Trademe Free Selling Frequency

Hey Cheapies

Does anyone know how frequently TradeMe runs the free listing saturdays? Even better, when the next one may be? I’m unsure if I should hold out for the next one or eat the success fees and list now. I wonder if they will have one before Christmas….

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  • Trade Me promos are quite frequent now, most months tend to have them.
    Take a look at some of the previous posts here
    This year they have been running a lot of Sunday offers rather than the traditional Saturday and the offers tend to cycle through from 'No fees,'50% off fees','No fees on $1 reserves' etc.

    There will be another one - if you want to hold off there will more than likely be another offer some time soon but who knows when.

  • +1

    Unless you are fairly certain of 'pricing to sell', it probably makes little odds.

    If you price down to sell in the week (say) with no fees, and the discount is more than the fees, you are losing out anyway, and if you don't, then the chances of selling in the first week (while the promo applied) have to be factored into the overall expected cost to sell.

    Since I am selling frequently, I don't bother - I just list and ignore the promos.

  • My experience is that less listed items sell on the free days as everyone lists so there are likely to be duplicates. More supply and choice lowers the end price (if it even sells).

  • +1

    It gets me off my arse to list my mountain of things to list.

    Sometimes it sells and I pay no fees - winning - usually I just relist and pay fees when it sells. I'm ok with that, the item would have just sat around waiting to be listed one day but tbf I'd never get around to it if it wasn't for the free listing days.

  • They have 50% off or free listings almost every month now, usually the weekend around the 10th-15th.

  • +1

    Here you go
    This Sun 8th Dec

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