1-day has this great offer for this wheelbarrow for less than $70.
However, the bulky shipping cost kinda kills this deal a bit.
1-day has this great offer for this wheelbarrow for less than $70.
However, the bulky shipping cost kinda kills this deal a bit.
I was ALMOST sold on this after reading some full reviews, which it does an excellent job on. But they only use it for like a week.
But after reading owner reviews I realised it should have an aluminium bin. That steel bin is going to scratch the paint off in seconds and rust in its intended purpose.
At the $65 price I would have bought one, but not for the real $150 price.
Edit: Oh the reviews are all fully accessorised now and I just realised the wagon kit isn't part of this one. Which would have been a big part of what I wanted it for.
I would purchase it if it wasn't for the bulky shipping price.
if you pay for 1mnt club - its cheaper then shipping, but still have 60 bulk charge
Only way this would be worth it is if you were purchasing multiple oversize items as shipping cost will stay the same.
I never owned a wheelbarrow this might be the time to change that.