bit of setups, all running well within the network since few years.

            • +1

              @ace310: The tunnel agent is cross platform. It's the configuration that you need to tinker with.

  • Thanks have emailed them asking if they will still give me the modem for free if I go through the compare site lol
    Currently with my republic and rent the ASUS RT-AX3000 modem.

    Anyone know how the orbi WiFi 6 compares to the ASUS RT-AX3000?

  • Does anyone know what happens after the 12 month period? I mean what will the monthly fee be? Thank you!

    • +2

      $92 per month - Fibre 300mbps
      $109 per month - Fibre Max

      An extra $10 off the above if you have a pay monthly mobile plan with them too.

      Don’t let it rollover automatically though.
      A couple of months before your contract ends start looking at deals and ask them what they will do to keep you. You will always get better than the published rates by shopping around.

      • Thank you @bigcheese, appreciate it!

      • +2

        ask them what they will do to keep you. - I'm with them for 5 years now, the last 3x (yearly) I try to do this they don't bother to reply when emailed and when I try to call them they'd make me wait 1 hour. Then an agent will talk who doesn't even have the slightest idea why they're working for 2D except earning respectable money while watching their kids grow at home on their underpants.

        • Sounds about right 🤡

  • Just wondering what people are getting to renew another 12 month term, my term is coming up again in Feb.

    Looked at my bills it looks like my last discount for signing up a $17/mo discount for the 12 months:
    $92 month unlimited plan, less $17 discount = $75/mo less $10 pay monthly = $65/mo

    Keen to stay with 2degrees because I have a fixed IP with them and they are not charging me for that (usually it's $10/mo extra).

    • You can call them and get the customer retention team on the line. They will match this. I've done this a couple months ago.

  • Be aware 2degrees has a $199 Termination fee

    • If you leave during the fixed term of 12 months I believe

      • so free to leave after 12 months?

        • Yeah that's pretty standard

          • @Zyo: Sort of. 2degrees doesn't have a 30 days notice like many ISPs, but you do need to cancel before your billing date or you'll pay for the whole month even if you don't use it all.

  • I’m with slingshot and pay $38/mo for 300M/100M unlimited, had a coupon but just checked it seems to be expired, guess I was lucky.
    The coupon was found from broadband compare if anyone interested, had to do a trick by copying coupon code from link provided by the website, and adding it to your own link because the original link simply didn’t work.

    • Did you have to transfer any other services to Slingshot or was it just for internet? Do you remember what the coupon code was / have a link to the offer?

      • No, but it’s a brand new home and I didn’t have any services before, don’t know if that makes any difference.
        I tried the promo link and this was in the url: “voucherCode=BBCOMPARE22”, seems to be the one I used, which essentially adds $22 discount, together with the power bundle $20 discount the broadband final price is $37.95.

        • The $37.95 deal is still available. I sort of mentioned it in my post at the end. You need to sign up via Broadband Compare for the deal. It adds a long token. If you just use the URL… you don't get the extra discount. Actually you don't any added discount for power, the extra discount disappears once you add power. (The $10 discount for 12 months is something you seem to get by default

          That said, as I also mentioned in my post you IMO got a worse deal. While the $37.95 sounds cool you get a $250 account credit if you skip BB Compare. (Well you can use the voucher code since it's irrelevant.) BB Compare is still slightly better but you also get a Bose Bluetooth Speaker or Nespresso if you skip BB Compare which IMO is probably worth the small difference. Note though, I have not looked into these offers in detail since I'm not interested in bundling power.

  • Do they only give you the router or include a satellite as well? Or is there an option to get router + satellite?

    • I couldn't find an option to add anymore so I think you'll have to buy them from somewhere. I'm considering switching and replacing my skinny router and tenda access points with this and a second unit. Might see a few of them on trade me from people flipping them bit knowing they technically have to return the thing in a year.

      Edit: looking around the cheapest satellite I can find is strangely from spark. Seems weird spark sell then when they don't use orbi routers, but 2degrees don't.

