Anyone else having this issue? I press the Spin Now! button and nothing happens.
BK seems to have no humans available to ask online
Anyone else having this issue? I press the Spin Now! button and nothing happens.
BK seems to have no humans available to ask online
Or logout and login again. Happy spinning!
Website working for me.
Thanks BK.
Unlike McDonald's you don't feel the need to have security so tight you cut out tens of thousands of phones from using your app.
And you're actually giving away free/ have genuinely cheap stuff ATM.
Almost makes me feel bad that I'm using three accounts to get the best offer on the day.
(maybe some security upgrades wouldn't be the worst idea ;) I wouldn't begrudge not being able to sign in with multiple accounts on stuff like this)
And I seriously doubt this is randomised TBH. I get the same three things on all accounts 80+% of the time.
working now , think may have reset as now have BK chicken
Think you're right about that! Working on mine now too
Is anyone getting anything else apart from the 100 crowns?
I got my second non crown prize yesterday. So my spin total consists of 2 x free drinks and 14 x 100 crowns.
I also got the free drink yesterday.
100 points are best for me, i dont go to bk daily.
Gotten 3 drinks and 1 chicken burger across 2 phones
Agreed with getting the points. Would much rather save em up and have a combo as a treat.
Had the platinum combo today. Thanks BK
Across two phones, have had plenty of free drinks (the worst prize, IMHO), lots of Crowns, and a handful of 49c/99c burgers (yay!). 99c BK chicken, and 100 Crowns today.
A good promo, as long as you remember to spin each day!
Mostly crowns and free drinks.
I've got one whopper, two BK chickens, and about three cheeseburgers/BBQ ones.
Weirdly most of those where on the same account (not the one I typically use either).
Someone posted about it in the Comp section (not really a comp - and I didn't see it there) and added the probability of prizes (from the T&C I assume).
10% on the top "prizes" - Which makes me wonder why they wouldn't accurately show this on the wheel instead of making it look like a even chance between "prizes"
Is it just me or has this promo finished? Thought it was meant to run for the month but all trace of it has gone from the app.
It didn't work all day yesterday.
Sometimes it came up with a pop up message saying that. Sometimes it didn't.
It's working again now.
Has this promo finished? It was in my app this morning, but now has disappeared.
Yes it finished this morning - by 9am I think.
I missed out too ☹️
Ahh ohwell, ended up getting a couple of 99c whoppers and around 900 crown points.
2300 Crowns for me on one account.
Pretty much all I won!
Has this been discontinued? The wheel has entirely disappeared from the app.
Competition finished 2nd of July
And see the comments just above yours.
I uninstalled and reinstalled the app, and now works fine.