• expired

Free Selling on General Items and Motors (Exclusions Apply) Sun 8th September @ Trade Me


Things you need to know

¹General items promotion:

  • Applies to listings started from 12:00 am until 11:59 pm on Sunday 8 September 2024.
  • Discount applies to success fees on general items only, any other applicable listing fees still apply.
  • Discount applies to relists, but only if they are relisted on the day of the promotion. Only applies for the first listing period.
  • This promotion is available to casual sellers only (not in-trade).
  • Car parts are included, however large machinery listed in the 'Business, farming and industry' category are not (e.g. tractors and trailers).
  • Limited of 100 listings applies.

²Motors promotion:

  • This promotion is available to casual sellers only (not RMVT registered, and lists less than 10 vehicles in any 12 months period).
  • Applies to listings started from 12:00 am until 11:59 pm on Sunday 8 September 2024. Relists after 90 days aren't included.
  • Applies only to used cars and motorbikes (not to other vehicle types, e.g. campervans and boats).
  • Applies to basic listings only. Normal fees apply for other listing types.
  • This offer is non-transferable.

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  • +7

    Damn. They always do this after I sell something expensive

    • +3

      Don't stress. Honestly, I've never had particularly strong sales over free weekend weeks - I'm guessing because every other Tom, Dick & Harry has listed their pricey items and people only have so much money to spend.

      There's a good chance you got a better price because there was less competition… well, that's how I attempt to justify my mediocre sales, lol.

      • Dick is here.

        • +1

          Hey Dick!

        • I can't see it, can you link to a zoomed-in view please

    • +2

      The trick is to wait until they have one of these days before selling something expensive

      • Or mark it up to what price your happy with

        I usually set a price I'm happy to sell at and then the default is to include the fees on top so I don't lose out.
        During these free/50% off I can then drop the prices a bit.

        • Higher price attracts higher fees, and decreases interest

          • @Plug: Yes but oddly I've sold more items with the higher prices than whenever I lower them, I still get the prices I want

            Of course if were talking about items in the $1000+ range the yeah a bit harder to sell but have still had the same happen

  • +1

    Basically you just sell less stuff, but the stuff can be sold for cheaper without fees, so… it evens out?

  • Yeah it evens out imo, free selling just means I list a lower price and the following week put it back up

  • My free listing auction ended yesterday with no buyers. If I make an offer and someone accepts it today, will there be any success fee?

    • No, as you list it on free selling - there is no success fee applied.

      • Thanks. But the page on Make a Fixed Price Offer stated "If the offer is accepted you will be charged a success fee. Making this offer represents a commitment to sell at the stated price. See the current terms and conditions."

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