• long running

93 Free IP TV Channels with Samsung TV Plus on Selected 2016-2023 Samsung Devices @ Samsung

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This has been bothering me for a while as I turned it on a while back but I hated navigating through the channels trying to work out what's there.

Today I found the website (linked) but it's not in a nice table, which we know I like ;)

¹ Available for free on 2016 – 2023 Samsung Smart TVs, Galaxy devices, Smart Monitors, Family Hub refrigerators, and the web.

You do need to enable it on your tv and it requires an internet connection for your tv.

Searchable list of channels below.

Number Channel Name Channel Number
1 DAZN 1630
2 Cricket Gold 1631
3 PGA Tour 1632
4 Outdoor Channel 1638
5 Fuel TV 1639
6 Trace Sports Stars 1640
7 Red Bull TV 1641
8 INFAST 1650
10 INWONDER 1652
11 INWILD 1653
12 MAVTV Motorsports Network 1660
13 MTRSPT1 11661
14 FIFA+ 1629
15 Motorsport.tv 1663
16 Horse & Country 1665
17 NatureTime 1097
18 Real Crime 1120
19 True Crime Now 1125
20 History & Warfare Now 1130
21 History Hit 1135
22 Magellan TV Now 1140
23 Smithsonian Channel 1145
24 PBS History 1150
25 WaterBear 1152
26 Bloomberg Originals 1156
27 Real Stories 1158
28 Wonder 1160
29 Real Life 1162
30 Real Wild 1164
31 Pulse TV 1166
32 The Movie Hub 1003
33 Holiday Movies 1004
34 RCM 1175
35 Action Hollywood Movies 1180
36 Bounty 1185
37 Vevo Christmas 1005
38 Vevo Pop 1833
39 Vevo Retro Rock 1834
40 Vevo 2K 21835
41 Vevo Country 1836
42 Vevo 70s 701837
43 Vevo 80s 801838
44 Vevo 90s 901839
45 Now 70s 701850
46 Now 80s 801851
47 Now 90s 901852
48 Trace Urban 1860
49 Kartoon Channel 1895
50 Duck TV 1905
51 ZooMoo 1910
52 PBS Kids 1915
53 RYAN and FRIENDS 1920
54 Throwback TV 1000
55 Entertainment Hub 1001
56 The Chat Show Channel 1295
57 Life Down Under 1315
58 Nosey 1320
59 Alien Nation by DUST 1325
60 HauntTV 1330
61 Dry Bar Comedy 1335
62 Made in Hollywood 1340
63 Pet Club TV 1360
64 The Nanny 1006
65 MythBusters 1070
66 Baywatch 1075
67 Melrose Place 1077
68 Shark Tank 1078
69 Conan O’Brien TV 1079
70 Wicked Tuna 1080
71 Married With Children 1082
72 Deal or No Deal 1085
73 Hardcore Pawn 1089
74 Wipeout Xtra 1095
75 Bondi Vet 1097
76 The Biggest Loser 1102
77 FearFactor 1105
78 Ghost Hunters 1107
79 Four in a Bed 1109
80 Bloomberg TV 1019
81 Bloomberg Originals 1156
82 Breaking News 1024
83 Euronews World 1040
84 GB News 1050
85 ausbiz 1053
86 Tastemade 1400
87 The Design Network 1401
88 Homeful Channel 1403
89 Travelxp 1405
90 Gusto TV 1410
91 Power Nation 1425
92 Motorvision.TV 1432
93 Revry 1435

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  • +1

    Just not sure if this is actually a deal OP because this has always been free?

    edit. Free since 2022

  • +1

    Thanks BTF, always love your tables.

  • +5

    It is a beautiful table. Nice proportions, elegantly formatted, and just a hint of…. well, I can only describe it as, je ne sais quoi.

    It is a challenge to improve on (near) perfection, but perhaps the titles should be fully capitalised. I know, I know, I am being picky, but at this end of the 'table quality' market, it all comes down to very minor things.

    • I grinned reading that :P

      Have dutifully fixed the titles.

      • +3

        You sir, are a gentleman, and so it pains me, pains me more than you might believe, and I would understand your skepticism regarding my professed pain, but:


        makes me want to cry a tear.

        • Wipe away the tears, resolved :)

  • +1

    So Samsung and LG have it - what about Sony for my 'old' x90j?

  • +2

    Worth it for Conan O’brien TV alone

  • +1

    This isn't on my s23 ultra and can't be downloaded from the play store… anyone have any ideas? This would be handy. Great post OP

    • +1

      Same I have a S23 Ultra and was able to fihd/load the Samsung TV plus APK but I get "this service is not available in your country"?

      • +1

        You need to install any VPN with North America as your location, preferably the USA. It will work like a charm after that.

        • OK so to watch the IPTV channels you will need a US VPN?

  • Be careful if trying to get this working on a PC like I did.
    Found an app gameloop, which apparently does it, so I installed it.
    I normally ALWAYS google apps before I install them, but didnt in this case, well it turns out gameloop is by Tencent and may contain malware.
    Luckily I made a macrium image of my C drive yesterday, so just restored it and all is ok now.

  • Thanks!, I had no idea this service existed. I don't know if it is region locked as to not work in NZ (I don't have a Samsung TV so I was just trying on my S21 Ultra. However I found some IPTV links online and added them to my media server (plex, jellyfin), lots of great channels here.

    • +1

      do you have a list of those IPTV links? I run mediaportal so I can access them from there.

      • All the links at https://i.mjh.nz/, Matt Huisman, the guy who runs this, has a pretty good blog regarding Kodi IPTV.

        There's a ton of other services there that there. Even has the NZ Freeview channels, however they don't work (note, it will be a bit finnicky with jellyfin since ffmpeg doesn't support the EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY tag)

        All the m3u8 playlists and XML guide data is separated really nicely, ie. for Samsung TV Plus you can the playlists and guide by region.

        • +1

          cool, thanks, yes I know of Matt Huisman.
          I can feed freeview channels into mediaportal, but only when I get the time to set it up. I had all of Aussie Foxtel working a while ago, recording etc just fine, until foxtel blocked nz connections, even though nordvpn.

    • hi, what app do you use to get this on S21 U?

      did you find the apk somewhere else other than the play store?

      i have a samsung phone too and want to try

      • +1

        I tried based on the latest 'Samsung TV Plus' app on apkmirror.com

        • I just get a black screen with the samsung tv plus app logo on the left top corner with nz 2 degrees fibre connection

          Works with US vpn. Not tested with other countries vpn yet. If different content etc

    • So you need a VPN to run these IPTV links via Plex?

      • VPN is not required. Some streams may take a few seconds to load though. I believe the region locking is just done inside the app not directly on the servers which provide the streams.

    • Curious, how do you add iptv links to plex? I have samsung tv and have been watching this for awhile didn't know it was not a known knowledge. But if I can add this to plex, can watch anywhere.

      As far as my knowledge go, iptv links are not directly supported by plex.

  • +3

    Also heres the NZ IP TV channels https://iptv.finngreig.com/

    • how can I load this into Plex?

      • you should be able to find instructions online. will need to run a docker container to server up the channels.

  • does this work for 2024 model samsung tv's ?

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