I posted this on OzBargain but it looks like the situation is even worse in NZ.
Bonjour. Looking to watch the French Open / Roland Garros? Well, your only option is to have a Sky Subscription(skygo.co.nz).
However, France TV, the French national broadcaster shows every match on their website. The video quality is high however all commentary (if there is any) will be French. There are also some French ads depending on what match you watch. All that Duolingo will finally pay off!
All you need to do is:
- Register for an account (postcode for Paris is 75004).
- Set your VPN for France (I'm using Getflix but Tunnelbear, VPN Unlimited etc are other options) when watching.
- Voilà
So always need to have vpn to France when watching? Do they have any android application?