  • I signed up to this $65 unlimited 300/100 fibre per month on the Broadband Compare (BC) offer late last year. This was after Chorus emailed me its deal with 2degrees and BC for new home fibre 12 months contract plan signups. (includes free Amazon Prime video for the 12 months. But Ive activated it, but not set that up yet)). Seems to be good, with a current gen very high speed mesh wifi 6 Netgear model router free included. ($15 delivery fee thou)., I'm getting a fairly consistent 55 MBPS wifi download. (61 MBPS upload which I don't use much). This is on wifi to my old-ish android devices. I'm noting there is often quite a few seconds delay in getting the wifi to re-connect on my android devices.

  • My last bill for vodafone 2 year term should be generated next week and the bill should be 20th Dec until 19th Jan. I think i might just sneak in on this $65 deal as they can connect on the 19th!

  • Can you take the offer now but transfer after the date(Jan 22nd)?

    Like Feb 20th etc

    • You should be able to say when you want to switch over. It's how people avoid paying extra to their current ISP when they have a 30 day notice

      • That is my hope, given we pay Spark a month in advance right now :) Got to find out our termination date from them first

        • +1

          Do you mean you're finding out your billing date? If you're out of contract, I don't think you have to do the latter, many ISPs pro-rata your charge after your contract is up and only charge for the period you have service. So provided you give them the 30 days notice it doesn't matter if it's in the middle of your billing cycle, it sounds like this includes Spark

          If you mean you're telling them you want to cancel first, a common recommendation is don't do this. There's a risk your ISP (Spark here) may schedule disconnection with Chorus (or whoever). Then when you try to set up your churn, it will be rejected since a disconnection is scheduled. Worse is if whoever reads your request doesn't read properly and disconnects it right away even when you clearly say it's for the future.

          Instead, set up your move to 2degrees first, maybe 35 days in advance (or 30 days + ~2 days before your billing period if your ISP doesn't pro-rata if it's not for the whole month). Once 2degrees confirm your move, tell Spark you're changing ISP and so your service will be disconnected on X date but they should not need to do anything. Make sure you mention this is your 30 day notice. See e.g. this very old advice ironically from BigPipe…

          Note this won't apply if you're switching service e.g. from wireless or VDSL to fibre.

          • @Nil Einne: Looking at our invoice we are paying on the 12th of each month for services that go until the 21st of that month so it just makes it odd with pro-rata calculations for billing but shouldn't be an issue.

            Thanks for the help, will signup and get confirmation from 2D before telling Spark we will cancel their services.

            It does not matter if say we set the churn 3 weeks from now and pay Spark for 7-10 days extra service, alot easier than a day or two apart.

          • @Nil Einne: Chorus will allocate different lan ports on the ont for different providers/connections. Rather than both services having to squeeze on a single port,

            I don't think there is a risk of being rejected since a disconnection is scheduled. You can have 2 live connections from different providers at the same time.

            2 degrees sends an order to chorus who will then provide a confirmation of connection and which port is allocated. This will normally be port 2 if your current connection is on port 1.

            • @Bill: You can keep set it up as two connections if you want to further reduce risk but many people just churn on the same connection. I assume 2degrees can do this as well otherwise they wouldn't request your details from your existing provider (mentioned below). While adding a second connection reduces the risk if something goes wrong with the connection with your new provider, it makes it more difficult if your old provider screws up their disconnection. Since you still have an active connection, it might be more costly or harder to deal with if they keep failing to disconnect you and keep charging you. (If you've been disconnected it's likely a very difficult for them to claim you owe them anything more than the notice period and any termination fee.)

              Note that it doesn't really reduce the risk with the old provider if you have a notice period and you aren't willing to pay an extra ~30 days. Since you have to tell them 30 days in advanced, you can't wait until your new connection is working and the only cancel your connection with your old provider. You'll have to give them the 30 days notice which means your new connection will be schedule for ~28 days (or whatever) in the future. So they still have 28 days to prematurely disconnect you. As I understand it at least when I last looked into this maybe 3 years ago, if you are churning on the same port, once the churn is scheduled your old provider should not be able to schedule a disconnect so the risk is actually lower if things have been scheduled properly, although obviously we're only talking about this because they don't always do. And I'm sure that your RSP could still do something on their end to kill your connection even if your connection with Chorus is still all ago. However if something does go wrong this suggests your new provider is in part at fault and they hopefully have more incentive to fix things than the one you're leaving.

