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Property e-Report $19.99 (Usually $29.99) @ QV


Not free as it was a few years ago but still cheaper than its usual $29.99 and hopefully of use to some.

The QV e-Report is a multi-page property report packed full of information about a specific property, including:

  • A real-time estimate of the property value
  • Recent comparable sales in the local area
  • The latest market insights for the suburb
  • Property details including the capital, land and improvement value, land and dwelling square meters, rooms and building details.
  • The title detail

The QV e-Report uses a comprehensive database of every property in New Zealand, which analyses recent and comparable property sales in the area of your property of interest.

This analysis takes into account the size of both the land and any dwellings, the improvement value, as well the quantity of each room type, and all other common factors in a property’s value.

In the report you will find a list containing some of the recent and comparable sales used in the calculation of the property value estimate. You will also see a basic overview of the property details and the sale price of each of these comparisons, making it easier for you to see how the price of the property in your report was estimated.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Is this really any better than the data available for free from Oneroof or Homes these days?

    • Same thought. Anyone here got one and is the info worth the moolah?

    • I believe the big difference is the timeliness of the data - the free offerings likely have a lag whereas the paid offerings have up to date/current data….this is totally spit balling, so could be off here, but this is what I would expect given most of those things are available in a free capacity

      • I think that is the main thing - more up to date data and in an easier format to compare.
        This is the sample report(content.quotablevalue.co.nz) so you can make a call for yourself whether it is worth it.
        For me, for the sake of $20 it's probably worth it if you are actively looking to buy or sell a property. If you are just curious I would save the money and not bother.

    • Again, Homes and Oneroof's goals are marketing and ad, not really data and it can be biased.
      Where QV is the company does the CV, which would be accepted by the banks.

      If you really looking for FREE data, Relab is the place to go since the free data are way more than them and it is not focused in selling you the agent or the listings (however, it tried to sell you the PRO account).

      Oh, BTW, I founded Relab.

      • its really good. Cannot afford it now unfortunately

  • Nice, but QV is the same company that have incorrectly valued our land and are refusing to come back and redo our report for another few years, so we are paying more in rates than we should be. Thanks QV!

    • The only way to update your rating valuation outside of a 3 yearly district reval is to pay QV - it's about $400. Fell into the same trap myself!

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