A great companion for your travels and the daily commute. The Uniden R3NZ Radar Detection is the best all-round highest performing windshield mounted detector on the market offering internal GPS for red light camera protection and also the ability to mark and ignore fixed false alerts. The R3NZ also has the best K Band filter on the market offering the least number of false alerts from the other vehicles BSM & ACC K Band sensors. Uniden's R3NZ Radar Laser detectors protect you in both directions. They come preloaded with the NZ Pole and red-light Camera database for detection of these non-radar speed traps. The quiet ride function enables a speed to be set below which you don't want activation; making city driving through areas that trigger K band false signals a quiet ride. Simply use the Promo Code DAILYSTEAL at the cart page to unlock this deal for today only, hurry before they’re all gone!
Uniden R3NZ GPS Radar Detector $799 + Shipping / $0 CC @ PB Tech

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Although your point is valid, and people should drive safely etc - if you drive a lot its the demerits which are the problem more so than the fines, if you get to many even small transgressions overtime you can end up with to many quite easily and then you have a real problem.
You get 20 for going 61 in a 50 and anyone who claims they dont do this from time to time is most likely lying. If your driving a lot or say like a courier or sales rep all day every working day 5 of those in 2 years is quite feasible. You can get big demerits for things like leaving a log book at home, then you can literally lose your licence for 5km over if it tips you. Not defending those things, but you can see why people do buy these things.
Thanks for the feedback, all valid points there.
If you are speeding so much to justify this price, maybe slow down or you might die….
Also speeding uses so much more fuel!
Yeah, radar detectors are interesting. I don't consider myself a slow driver but you'd have to be pretty unlucky to get pinged enough for the math to work.
Back in 2020, when these were new(ish) they were selling for a daily deal of $719 - very unusual for tech to increase in price.police should need to focus on more other things instead of just speeding (i mean speeding is bad but not as bad as robbery and assulting which we do see everyday now in NZ).
Reverse the argument. If people didn't speed, police could focus on other things…
Not that I can talk, I got one on Mother's day. 62 in a 50… $80. But that's on me.
What a stupid comment this is. The law is the law. It doesn't matter how perfect the conditions are - there is no excuse to speed…
You mad people break the law bro? Must suck eh because you would be lying if you've said you've never sped.
Some Cheapies really are NPC level normies.
i always think the speed limit is too stupid in most time. Like in Auckland, in traffic hours, the speed limit is 100km/h, with that much traffic, most car could only go 60km/h most of the time, but you do see some idiots going faster and switch lanes dangerously, though, they are not over the speed limit. While at night time, there is nearly no traffic on the motor way and the speed limit is still 100km/h, I mean the road is straight, flat and quiet, if no speed limit, it's pretty much safe to drive over 200km/h while the speed limit is only 100km/h, which means half of the time is wasted on driving because of the speed limit. I think the speed limit should be changed due to the condition of the road, not like the same all the time.
@tomgeniewang: While I agree that we should drive to the condition of the road. But even if the road is straight, flat, quiet, driving at 200km/h is definitely NOT safe.
If for whatever reason you need to slowdown / stop (for instance someone changes into your lane), the distance required to slowdown/stop, is MUCH more than this distance required to slowdown/stop at 100km/h which is often underestimated, causing accidents.
If you're travelling 200km/h (even at 150km/h) on the motorway, and a car decides to change into your lane (and they are travelling at 100km/h), good luck stopping in time before hitting them. Other drivers make mistakes, other drivers can misjudge the speed which you're going at.
@genesis: @genesis133
If misjudge happens, accident will happen even if just driving 100km/h, and it's just the severity will be different. In German, they have highway without speed limit, the autobahns. Even in China, they just remove the demerit points penalty or fine if the speed is under 120% of the speed limit on motorways last year, which means, in the 120km/h zone, which is the highest speed limit, there will be no demerit points penalty or fine if driving under 144km/h. Driver will only get a warning if get caught.
But as I said, when there is traffic, I think the speed limit should be lower. I hope there will be one day that it could use a computer to inspect the traffic and calculate the most ideal speed limit in real time. What you say does make sense that it's definately not safe if a driver change lane when driving 100kph in front of a car driving 180kph. However, I only think it should be allowed to drive very fast when there is nealy no traffic on the motorway. When there is nealy no traffic, it is very unlikely the car will change to passing lane when there is no cars in front of him.All the technology and is allowing the cars to go faster, all the roads are built to allow cars to go faster. I don't think it's right to keep reducing the speed limit
The problem is they only work when the cops radar is switched on. It's a well known fact that cops don't drive around with their radar on all day, and turning it on and off from their car takes literally half a second, quicker than you can brake. Most cops that are parked up will flick the switch to turn it on when they suspect a car is breaking the speed limit. If you've seen the cop before he sees you then great, if he saw you first, game over, radar or not.
Actually, I guess you could brake fast enough when the police car switch on the radar. I did it once when the police car was right behind me and I was going down a steep slope with my foot on the brake but I didn't brake as my radar detector didn't beep. I was doing over 80km/h on a 60 zone and suddenly my detector beeps and I just hard braked. Hard brake like if there was a car just 2 seconds behind me that it could definitely hit on me. I could see the police laughing from my rear mirror but I got away. He switched the radar off after I braked as my detector stops beeping.
The reason I don't brake is because there is a steep slope going up right afterwards, If there is no police car, most people will speed there, to save the petrol and brake.
There doesn't seem to be much chat re is this a deal. For that side of things:
This model (at least a few years ago) was a pretty high end, I use the R7 and its range isn't an issue so R3 will be good to, just use highway mode all the time, don't need to worry about K band.
For my comment on all the other chat:
I like how these are legal, as soon as it start blipping at you (even if that cop is 2km away or on another road) you instantly go the speed limit, as others have mentioned this is not normally what most drivers do in the 50 zones so in a way they actually help slow speeding.These sure have increased in price over the years.use to be able to get premium models for well under 200
I use the DFR3 that I got for USD 99 from Amazon USA. Does the job on KA on police cars. I finish work 6.30am those highway patrol cars, usually blue before most of them are red that just came out from the station when they start their shifts 6am are notorious, most if not all of them have their radar on. They are doing their job great by stopping people for going 60 on 50 zones. One time I passed by 3 squad cars about few minutes away from one another all their radar are on in that time of the day.
What's a typical speeding ticket for say 110km/hr in 100 zone?
Like how often are you getting tickets that you need to spend $800 on a detector?