              But thinking about it more, if you have no notice period then it likely is better to just set it up as a new connection scheduling to match any billing period if need be. Then cancel the old when the new connection is working. Since you're old provider doesn't hear about a disconnection until after your connection is working, they shouldn't be able to screw up.

              And if your new provider screws up, well again they have more incentive to put things right so if they can't fix it in the extra days you've left maybe they'll give you credit for the extra you have to pay and at they very least they should be willing to schedule it 30 days in the future again while keeping any promotions etc. Not something I really considered as I've only dealt with notice periods before. (I wouldn't say this is foolproof though, fairly sure I've read stories of somehow this still going wrong on Geekzone.)

              See e.g.… and… and… for some limited discussion of the issues.

              Edit: Actually just noticed… from… It seems that one of problems was in the past it was indeed not possible to schedule a connection even on a new port if a disconnect had been scheduled. Meaning if you're losing service provider had scheduled a disconnect, it did not matter if your gaining service provider was trying to set it up for a new port, you're still SoL.

              But since February last year this is no longer the case and so if you are going to use two ports telling your old RSP before the new one isn't as risky as before. I suspect even if you're not specifically planning to use two ports, smart RSPs will set it up this way if need be (i.e. if you tell your losing RSP before your gaining one sets it up). So provided no one screws up it's less risky to tell your losing RSP before your gaining one than it used to be. (In the past, you could have had problems even if no one really screwed up. If you told your losing RSP I'm going to change on X date, perhaps it's not unreasonable for them to schedule a disconnect on that date. If your gaining RSP now can't schedule a connection even on a different port, that's not their fault either, it's a limitation of Chorus's old system.)

              You still have to consider the possibility of screw ups though why IMO it still makes sense to tell your gaining RSP before your losing one.

              • @Nil Einne: P.S. To be clear the above comments only deals with Chorus as the fibre provider. Just noticed the comments below mentioned Enable. I strongly suspect 2degrees can schedule churn on an existing port for Chorus too but haven't confirmed this,

                P.P.S. I suspect but I'm not sure, that before the multiple primaries change it may not have matter even if your gaining RSP was setting it up as a different port. Once they scheduled your connection even if to a different port, your losing RSP could not schedule a disconnect even on the other port. Now, if your gaining RSP does schedule it for a new port, I'm fairly sure your losing RSP is still able to schedule a disconnection for the old port so they could still disconnect you early. So this protection is lost if you set it up for a new port. Of course you only get this protection if your gaining RSP schedules your new connection. From what I understand, one of the problems is they don't always do so even if they tell you everything is set.

                • @Nil Einne: So the thing is, the LFC has to supply an agreed notice period to the losing provider if migrating on the same port. So I've had issues with mine as I can't move on a Sunday but that is when the billing cycle changes, 2degrees deferred to Monday and everytime I said move it to Friday it moved back for this reason. I managed to get it through eventually but we'll see tomorrow how successful it is. I have requested skinny cancel from Sunday so they know it's going, I just need the new service activated. I also got told 2degrees failed to supply my account details to the LFC despite me adding them, I guess the issue here is skinny said use my email address as they don't use account numbers and 2degrees probably just thought I was an idiot.

                  This is my third churn since getting fibre and none of them have gone right using the customer transfer option so I'm just not doing it again. I'm fortunate enough to know the right people to get it moving how it needs to but if I didn't I'd be really hacked off with the situation every time. The first time they put me on port 2 then when we moved house they killed the connection 2 weeks before we moved out while we was on holiday, when they relivened it it automatically went on to port 1 so all the smart home and security stuff didn't work anymore until I camoukd switch the cable.

                  That said next year I will be telling the losing provider I'm off and the new provider to provision on a second port 2 days before it's cut off. I shouldn't have to request insiders help to resolve what should be a basic request, this time I went through the official channels twice and then had to get someone involved at which point it was fixed in 5 minutes.

                  • @Everettpsycho: Wow that's disappointing but good to know. I have been jumping every year since almost 10yrs now and never had this kind of issue.

                    Most of the time I either select same day switch/terminate or 1 day advance activation and it has worked. Termination date is always the last day of my billing cycle.

                    PS. Never really used 2degrees though. Always had flip, orcon, slingshot, spark, stuff & skinny.

