Has anybody had any luck signing up lately with any of the guides lately?
I have tried a few VPNs and every time I select Turkey or India I get a message from Youtube saying we are unable to detect your location.
Has anybody had any luck signing up lately with any of the guides lately?
I have tried a few VPNs and every time I select Turkey or India I get a message from Youtube saying we are unable to detect your location.
My Argentinian one from years ago is still working. As for signing up a new account, I had to use a residential vpn such as Tuxler.
Ukraine's a good shout, minimal rules around the cards you can use. It's a bit more expensive but I just did it to save the fussing about.
Thailand also good been working for me past 4 months.
family plan from Turkey and I used NordVPN
I'm still using my argentinian one from years ago. Ozbargain is the place to go for directions.
Cheers managed to change from thighland to Ukraine
My annual plan, purchased through Turkey last year through this deal https://www.cheapies.nz/node/39405, is set to expire early next month.
Looking at the recent posts on the OZ Bargain link I guess I wont have much luck renewing so will look at those other options
India works fine for me via iTunes. Works out cheaper than Turkey since they increased their pricing.
Why do people pay for Youtube Premium? To block ads or what? I get it if people want to pay for Netflix, but what's so special about Youtube premium? I use Revanced on Android and can watch everything without ads at all, I get sponsorblock as well and all the other nice tweaks. On PC, those same extensions can be installed as well.
YT Music as well but mainly convenience. Many devices in our house, TVs in particular aren't fun to mess with so it's path of least resistance. Nice to just log in and not screw around. I'm time poor so I don't want to have to worry about playing whack-a-mole with YT when I watch a lot.
With kids, you can't be bothered to do all hackery and accept it to work. Secondly as mentioned above you don't have the luxury for all devices like TV, Car, Amazon/Google devices etc.
Also, my kids don't have patience for the ad to finish and keeps pressing play lol.
Finally, we use youtube music everywhere so it's a no brainer to have it at this cost.
Because at $3 a month for the whole family to block all the ads and get YouTube music it's probably the best value video or music service around, the fact you get both I wonder why anyone subscribes to Spotify. Even at full NZ price I'd say the combined service is reasonable value. Problem is the free tier on offer and things like vanced diminish the perceived value of the premium tier and that's why Google's been clamping down in things like ad blocker.
I see. Well I don't get ads with Spotify either on phone or PC, but yeah I get that not everyone is techy or has the time to implement these solutions.
I won't subscribe to youtube on principal now that they're going after adblockers. Also, ubo has now been auto-updating its lists every 6 hours for a while now on versions 1.34 or later so I have never experienced a point where the lists haven't caught up to google yet.
Afraid I can't get behind the complaints about them going after ad blockers. Hosting data is expensive and the overheads of running YouTube are enormous. It's not something that is remotely sustainable unless there is some form of revenue to pay for it, so either users have to pay for the content, those posting have to pay to store video, or we get ads.
This attitude of entitlement to free services doesn't exist in the physical world but people seem to think online should be free, but someone has to pay for it somehow. If you stopped paying for a service like the internet you'd absolutely expect them to cut you off and I don't get why the expectation with things like YouTube is any different. If everyone used as blockers on it it would be shutdown very quickly as it would bleed money.
@Everettpsycho: I agree.
I only watch YT videos on my main TV (personally, I can't stand watching video on small screens that are close to me - each to their own though). I have never subscribed, and currently would not consider subscribing, to YT.
I used to watch far more, but with the increase in frequency / duration of the ads, I have reduced the amount I watch substantially.
That's how it should work. They have increased the price to me (amount of advertising), and I have reduced my consumption of their product.
If it turns out they have made a mistake and by increasing the advertising they make less profit (through reduced consumption), they will either work that out and adjust accordingly, or someone else will usurp their position, and YT will lose market share. All good with me whatever the outcome.
@Alan6984: Revanced works on Android TV, which blocks ads. And if you use Revanced on an Android phone, you can easily cast to TV. Shouldn't ever run into ads on Youtube no matter the device.
@Everettpsycho: Ads only make sense when you're being sensible about it. Putting a 30s ad on a 25s video makes no sense. There are plenty of other reasons why people complained about this.
Also, for a company that's worth trillions of dollars, they can afford it so who cares.
Can't recall which free VPN I used but managed to sub through a Vietnam server for aprox $5.50nz per month. YT keep blocking cheaper options of India/Turkey.
Anyone else get booted from their Youtube Premium the last few days? Absolutely gutted.
Wondered if it was due to using a Visa. I can't seem to redeem Turkish giftcards with the account either, though tbh I haven't tried redeeming them with a VPN on
I specifically signed up to TSB just so I could get a mastercard debit card, there are a few mastercard cc options but the debit card is probably the easiest solution.
