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Member Since 24/07/2023
Last Seen 20/03/2025
Location Auckland

Recent Activities

100NZD (inc GST) on (U.S.A) w/ Free Shipping.
02/10/2024 - 19:07
Looks like you might have to buy with with a plan.. Pretty sure they used to allow upfront purchases, looks like it's also with GEM Visa as…
05/09/2024 - 09:35
S24U @ Skinny $1699
05/09/2024 - 09:32
For anyone in Auckland, Costco usually has this same Dettol 2.5L one for $20, every now and then on rebate for $14.99. Costco also has the…
02/09/2024 - 19:36
Yep agreed with ace310 & other comments. Selfhosting AdGuard home is very good option and gives powerful filtering and rewrite capabilities…
24/08/2024 - 22:42
Ubiquiti UVC-G3-FLEX Security Camera - $103.99 w/ Free Shipping @ elive…
21/08/2024 - 07:27
In the previous posts I believe some people in the comments managed to call and get credit without having the email. Don't know if they've…
20/08/2024 - 11:11
$200 Credit Received, got an sms confirmation on my existing mobile number.
20/08/2024 - 11:09
Not sure if referral is still going, and I don't know what they count as 'in conjunction with other offers'. If it were to work you…
16/08/2024 - 21:01
FYI: I did get the email, signed up and am awaiting credit. Sadly I missed out last time when it was $300.
16/08/2024 - 20:43
$200 Energy Credit When Signing up for a New Mobile Plan (Existing Contact Energy Customers) @ Contact
Looks like this deal is back. Sign up as a new user for Contact Mobile and $200 credit is added to your Contact Electricity account (within…
16/08/2024 - 20:35
For anyone thinking about this, I have this one and it is a very good, as far as portable AC's in NZ go (we don't get dual hose, inverter…
25/07/2024 - 11:40
TSB Living has a decent range price-wise, I was about to buy one and found the exact frame they buying from Lumi on Alibaba. Unfortunately…
14/07/2024 - 16:43
+1 for ThinkPads, They've been nothing but rock solid for me under both IBM and Lenovo manufacturing and i've become somewhat of an…
07/06/2024 - 09:52
Last time I checked was around 12pm and it was still 3.99, odd for them to change prices mid-day. Next best price is PnS Warkworth @ $4.79.
16/02/2024 - 16:51
You just need to show the price on the New World website to the employee. Printed copy has also worked for me in the past.
16/02/2024 - 12:05
Can vouch for the C3, We have the C3 cat and dog and it the full power has too much suction. We got ours on Amazon AU and they still remain…
15/02/2024 - 11:53
Whittaker's Chocolate Blocks 250g $3.99 @ New World Newtown (+ Instore Pricematch at The Warehouse)
Not as good as my last post, however the next 2 cheapest stores in the country are 4.79 and everything else is $5+ Online price match is…
15/02/2024 - 11:48
Both telly and xteve have pretty good documentation on their githubs, I find xTeve is more intuitive to setup however but I see that telly…
26/01/2024 - 15:11
Yes you are correct that it's not directly supported by plex as you can't directly put the m3u8 playlists in, you have to run a proxy that…
26/01/2024 - 14:40
VPN is not required. Some streams may take a few seconds to load though. I believe the region locking is just done inside the app not…
26/01/2024 - 11:07
I tried based on the latest 'Samsung TV Plus' app on
26/01/2024 - 10:51
All the links at, Matt Huisman, the guy who runs this, has a pretty good blog regarding Kodi IPTV. There's a ton of other…
26/01/2024 - 10:24
Thanks!, I had no idea this service existed. I don't know if it is region locked as to not work in NZ (I don't have a Samsung TV so I was…
26/01/2024 - 09:11
I'm with Flick, started with Flat but quickly moved to the off/on peak pricing plan since most of our power use is at off peak times. Try…
21/01/2024 - 10:00
Interesting, I swear on the website it said '1 per customer' in small text just like some of the other products had, Oh well..
21/01/2024 - 04:23
Went in line and waited for 25 minutes, I would say I was approximately the 30th position in the line. Was part of the first group in, and…
20/01/2024 - 12:29
Just to add I did notice Trade Depot now has the dual hose model I saw online.…
19/01/2024 - 10:55