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Samsung M7 Speakers $100 (Was $327), Samsung M5 $90 (Was $250) @ Noel Leeming


These prices seem insane. The Samsung M7 has dropped to $99.99 from $327, they are selling for a ridiculous $641 at JB Hi-Fi(shop.jbhifi.co.nz). The Samsung M5 has dropped to $89.99 from $250, they are $299 at JB Hi-Fi and cheapest elsewhere is $249.50.

This deal is available in store or add $6 shipping Free Shipping with code FREE6DELIVERY thanks jamie111. Earn 3 FlyBuys points on purchases.

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This is part of Boxing Day Sales for 2015

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closed Comments

  • Looks like these have Spotify now too.

  • Just went and bought. pretty happy for $99

  • Thinking about getting one. Any other alternatives at good pricing today in the portable speaker / computer speaker / powered speaker category?

    • These don't have a battery so aren't that portable as such.
      Think i saw a Wharfedale portable speaker these for $89 but have no idea how good it is.
      The UE Megaboom is also at Harvey Norman for $296 which is about $70 off.

  • This is good if placed in your house in a spot permanently. Haven't got a place for myself yet so going to pass on this deal.. Very tempted though

  • Superb deal, good reviews from audio sites. Bought 1 really wondering if 2 would be better for the stereo pairing.

  • +1

    If you're in Auckland then forget about going to a store for this, it's all sold out. Get it online instead - and use click and collect.

  • I think you might need an additional module to link multiple speakers? ? I bought two one for a friend and one for a gift or to keep.

  • +1

    Managed to do a pricematch at jbhifi after negotiations with the manager. There still is a display unit at westgate

    • You earn Fly-Buys at NL so unless you get it cheaper (or want it now) there's no real reason not to order online at NL, for click and collect.

      • My order got rejected :(

    • Can you post a photo of the receipt please? Thanks. I ordered online but im not sure on the availability. The local jbhifi here also has m7 in stock.

  • +1

    Purchased the big one this morning. Click and collect.

    Spotify client was the big feature draw card for me. Mobile Spotify can't select individual songs but the clients can.

    Plan to permanently mount in kitchen. All good. Thanks for the heads up.

  • This is a quite large heavy unit. Much bigger than I expected from the online specs. Interestingly, in the store it was priced at full price. Staff wasn't aware of the price discount. Took a bit to convince them to check the price and confirm the discount.

  • I rang noel Leeming i ordered 2 online at 1130. They can't fulfill my order as they have no stock and it's discontinued. However i bought two from jbhifi.

    • Ps. It didn't come out as no stock when i made the online order. It went through then received email receipt stating order processing. …. i suspect most online orders will fail worth no stock left.

    • +2

      That's another weakness with the way NZ companies operate their online ordering systems. They should have the capacity to evaluate stock levels and confirm the order at the point of purchase. The common current system of processing an order, then at some point in the future, cancelling the order completely sucks. People would happily pay delivery charges rather than waste hours trying to find parking etc, battling their way through traffic, shopping malls etc. If only they could get reliability and surety in their online experience. Ridiculous how easy and quick it is to securely order stock from oversea suppliers.

      • Fully agree.

        I'll be super pissed if this gets rejected.

        • You're gonna be pissed then… if you read t&c they don't guarantee your order. Go get a price match at jbhifi if it's really important to grab one.

          Ps. Jbhifi Willis have at least 1x m5 in stock.

          Edit: i see you ordered really early. You might be ok.

        • @kiwijunglist:

          It's the fact they take your money up front that grates. Prior to knowing if they even have any. Fundamentally that's a prick way of doing things.

        • @Jaxson: when i spoke to online service team they told me that don't change you until they process/fulfill the order.

        • @kiwijunglist:

          Ok I may have that wrong. Thought it showed on my internet banking earlier today.

        • Unfortunately my order got rejected - I ordered at around noon.

      • +1

        Its not just about the legality of the T & C's. That's still debatable. Over past weeks, we've seen several times, companies like DSE fully charging through a purchase, only to later renege on the deal and offer a refund.

        It is currently a grey area of law with respect of online commerce on exactly at which point, is a contract formed beyond the Invitation to Treat stage of conventional commerce. Just using T&Cs as an retailer's 'get-out-of-jail-free' excuse is a cop out which fails to fully address market issues.

