This was posted 1 year 7 months 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

50% off Selling General Items, Cars & Motorbikes (Casual Sellers) @ Trade Me


50% off selling – Sat 12 August

  • For general items, all cars & motorbikes

Things you need to know

General items:

  • This promotion is available to casual sellers only (not in-trade).
  • Applies to general item listings only.
  • Discount applies to success fees only, any other applicable listing fees still apply.
  • Relists started on Saturday 12 August 2023 are included, but relists after this date are not. Only applies for the first listing period.
  • Car parts are included, however large machinery listed in the 'Business, farming and industry' category are not (e.g. tractors and trailers).
  • Full terms and conditions(


  • This promotion is available to casual sellers only (not RMVT registered, and lists less than 10 vehicles in any 12 month period).
  • Applies to used car and motorbike listings on a basic listing type only.
  • Relists after 90 days aren't included. Only applies to used car listings created on Saturday 12 August.
  • Applies only to cars and motorbikes (not to other vehicle types, e.g. campervans and boats).
  • This offer is non-transferable.

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closed Comments

  • ok this is a most random comment I know, but the last two times I have gone to make a fixed price offer at the end of an auction (which did not sell, but did have watchers) and it’s loaded the offer at the reserve price! - because it defaults to populating that field.

    I’ve done it twice now which is silly on me, but the UI doesn’t offer a validation step before submitting the offer and I didn’t get to input a lower value.

    • I've made that mistake before too, not editing the offer price before making the FPO. Pretty annoying.
      It pre-populates the buy now price if you have a buy now.

      • Yeah I contacted them about it last time as I’d had enough. No confirmation step prior to releasing the offer. Super frustrating as there goes the hope of selling this round when your offer price is higher than the reserve?!

    • +1

      I have made the same mistake aswell, very frustrating. I had previously wondered what people were thinking when I got fixed price offers higher than what I could have purchased the item for at Start/Reserve when the auction closed, but now I understand, just bad Trademe programming.

      • So glad it's not just me.

        I'm almost certain I've missed sales because of this situation.

  • Not as good as free but I have some stuff to get rid off so good timing!

    • They had free selling last month so unlikely to have that again for a little while. Seems to be a few months break in between those.
      The 50% off are a lot more frequent.

  • +3

    Trademe fees are outrageous - recently been selling a few things on FB Marketplace - while you gotta deal with "Hello is this available", people tend to pay the same if not more than what I'd get on trademe!

    For example, sold a hydraulic jack - no interest on trademe, buyers lining up on FB for only $15 below retail price

    • +1

      Yep it’s definitely fallen away.

      Someone said the address verification process ended a while back. Trademe at least had an option to filter out the randoms previously.

      Also they still won’t let you search in multiple locations. It’s pathetic I have to repeat the same search for each surrounding area when looking for cars etc. it’s either whole of north island for me or step through multiple individual locations 🙄

      • Which is stupid because the New/Used option supports it as does the fuel and body type filter!

    • +2

      Trademe is definitely falling behind in UI, options, and what a good site needs. Feels like other than redoing the site they' re not really into improving it further like so many categories missing.

  • I don't get how the TM new site and app can be so bad…have never come across another site that started "improvements" and several years later it's still not running well. That said, I luckily have access to the Old (super easy to navigate) site.

    To assist those with making fpo s - use browser/desktop site when doing anything you need to double check. I use app ONLY to upload my photos from phone.

    Making fpos - I use desktop - click unsold - fixed price offer to right hand side of item - then you can enter amount - next AND then you get to confirm

    Thanks for all the heads ups for discount selling fee days…much appreciated CC guys

    • Yup always use the desktop and I use (with BoltBait Plugin Pack( to enhance, crop and drop quality so its under the 5mb per photo limit

      Don't for get you can use "My Products" to get your listings ready and then activate them tomorrow.
      Recommend activating them in the afternoon or early evening if you want the end time to be afternoon/evening or want to manually set the listing duration to 10 days
      see comments here:

  • How do people know when the trademe discounted selling days are forthcoming?

    Is there something I can sign-up for? Thanks all!

    • There is nothing I know you can sign up for - apart from keeping an eye on Cheapies!
      I simply search Google to try and find out when they have listed a selling day and then post it if I find it. I also test out the generic promo links like the one in this deal. Nothing more than that.

      You could set an email alert on Cheapies?
      Simply, search the deal posts for ‘Trade Me’ and you will see an option to create an alert.

      • Thank you Mr big cheese!

        I had no idea about alerts. Is that something based on key terms or a user or something else?

        Thank you for your advice!

        • You can set an alert for anything you like.
          In the example I gave putting the words ‘Trade Me’ will send you an email anytime someone posts something on the site with those words. To add additional alerts just put in different key words.

          If you wish to subscribe to a particular user then you can do that too by clicking on their username and then their avatar. An option to ‘subscribe’ then comes up.

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