This was posted 11 months 4 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Remove Minimum Spend @ Temu


A little while ago I commented in a post that it's possible to remove the minimum spend amount on Temu.

A couple of users commented that this should be shared. I just remembered this as have just made a $15 order on Temu.

Thanks to @NovaAlpha for writing down the steps as I had forgotten how I had done it.

1. Chat with a Temu chatbot and just type this "remove minimum purchase amount".
2. Then click the button it generates and done. Takes like a second!

More detailed instructions from NovaAlpha and bonus extra tip.

Maybe add these screenshots to the OP so others can see exactly how to do it. It's a one time thing and will stay there forever. I've done it weeks ago and I can still buy like $2~$5 items with free delivery.

Step 1:

Step 2:

Also, another Temu trick that you should probably include in either a new post or your current one is the use of Price Adjustments. It's very easy to get refunds on Temu, including getting refunds on products that have gone down in price after you had already purchased it. You're only eligible for a price adjustment only if the price has gone down while your order is within 30 days old. The problem is that the price adjustment link is annoying to get to for every order.

My script will list all the price adjustment links that are still valid. It checks whether your order is within 30 days old and shows you a bunch of them to easily click into. The userscript also shows referral links and other stuff that are found on Cheapies. You'll have to be on the Temu My Orders page and it should show up.…

I've probably gotten like over $50 of credit refunded to my account. Just to clarify, it's just a shortcut to the Price Adjustment link that you would otherwise have to click into each order to find. It's not a link that guarantees refund of credits. If you click into your order and into the price adjustment link and there's credit available to be refunded to you, then try my script and it should take you to the same page as well, just much quicker.

I basically check everyday or every 2 days and I usually get quite a bit of refund.

Edit: tip 2 via comments thanks to @kiwiicheapies

You can can also ask the chat for a 20% off coupon. For more details see the chat here

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Dude. This is amazing. I took a look the other day and it was $40 minimum spend

    • +2

      When it was $20 I was ok with that but then saw it keep going up to $25 and $30 and that's when I went looking to see if it could be removed.

      • It’s up to $35 for me now and they don’t include any credit owing to you either which I think it’s cheeky.

    • Mine is now $45 min spend!

  • Do we have to apply for that every single purchase?

    • +1

      Na. Just once.

      • Does this mean its unlocked on the account forever? (or until its abused and removed)

        • +1

          Yes I think so. I've made 4 purchases over the past couple of months without any min spend.

          Haven't had to re-request the restriction be removed.

  • How do you talk to the chat bot? I created a chat and it connected me with an agent lol

    • Must be extra special to get to an agent rather than a bot.

    • I just went to the app > press ‘you’ > then press the top right corner- headset icon > press ‘contact us’ down at the bottom.

      Maybe that might work?

  • +1

    You are GENIUS!!!!!!

  • Thanks OP. Works for me.

  • Nice one. Thanks op!

  • Legend

  • Thanks for this! It was my biggest gripe with Temu

    • My biggest gripe is they only give out 20%(no minimum spend) once a month lol

  • +1

    Lifesaver, my son has been nagging multiple times a day to spend his birthday money on temu crap

  • This is great! So far i’ve just been adding random things to meet the minimum spend and then returning them after receiving my package.

  • +4

    You can also ask for a coupon and get a 20% off coupon

    • They told me I'm only allowed one coupon per month

    • Awesome, thanks!

    • +1

      Do you have to ask an agent rather than a bot for the coupon?

      I asked the bot and it didn't work haha

    • Does the coupon work with cashback? I get 10% cashback with Cashrewards.

      • Not 100% sure as i dont use cashback sorry. Sometimes they dont work with cashback

    • +3

      This tip needs to be added to the OP @Stoic :)

    • Cheapied. Here's the response I got from the bot. The agent basically said the same thing.

      We are planning more and more activities to help you win coupons. You can keep an eye on our promotional activities on our app and website homepage, as well as our recommended plans on the Temu app. We are constantly expanding the range of activities available for our users to participate in.

