• expired

Purchase Any Two 18" or Larger Michelin Tyres, Get $100 Costco Shop Card @ Costco Westgate (Instore Only, Membership Required)


Saw this at Costco, not the greatest of deals but might be worth it for someone already needing to change tyres.

Not sure if it doubles if you're getting all 4, or you need to make two separate trips - someone let us know if they're making use of this please!

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closed Comments

  • Do you know if their $100 off 2 tyres is still on?

    • Didn't spot anything else, but was also not looking hard for anything else, this one just caught my eye.

      Not in Auckland at the moment anymore either, so hopefully someone else who's popping in can confirm or deny?

    • Looks like $60 off 2 now for Primacy 4, not sure about others, FYI

  • This is actually great timing since I just had a nail on my tyre on tuesday that ended up with TyreCity ripping me a new one for two back tyres since, luckily, they didnt have stock for four tyres. I will pop by Costco and investigate further. Thanks again!

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