Weber Baby Q Black Q1000
Price: $300.32 + free delivery to NZ
Requires prime membership
Cheapest price in NZ seems to be $449. Lower than previous deal of around $359 NZD on Amazon. Previous Amazon price: $418.28 before 28% off for Prime Day.
Weber Baby Q Black Q1000
Price: $300.32 + free delivery to NZ
Requires prime membership
Cheapest price in NZ seems to be $449. Lower than previous deal of around $359 NZD on Amazon. Previous Amazon price: $418.28 before 28% off for Prime Day.
I see $313.98 w/ free delivery to NZ address, but you can use the 23SHOP coupon in the app - if you've not made a purchase on there before - for $10.75 off, which does bring it perilously close to the original $300 mark.
I see that option on my browser, the coupon is 10PRIME and lowers it to $289.57. I'm using web browser, is the price cheaper there?
better hurry Only 1 left in stock.
Is there an easy hack to get an Australian Billing address (assuming I don't have anyones in Australia I can use)? In order to get Prime it says I need an Aus billing address. Cheers
Just use a random address.
When completing checkout it says wont deliver to my NZ address.
How do you manage to get that price? That price only shows up if I enter an Australian delivery address, when I choose to deliver to a NZ address it’s a different price?