  • +1

    Hey does anyone know how to get coupons? I had a great pack of them, but all I have now are one free item.

    • +1

      Try typing "expired coupon" in a chat.

      • It just said “you have no expired coupons” for me

        • +1

          just keep asking a few times and it worked for me

  • +5

    Didn't work for me. Automated reply I got was:

    We've recently enhanced our shopping cart features for an improved experience. In our commitment to sustainability, we're reducing excess packaging and no longer shipping orders below a certain minimum.

    To support eco-friendly shopping on Temu, please ensure your order meets the minimum requirement by adding more items to your shopping cart.

  • +4

    "We're pleased to announce that we've upgraded our shopping cart features to provide a better shopping experience. As part of our commitment to sustainability, we're reducing waste by no longer shipping orders below a certain minimum. Please help us in our efforts by adding more items to your cart to meet the requirement and support eco-friendly shopping at Temu." I got this response

    • +1

      Hopefully this has been cheapie'd and they let you remove the restriction if you try again later.

    • +2

      I just got the identical response

    • I get this:
      "Temu has implemented a minimum order requirement in order to offer our customers a broader range of lower-priced items. Shipping small orders comes with significantly higher costs. We kindly request that you consider adding more items to your order to meet this minimum threshold. This will not only help you save on shipping expenses but also contribute to reducing excess packaging waste generated by your shipment."

      • keep trying multiple times

        • I've already tried 4 times to no avail. How many times do I need to try?

          • @Steve113: I got connected to an agent who I asked for the minimum spend to be removed. I mentioned that it has been going up and now at $45 minimum spend. After a few attempts, they took minimum spend away

            • @Brianna97: A bit odd, I figured perhaps cause I've had an old account. I ended up creating a new account. And immediately I was able to remove the minimum spend limit with no hassle.

              I figured this is the mobile companies, where if you're on-account you don't get new offers. But if you're a prepaid customer, then you're bombarded with specials all the time. Haha.

              I've now cancelled my first account, I'll recreate it next week.

    • I tried with an agent and they are removing for me

  • I asked 3 times, it transferred me to a live agent who gave me a 20% coupon (within the last few minutes)

  • +2


    Maybe add these screenshots to the OP so others can see exactly how to do it. It's a one time thing and will stay there forever. I've done it weeks ago and I can still buy like $2~$5 items with free delivery.

    Step 1:

    Step 2:

    Also, another Temu trick that you should probably include in either a new post or your current one is the use of Price Adjustments. It's very easy to get refunds on Temu, including getting refunds on products that have gone down in price after you had already purchased it. You're only eligible for a price adjustment only if the price has gone down while your order is within 30 days old. The problem is that the price adjustment link is annoying to get to for every order.

    My script will list all the price adjustment links that are still valid. It checks whether your order is within 30 days old and shows you a bunch of them to easily click into. The userscript also shows referral links and other stuff that are found on Cheapies. You'll have to be on the Temu My Orders page and it should show up.…

    I've probably gotten like over $50 of credit refunded to my account. Just to clarify, it's just a shortcut to the Price Adjustment link that you would otherwise have to click into each order to find. It's not a link that guarantees refund of credits. If you click into your order and into the price adjustment link and there's credit available to be refunded to you, then try my script and it should take you to the same page as well, just much quicker.

    I basically check everyday or every 2 days and I usually get quite a bit of refund.

    • I can see the script popup on the main temu website (

      However, when I navigate to my orders (, I don't see anything or get the script popup.

      • You need to make sure the My Orders page is in focus and not in a background tab.

        My Orders page will load all your orders and once that has completed, the script will go through each order ID and list out the ones that are valid, i.e within 30 days old.

        Just refresh the My Orders page.

        • Thanks. In focus. Not in background. Script doesn't generate a popup.

          I can trigger script by browsing to temu main page, or opening chat box while in my orders (but just populates for the chat, not my orders), script doesn't generate a popup for "my orders".

          Windows 10
          Google chrome Version 123.0.6312.122 (Official Build) (64-bit)
          Tamper Monkey 5.1
          Add-blockers etc disabled.

