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Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra 8GB+256GB (Lavender/Pink) $1,222.00 + Shipping / $0 C&C @ PB Tech


PB Tech has the Galaxy S23 Ultra models on sale with a deep discount on the Lavender/Pink base model

Lavender/Pink $1,222.00
Green: $1,397.00
Black $1,643.99(pbtech.co.nz)
White $1,555.00

Samsung RRP $2,299.00 for these base models but not worth that with the S24 Ultra models out.

Note: happy if another cheapies wants to tidy this post up with any details/specs (formatting is hard).

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closed Comments

  • Even Samsung site should reduce price if retailers are selling at discounted price.

  • +1

    Dual Nano SIM + eSIM (3-choose-2), whats that mean 3 choose 2?

    • Probably means you can only run 2 out of the 3 at any one time.

    • +2

      You can have loads of Esims but two physical but only two active at any time

      • +1

        Can you have 2 active esims? no physical sims

        • +1

          it means that only 2 cellular networks can be connected simultaneously, either: 1) physical sim (2 slots), or 1 physical 1 esim, or 2 esims

  • Does anyone know stores that price match for different colours? I suspect no store will due to different product codes. I could get a case but I prefer no case with the insurance that comes with buying on my Amex credit card.

    • +5

      I just did a price match with Neol Leeming on the pink one as I don't really care what colour is once you have a cover on it. Bonuses, no credit card charge and no zip charge for finance charge plus flyby. And yes, the code only worked on the pink one I tried.

      • How did you get the code? This is what I got:

        I have read this transcript and have also checked the links for both items and as per Section 3 of the Terms & Condtions of Price Promise - Product must be the exact same make, model and colour. Now in saying this - the PB Tech Model Number for this item is SM-S918B 256Pink 0 & Part Number: MPHSAM0091801 & the Noel Leeming Model Number for this is: SM-S918BLIBXNZ - this is also the same on the Samsung Website ie SM-S918BLIBXNZ

        Therefor this does not again meet the Terms & Conditions of Price Match as you can see these are not the same.

        • Well, according to the PB specs, the part number is a PB part number, and the model number is the same. they took about 10 minutes to approve the purchase, it's waiting for me at the store.

        • Same as. The Warehouse now, they'll do anything to try and not do it. The warehouse often use one clause to claim that means they won't match anything if it's on a sale, theirs or the competitors. 🤦🏼‍♂️

  • +2

    I paid 1,153 in November, less 100 Amex credit so net = 1053. Got 4 Tag2 for free, but had to give up my S8 ($6 tradein value, but $300 boost, cracked screen and had to charge 2-3 times a day at that time).

    • How did you trade in such an old phone? Was this a special offer?

      • There was a trade-in boost promotion of $300. It was old but still working, and because of the cracked screen it I could only get $6 credit. An S8 with no cracked screen would have got $40 credit.

  • +1

    Bought one, thanks OP.

    • You're welcome.

  • Great option for those want to go with the S24+ but not keen for the Exynos chip in NZ and satisfy with 256GB.

  • Do you guys think this is a better option than the Xiaomi 13T? Looking for a replacement for my 11T and undecided, so many choices.

    • +1

      Yes, easy

  • The Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra is top of the range where the Xiaomi 13T is upper mid range.

  • I have a s20 ultra, love it but this is really tempting…

    • +2

      Huge upgrade, especially if you take photos

      • +2

        It's very tempting but i thu j I'll hold fire for now.

  • +1

    Noel Leeming Napier refused to give me a price match on this, they said it's a typo
    I just went ahead and ordered it from pb, huge thanks op

    • They've… had it cheaper.

      Typical noel leeming

    • +2

      I went online at noel leeming they took a while to give me the code, obviously there was a bit of discussion in the background but because PB is a Samsung agent and the phone was the same model they really had no choice as there were no additional comments on PB the website for instance limited stock which they always use to squirm out of any price match..

      • They said it was a different mode. and "PB tech has a special model" like wtf

        • It would be interesting to know if that is true, and I will find out when I pick my phone up tomorrow. Perhaps there's been quite a few price matches gone through, and they found a way to stem the flow.

          • +2

            @pdevonporf: its clear BS from them. They just dont want to price match

            • @Ineedmoremoney: Yes they seem to have a catalogue of excuses I tried to price match a iMac from JB and they said because it stated it was limited stock they couldn't price match

              • @pdevonporf: It's so ridiculous. Everything is limited stock, retailers don't have an endless supply of a product, of course they don't. The warehouse group really need to be taken to commerce commission or something over their dodgy price matching claims and practices.

              • @pdevonporf: Having worked there.

                My guess is it shows as negative margin for them instore (which isn't necessarily the truth because the 'cost' price wasnt consistent and things like volume rebates I'd doubt were factored in).

                We'd just put the sale through the manager and be 100% honest with the customer about it. If they bought something else that did make us money on the same order we'd sometimes even just tell the customer and ask them if two invoices is okay.

                That said, one of the guys I Worked with would literally show customers the list of clearance items and the clearance incentives that were on them and sold a hell of a lot of stuff that way.

        • +1

          They tried to argue that the PBTech model is "SM-S918B 256Pink 0" and they can only price match if it matches their exact model "SM-S918BLIBXNZ".

          I asked if I could verify with PBTech what their exact model number was and they said no, it had to be the model number displayed on the website. This pretty much gives them the ability to wiggle out of ever price matching PBTech since PBTech don't put the full model number on their website.

  • I am keeping my Note20 ultra for another year. Quite a good deal if you are due for an upgrade.

  • Got black one in 1222

    • +4

      1222 was a great year, but its all just a distant memory everything was so much less complicated.

      • And cheaper! Cost was only 1 groot and a toothless smile.

  • +2

    I was going to buy this but ended up getting a s24 from samsung nz for $885 shipped including portable charger and double device fast wireless charger. I created a student account and stacked the 10% welcome discount plus trading in my s20. Total savings was listed at $971.22. Personally I want the smaller screen since I bike and run with my phone but each to their own. After their recent update to let people choose their own colour profile (should resolve screen colour issues) I'm like meh good enough, plus my s20 I'm charging about 4 times a day now (it's the older 4g model). Assuming it lasts 4-5 years it's only $200 ish a year for a phone so I think that's reasonable.

  • Looks like they have now increased the price to 1397…and still calling it a special price….

    • Thanks for the info on price change, updating to expired.

    • Yeah that didn't last too long ! I was thinking about it - oh well - next time maybe

      • I remember buying my Samsung Note 9 for about $650, sometime after the note 10 got released. So they sometimes do dramatically decrease the price of older models if they have old stock. But haven't seen a really good deal like that for a long time.

        • Our market is too small to absorb dumping the price of the old model so Samsung keeps the price up so people will buy the new one.The S 23 UL, got down to $1500 a few months ago at Noel Leeming, and the S21 UL, got down to $900 last year. So, $1200 is a really good price for the previous model so close to release.

  • Does anyone know what the manufacturers will do with the traded-in phones?

    • +1

      Generally refurbishment and sold via reseller somewhere in the world or stripped for parts if the phone doesn't make the refurbishment grades.
      Samsung has a "Samsung Certified Re-Newed" program where it does the refurbishment themselves and resell.

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