Unactivated Mighty Mobile Black Friday deal SIMs don't seem to have expired


I had one unactivated SIM from the Mighty Mobile Black Friday deal https://www.cheapies.nz/node/44215 . I was wondering how the expiry would work, most of the time they specify an actual date whereas this just said 3 months.Also wondered what would happen when you tried to use the SIM.

So I popped it in today and was able to activate it and still received the $1 deal. Or rather I didn't pay anything and my next renewal is $1. I did have some problems activating it, after adding my card it seemed to not do anything when I selected it and so I ended up activating again with the dashboard but I think this was because I had duplicated the tab.

Anyway if anyone still has a SIM, worth trying. I mean it's possible it will charge you $80 but IMO if they do that and it does not make this clear when signing up you're well entitled to complain and ask for a refund pushing them hard if they refuse. (For clarity, I'm not saying you're entitled to the deal. Just that if they're going to charge you $80 they need to make this clear before doing so. So there should be little harm in trying.) Just make sure you don't use the service. Also worth considering if they have any such future deals although no guarantee it will be the same.


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Mighty Mobile


  • Nice!

    In terms of avoiding the $80 risk, use a credit card that can't be charged more than, say, $2 (or whatever amount you are happy with), such as a Wise Virtual Card.

    Better to avoid than have the argument - unless you enjoy that of course :-)

    • Definitely if it's an option for you. But I don't have Wise, and the hassle of setting one up for this purpose vs arguing over it came down in favour of arguing over it if necessary. I tend to take SingleFIle+SavePageWE saves when I do stuff even when I have no concerns, so always have evidence when it comes to it, and this being an NZ company (sort of) means there's IMO very low risk it'll be that hard to convince them. And I admit, in a case like this it wouldn't be so much I'd enjoy arguing but I would find it interesting to find out if it takes more that just a simple email "You charged me $80 but no where in the process was I told of this. I haven't used the service either. Please refund me the $80." It would start to get annoying if 10 emails and a 2 weeks later I still have no refund, but to some extent that's part of the risk/experience. In a case where I'm certain of my rights and it's enough to be worth the hassle, it's definitely not one were I'd given in.

  • I've put one in after the expiry and used it and only got charged the two $1 payments

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