          • @kiwijunglist: Try ViolentMonkey, that's what I'm using.

            It's not an ad, so it wouldn't be triggered by your adblocker. I'm using uBlock and a bunch of other extensions and don't have any issues. I'm using a Chromium based browser.

            • @NovaAlpha: Thanks for suggestion. Same behavior with Violent Monkey.

              All the purchases were made in the app. However I can still see them under my orders. Maybe that is the issue, that is causing the script to bug out.

              • @kiwijunglist: Shouldn't matter. The script looks at the orders on the My Orders page and grabs their IDs. I've made purchases on my phone as well but I can see them under My Orders.

                Not too sure then, sorry.

              • @kiwijunglist: Maybe try this one, I forgot I posted this in Cheapies. It's an older version but might work for you, 2 others have commented that it works for them.


                • @NovaAlpha: curious what changed on the older one (I'm using it) vs the one on this thread?
                  it's been marked as a 'downgrade' when i view the link, the other copy was v1.1?

                  • @icecold: Ignore the versioning, I used ChatGPT to help with fixing some of the issues and it generated the userscript metadata (such as the version) for me and I just took it without modifying them. Since it's just a quick piece of code I wrote for myself and the fact that I'm extremely lazy, I just ignored them.

                    There's not much that changed other than some under-the-hood stuff. If you somehow accidentally moved that small popup window out of bounds (i.e outside of the viewport), then the only way to get it back again is to zoom out on the page.

                    The other issue is that if you have e.g. 50 orders placed on Temu today, then the popup window will be extremely long with no scrollbar available. Even if you add a vertical scrollbar, the drag handle at the bottom corner will be out of bounds.

                    I basically restricted the popup window's width and height to a certain size so it will always stay within the viewport, added a vertical scrollbar as well, and some small tweaks that I don't remember.

                    • @NovaAlpha: Ah that explains the version #s.
                      Appreciate the explaination on the balance! Great job all round, thanks for sharing

    • How does the refund price adjustment work if you have a 20% off code. Does it substitute the price you already received off it?

    • on the Price Adjustment, is it always there when the price is lower than you paid for?

      First time doing this and I see the item I purchased is lower than what I paid for but there is no "request Price Adjustment" button on that order.

      • Thought I explained it pretty clearly already in my post….

        Price Adjustment is only valid for orders within 30 days old. If you bought something from a year ago and the current price is cheaper than what you paid for, of course you're not going to get a refund on the difference. It has to be within 30 days. If in doubt, read up about it on Temu's website. I don't work for them. I just created a script to make it easier to list out the price adjustment links for each order that are within 30 days ago.

        • Apologies if the question is too dumb.

          Yes, this is for the orders that I made within 30 days. Only looked at today as I saw your comment on Price Adjustment.

    • Also sharing this tip:

    • As others have pointed out in other discussions, you can get around the free shipping minimum spend restriction by adding an item that puts your checkout total to > $40. You then checkout and then apply for refund and select the "dummy" item that you put in earlier. You get a refund straight away via Temu credit and if you just keep that credit unused, you can keep applying the same trick over and over again for future orders. Since you're only cancelling one item, they will still ship out the entire order even though the overall spend is now < $40.

      The other benefit to this is if you use Dosh or any cashback credit cards, the charge still goes through, just that your money is now out of Dosh and converted in the form of a Temu credit. In other words, if you have $1000 in Dosh and you checkout $1000 worth of items on Temu and then refund and get Temu credit back, you still have $1000. But now you get $10 cashback from Dosh.

  • +1

    Just curious why is temu banned on Cheapies but not on Ozbargain?

    • And if the store is banned why is this deal still active. No offence to OP.

      • It says banned for spam, maybe during their launch here idk..

        you can talk with the mods via for forum to discuss it

        • Frankly, I have nothing against the store(I don't use Temu) or the OP. Just curious, that's all. Not going to report it.