        It is simply a bad User Experience if there is uncertainty about whether a purchase has been effectively made. In a situation like this OP, if you know the online sale isn't available, you can choose to make the effort to drive out to a physical store, attempt a price match elsewhere, or whatever. If there is a period of uncertainty, then by the time you have confirmation either way, its too late to choose an alternative customer pathway.

        This is not an insignificant aspect. It's not hard to forecast growth in online commerce, especially as a range of delivery options becomes more available and reliable. Spending 45mins today, trapped driving around inside a hot overcrowded multilevel parking complex, we had plenty of time to think about this in detail.

        It also has consequence to the future possibilities of a site like CC. As more folk become involved with online commerce, the role of sites like CC as a aggregator and mediator of service provision becomes much more than incidental.

        The brokerage value of crowdsourced filtering of best value deals etc is fundamentally based on achieving critical mass of followers. With sufficient aggregated attentiveness, such a site may significantly change purchase patterns for specific deals and associated companies. That capability creates Value in the Value Proposition of sites such as these. Positions their 'value chain' profile beyond the mere 'hobbyist' to marketable value creation.

        Anyway, bit of a rant on matters which may well be beyond the purely pecuniary interests of a few individuals. Cheers.

  • +2

    Just been given a FREE SHIPPING CODE to use online at NOEL LEEMING info below:

    Take this code that will entitle you to free small item delivery (or $6 off large item delivery) on purchases over $10: "FREE6DELIVERY". This code is valid until midnight Thursday, December 31st, 2015. Have a nice day

    • +2

      Nice find. Not much use here with out of stock, but could even post it as it's own deal if you want.

      • +1

        Im still new to this site and cant seem to find out how to start a new deal, I dont mind if someone else starts it if they want to.

        Oh looks like ive found out how to start new deals.

        Deal has now been created.

  • So I've got both of my speakers unboxed.

    One of them is working with spotify connect without any issues.
    The other one is not working at all with spotify.

    I assume it's had a failed update, as it's showing as update available when i click on network status in the samsung multiroom app for android, however when I hold down the mute button for 5 seconds it doesn't update.

    • Got update working via usb.

    • Is it worth $99?

      • +1


        If you want a single speaker that supports wifi bluetooth and spotify connect then it's worth $200.

        If you want multi room and will buy more than one it's worth $250-$300.

    • Well done on scoring 2, proper stereo setup you've got there :) Im guessing you got these in store, or did you do click and collect? Only asking as my online order got cancelled.

      • as per earlier comment, I went to jbhifi and got two on price match. They only had one black and one white, one is for me and the other is for a friend. As a stereo pair I think they don't sound any better (possibly even sound subtley worse???), with linked and both playing the same track I didn't notice in a drop in quality.

  • I've received an eReceipt by email, so assume it's all good?
    Great to get the confirmation of Spotify. This is intended to replace my kitchen radio and that was a crucial component. The M7 has a line in too from memory? Fingers crossed this still goes ahead. I clicked and collected so will wait for confirmation of pickup…

    • Aux / bluetooth / Internet services.

      Services include direct Internet radio. spotify. Milk. Pandora. Plus a whole lot of other stuff.

      Looks like you got it then. I got an order confirmation but didn't get an e-receipt.

  • Jerks cancelled my order. Ordered 9am, bah bloody humbug!!! Has anyone who ordered online got confirmation their order has been processed?
    Group class action is in order.

  • I picked up one in store at 8am (showing 3 but could only find 1)
    Ordered another online as well as the hub but it got rejected. Keen to buy a second if anyone doesn't want theirs.

    • All good now, went in this morning and bought a display model

  • Well there's one listed on Trademe now.

    • by a NL staff selling for double the price? hehehe…

  • they have pulled the page for the M7, so cant even price match without an image of noel leemings special

  • +1

    I purchased 2 x from jb hifi Westgate this morning. They price matched noel Leeming.

  • Anyone still want to try pricematch?

    • I would but don't know who has the stock..I went to JB westgate yesterday and could not see any speakers there..

      • Ask them to use their computers to find out for ya :)

  • Just picked mine up from Palmy store after click and collect.
    Thanks for the heads up.

    There is 1x White M5 display model still there.

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