  • Have any existing customers successfully got this deal?

    Im worried they will try to start charging for my (free) static IP

    • +1

      IMO unless they tell you this will happen you're well within you rights to complain and tell them to go back to as it was before (including revoking your deal if needs be). Technically they could argue the free static IP was a courtesy they can revoke at any time so they don't have to give it back and although they moved so CG-NAT after you signed up, you're free to change away if it doesn't work for you but it seems too much of an unnecessary PR risk to me.

    • +1

      I'm interested what's the situation now.
      More than a year ago I managed to renew for 12 moths and keep my free IPv4 + get amazon prime $0 for 6 months.

  • Anyone on Contact Energy for electricity compared this with Contact's bundle plan?
    I'm on Contact's Good night plan on open term, and it offers me 3 months free broadband with no contract and $70 per month.
    Just wondering if there's any catch I need to be aware of.

    • Normally, power rates are higher when you bundle up with Contact. Not sure about it now.

  • FYI 2 Degrees charges $1.71 surcharge for credit chard bill payments

    • Yeah definitely something to factor in when doing overall cost calcs

  • Signed up through Broadband compare, but having trouble getting in touch with 2degrees (long wait times, no reply to emails) to find out when the connection will be active (and know when to cancel my existing connection).
    On the flipside, my existing provider (Slingshot) has been amazing and very easy to contact through online chat and offered to waive the 30 day notice period.
    Do I need my existing connection cancelled for the same day that my new connection will be active, or can there be a cross-over?

    • If you are in fibre you in theory can have two active connections at once using two ports on your ont. Not cmsure how much the providers like it but it does happen, I had it with previous switch overs

      2Degreees cinfir Ed I'll be active in Monday, that's great but my new month at skinny starts Monday. So either in going to be without in Sunday night or get billed an extra month for that day. Guess I'll have to sit in that phone queue tomorrow to ask if I can activate in Saturday instead.

    • +1

      as part of the signup process, 2DG ask who your current provider is and your account number with them. Presume they use that info to organise the handover.

      • +1

        They do, skinny doesn't have account numbers so said use my email address. The issue is my cutover date for the period is a Sunday and I don't think enable will provision new services or migrations on a Sunday just in case it goes wrong and there's no staff to fix it.

        I'll have to give then a call in the morning and see what I can do.

  • +1

    Thanks godcomplex, got the $65/mo 300/100 offer with $100 prezzy card and supergold discount of $5

    Comes to ~$52/mo for my parents with the prezzy card value taken into account saving them a ton.

    I also recommend anyone that has prime video links their account to to use the free twitch prime sub each month, costs bezos $2.50-3.50USD every time you subscribe to a streamer

  • Why on earth are providers so bad with call centres? Every time I've switched it's the I ky communication I ever have with them and it's a ruddy nightmare. Spent an hour on phone earlier to move my date forward to avoid entering another bill cycle with skinny which the csr did. They then emailed me 10 minutes later saying it's moved back to the old date. Another hour on the phone to get an answer to what was a simple question I already asked.

    It's really not a good look that the first dealing with them is so awful every time. I always wonder is moving was even the best idea how much of a pain communicating with them is. This is the third time I've moved supplier and every single time there's been something not done properly causing issues.

  • I'm a bit confused about whats going on..

    NZCompare called us and arranged the signup and transfer to 2D from Spark on the 18th which we booked for late Feb and told us we could inform Spark. We get a welcome email that day from 2D with our 'requested connection date'

    "We’ll be in touch again over the next few days with an update on your modem, your online account and to confirm when you’ll be up and running, so keep an eye on your inbox."

    and another 2D email the same minute saying 'Good news – we’ve booked your fibre connection date!'.

    Spark as of right now(20th) can't see a porting request, does 2D do their credit check etc first before confirming or has something possibly been mucked up?

  • +1

    New T&Cs…

    sign up to the 2degrees Unlimited Broadband Plan on a 12-month term you will be eligible for a $250 Joining Credit and Prime Video on Us for 6 months; or
    sign up to the 2degrees Ultimate Unlimited Broadband Plan on a 12-month term, you will be eligible for a $300 Joining Credit and Prime Video on Us for 6 months.

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