      • The store was banned for referral spam, people kept posting non-deals just so they can earn free stuff by having their links clicked. to remove that annoyance we put in a blanket ban which prevents users from posting deals to Temu.

        I've lifted the restriction just now as the number of attempts at referral spam has mostly abated.

  • And they make money how…

    • Selling your data?

    • By getting investors to buy their stocks.

  • +5

    I connected to an agent and just said "please remove the $40 minimum order limit" and the agent did it

    • thanks, did it that way too

  • This is just so crazy.

  • This got to be the deal of the year.

    • Na, that so far belongs to the mega Dominoes posts and (my favourite so far because I don't really eat pizza) Woolworths Everyday Rewards post. Easy $15 Woolworths voucher.

      • A lot of people liked the Domino deals but i don't like Domino it's not on my top 3 list (Pizza hut, Sals and Hell). The everyday rewards $15 was good but only once, i will sure save many $15s with this Temu deal.

  • Why exactly do people still use Temu? I thought everyone should have been scared off when it's been proven multiple times that their apps contain malware. Because it's cheap?

    • +5

      Use the website rather than the app? Yes because its cheap

    • Even on iOS?

      • No the reported versions in question were on the google play store only.

    • Better get an iPhone.

    • +2

      Steps to being a cheapie

      1) Get a cheap burner phone, to use as a secondary for like ubereats, doordash temu,
      2) loaded with myfakegoogle@gmail fakefirstname fakelastname,
      3) ?????
      4) Profit

      Factory Reset phone with new sims and details go back to step 1

    • Hmmm, maybe because it's cheap, which is the reason we use this website too

    • Why pay 4x more for the same crap at The Warehouse or similar?

  • +2

    I kept getting the automated message too but eventually it got removed. Thanks

    • Tried it earlier and didn't work. Tried it just now after reading your comment and it worked on first try :D

  • Thank you OP and others.

  • Thanks OP !

    Is this thread going to be the most 'liked' ever ?

  • +3

    Anyone else having trouble to remove minimum purchase amount on temu. I got this message crom the chat bot:

    We're pleased to announce that we've upgraded our shopping cart features to provide a better shopping experience. As part of our commitment to sustainability, we're reducing waste by no longer shipping orders below a certain minimum. Please help us in our efforts by adding more items to your cart to meet the requirement and support eco-friendly shopping at Temu.

    • "My commitment to sustainability is to not buy excess items I do not want/need that will likely end up in the rubbish, just to meet a minimum order requirement"

  • Bot didn't work with me, connected with an agent, they manually removed it for me but it took some pushing though as they were peddling the same line as the bot at first.

    I asked the agent if it was a permanent change to my account and their response seemed a little vague/lost in translation:

    At this moment, you can continue to purchase your order without worrying the minimum order amount. I do really sorry that you have to add more item to meet the minimum amount before. If you encounter this issue in the future, please kindly contact us again for further information. Would that okay?

    • I also got transferred to an agent who pushed the message so I just said 'I dont want to buy more things' and they removed the minimum spend but only as a one off.

    • Same here. I kept saying similar things to the bot, eventually got transferred to an agent who basically repeated what the bot said and asked me if I'm willing to add items to reach the minimum spend. Told them I don't need more items and they eventually lifted the restriction.

  • Don’t forget to use either Kiwiwallet (4%) or Cashrewards (12%) with Temu for additional cashback.

  • Didn't work for me, but i got transferred to an agent and I just asked if the minimum spend could be removed as I've heard others have had this done. The agent then came back to me and said I've removed your minimum spend as a one off. There was some stuff in my cart that I wanted, so ordered it, now the app is still not showing a minimum spend.

    • Wonder if it's tied into historical spend levels - mine was applied immediately

  • Spent a good 15min going back and foward trying to get spending restriction removed they didnt actions it but ended up with this

    This really is not the kind of customer experience we want you to have, and we completely apologize for what has been happening. With that, I can offer to you a 20% coupon,
    is it okay with you?

  • Worked for me. Also had a complain about fishland being a scam (which all their games are) and they gave me $10 credit.

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