This was posted 1 year 7 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Musashi High Protein Powder 900g (Vanilla, Caramel, Chocolate) $20 @ PAK'n SAVE Mill St (+ Instore Pricematch at The Warehouse)


Set store to Mill Street, Hamilton Lake, Hamilton 3204

Three flavours to choose from.


Some feedback on this product here

The Warehouse has all three, but the caramel flavour is available online only.


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closed Comments

  • Link not working?

    • Did you change store?

      • Yeah, just wasn't working on my phone, weirdly. Thanks for posting!

  • +1

    Some other deals:

    Sorbent Silky White Tissues 224pk - 3 for $5 (Porirua)…

    Ferrero Collection Chocolates 172g 15pk $4.99 (Royal Oak)…

    • Those Ferreros are shortdated I believe, or at least the ones they were selling last week were

      • Could do a price-match at The Warehouse if that is the case.

        • I've tried. The chat operator responded they won't price match grocery. :(

  • Anyone successful price match online. The agent I tried says can't do price match online for grocery items

    • +1

      Got lucky with another agent and was able to price matched

  • really wish we could price match.. would love to buy a few kgs of this stuff

  • +3

    Mill Street is in Hamilton for anyone else having trouble working out which store to set. ;)

  • +2

    This is $1 per serve. INC concentrate is better value when it's on sale at 85c/serve.

    I personally prefer the isolate though.

  • +1

    Managed to get price match from The Warehouse.

    • In-store or via chat?

      • +1

        Via chat online

  • +1

    TWH made it online only :/

  • Managed to get 6 via chat. Then click and collect at store closest to me.

  • Chemist Warehouse( link for those that would want to Price beat iy from here. Don't forget they beat it by 10% so it comes down to $18

    • +3

      They don't beat by 10%, they beat by 10% of the difference, So like 20 cents.

      Source: Me trying to price beat Costco.

      • I stand corrected. :D

        Warehouse chemist is $54.99 so there's a $34.99 difference so should come down to $16.51 (20-3.49). I'm going to try swing by later tonight. Will let you know how it goes.

        • Oooh let us knw how u go, mine closes at 9, will be worth making a late trip for

          • +2

            @quote: I managed to get 2 from the CW in St Lukes. For $17 ea (66% off, think it rounded down from $17.99). Manager didn't look too impressed though so I reckon get in quick before they might take it away.

      • Mine was $18 ¯⁠\⁠⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠⁠/⁠¯

    • +2

      Wrong product I think. These( are the right ones

      • Nice thank you. I had too many tabs opened and linked the wrong one. xD

    • Can they price beat pak n save hamilton if youre in another city?

      • When mill St did the electric toothbrushes for $20 (rrp $99). I got 2 and they honored it. But I'll go in and check. As quote said above, def worth the trip before they sell out.

  • +1

    Chemist warehouse glen innes said they can’t price match with mill street as not in auckland. Sad.

    • +2

      They're going against their own FAQ page which clearly states "At Chemist Warehouse if you find a cheaper price on the same item at another New Zealand Registered Pharmacy or New Zealand Retailer with a physical store in NZ we will match it and give you 10% off the difference."
      So as long as it's in NZ…

    • damn i didnt know chemist warehouse does price matches

  • Went to chemist warehouse in Wellington, they only let me get 1 for $18 (was trying to get 1 of each flavour) seems odd but better than nothing

  • Grabbed 4 today with pricematch instore at the warehouse

  • Just grabbed 2 from The Warehouse Pakuranga, they were happy to do it. I believe there was around 4 left

  • cheers i just picked up 6 of them instore

  • If you live near a bargain chemist, you could try your luck there. I think they do the same price beat as chemist warehouse but max 3.
    Bargain Chemist( musashi search. Website is showing in stock in quite a few stores.

    Haven't tried price matching to mill St, but if you're near one, worth a try.

    • They only price match other pharmacys. Source: tried last week

  • I went into the warehouse and they said they will not pricematch it because its not a local syore in Tauranga. Can they do that?. The lady even agreed that she is going against the online policy and says they have their own policy.?. These decisions they make have to be the most down buzzing embarrassing moments ever

    • We might have gone to the same store. Try The Warehouse Cameron Road or Chemist Warehouse Bethlehem. TWH Cameron Road has some short dated ones for $30 too

      • Thank you. Ill head into Bethlehem tomorrow on my smoko. Love that theres another Tauranga member here. I may have to see what local deals youd knoe/ reccomend.

  • +1

    Yay the warehouse price matched me online - only got 1 though as didn’t want all the cheapies to miss out 😆😆

  • Just grabbed a couple from Paraparaumu, they weren't happy. Spent about 10 mins looking up the deal and tried to suggest that perhaps it couldn't be done because the store wasn't local. I just answered that their policy just states NZ based retailer and they finally gave in saying they would have to call Pak n Save to see how they can sell it at that price!

  • +1

    TWH just price matched me then moved it to OOS while it was still in my basket..

    Told them it doesn't seem fair and essentially got told 'I apologise, the item must have been purchased by another customer in that time. Due to the number of orders, we are not able to hold stock for items that are in carts but not paid for'.

    Which one of you took my protein! 😆

    • +1

      probs me ! was lucky to get 2 of each

  • Only chocolate available at Hillcrest (Hamilton) when I went yesterday. Staff were flabbergasted by the price difference.

  • Cw pakuranga wouldnt match. Went away saying they will call mill street PNS to make sure not dated stock, and then came back saying PNS had no stock available so wont match.

  • Chemist Warehouse Sylvia Park also wouldn't honour it saying PNS is out of stock even though I could still add it to my cart :(

  • +1

    Chemist Warehouse New Lynn (Auckland) had no issues honoring the deal, except they would only give me 1x per flavour, so I walked out with 3 tubs @ $17 each

    I just had the PnS page up on my phone and showed them the page and they were happy with that

    • Damn so lucky of you!

  • +1

    Price at Mill St has gone up to $39.99

    • Just aswell i still have the pricematch in my warehouse cart!. Just gotta wait for more stock and thats me haha. I better wait till theres adleast 6 tubs available lol.

      • They're available online now. Just ordered mine haha

        • How many did you score. Im still waiting for more quantities lol

          • @KassyT: Dont change the quantity! If u change quantity then the price will reset back to normal. U can only buy what u have in your cart after the staff price matches your cart.

            • @penguinez: Ive been changing it and the price changes alongside with it.

              • @KassyT: Oh ok. I tried it once before but it changed the total for me. If its working for u then go for the gold haha

                • @penguinez: Sweet must be a good winner app for me atm haha.

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