I'm still subscribed to Argentina from a few years ago, feel bad for them - inflation is through the roof
I joined Revolut the other day hoping that I could get a Mastercard from there, but unfortunately they only offer Visa to NZ. Signing up to TSB might have to be the way to go!
I have an SBS mastercard debt card due to being one of the only with zero annual fees. Works well for Argentina YouTube premium once visa stopped working.
Just signed up through Ukraine, appeared to accept my amex card no questions asked. Might fail on billing next month I guess.
Have you tried using Apple gift card from Amazon IN to subscribe? Follow below guide.
Anyone successfully renew their Youtube Premium plans recently? our annual sub just expired, have tried methods suggested on cheapies/ozbargain but haven't been able to get it going.
(using NordVPN)
Can someone please advise how i can get YT Premium?
- vpn to use
- which country
- which nz cards can be used?
Still working for me in Turkey. Used NordVPN, Turkey, BNZ debit visa and now Dosh. Been going for over a year now. Family account. Monthly payment. Around $6.
Thanks @Wakrak ill give it a try.
any other free VPN i can use rather than paying?
My Argentina one still going strong, and I'm not touching it as its my most valuable subscription. Family plan is like $7 a month or something which is a great deal.
Got an email overnight….
Your YouTube Premium membership was canceled because we believe the signup country of Ukraine was inaccurate.
Had been working fine since set up in Feb (see my earlier reply above) billing through Amex card
unlucky.. still going (for now) and is my most valuable subscription.. use it pretty much everryday
Same here. Turkish payment went out two days ago.
Might have to give a Turkey sign up a go then
I would recommend to use the VPN to the payment country once a month or so. Try to keep a device separately for this specific task if possible, so that it won't be in NZ one minute and another country next.
This is not really an hard requirement, but I have seen that it might be beneficial in long run. Atleast if there is a check of home country access, your account won't get flagged.
I would recommend to use the VPN to the payment country once a month or so. Try to keep a device separately for this specific task if possible, so that it won't be in NZ one minute and another country next.
I agree with this - I use a VM myself to periodically connect to YouTube, and I never let it connect to the wider world except via the VPN (even for OS updates), so it is always 'in' Argentina (at least until that option gets denied, and I have to re-locate elsewhere!)
No idea how important this is (if at all), but it seemed like an obvious and trivial thing to do.
India family plan has been working for me since 2019. My payment method (ASB Visa) expires in a couple of months so I'm a bit concerned that will be the end of a good run - this is what killed my cheap Netflix sub. Any tips on updating the card?
Update - India sub still working but price is going up to 299 inr (still only ~$5 nzd)
Yup. Got the agreement email today.
OK, after a morning of research and trying all sorts of VPN country and card combos, it seems the crackdown is real
However, I may have found a new and still cheap way….. gamsgo.com
Essentially, it seems you're buying in to a YouTube family plan, they manage, with randoms. No VPN random sign up process needed. Just paid $40.14 for 6 months, so $6.69 per month. They also offer other subscription services too (Netflix, Spotify, Duolingo(?) etc.)
They give you a Youtube join link straight away. Needed a quick chat with their their online support to get up and running (had to delete the foreign payment profiles from my Google account) but I'm now back in the game with a Premium subscription.
From what I can see, although you can see the names and emails of the other randoms also joined to the shared plan they cant see your viewing history / access your account / change anything. Please correct me if my understanding of the family plan membership is wrong.
While the research I did on gamsco this morning was largely positive, dont all jump in at once, ill see how it goes and report back in a few days.
Waiting to hear your feedback on this website.
So it's been a week or so since I signed up and sorted out adding my account to the family plan link they provided.
No issues at all, its been working fine.
This appears to be a valid and still cheap method that also keeps your YouTube account domiciled in New Zealand, removing the risk of cancellation.
So you just have to make a payment every 6 months?
@L3tstaxth1s: You can pay for 6, 12 or 24 months and there’s an option to auto renew. I presume they will send a reminder if you don’t choose that.
I just went with 6 month no auto renew to try it out but assuming it keeps going fine will go longer next time.
@Madao: Hi, my Youtube Premium has just been cancelled by Google, have you received the same notification email from them? Thanks.
@txf: Interesting, yes I had the same. Also another email that one of the people in the group has left too. I will try and contact gamsgo support today. Will be interesting to see how quickly they resolve. I'd paid for another 12 months only a couple weeks ago.
@txf: OK, so i logged in to my account and looked at my subscriptions. You can report the issue straight from there. It says not to leave the family group and it will take ~5 days to restore. Lost days will be compensated.
Clocks now ticking, lets see what happens next.
Thank you for your feedback, I just joined as well, I'm sick of all the ads on Youtube.
which vpn are you using?