This was posted 3 months 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Ten Minutes of Legal Advice for $5 @ Spilt Milk Law


Buy me a coffee, get 10 minutes of (written) legal advice. More or less a repeat of my $1 deal from April, except raising the price to $5 because $1 is apparently a price at which people are still willing to spam the signup form.

Use promo code 'COFFEE' and get as much of an answer as I can realistically provide in 10 minutes. If your legal question is pretty straightforward there is a good chance I'll be able to give you a decent answer, and perhaps point you in the direction of useful self-help resources to guide your next steps. For more complex questions I'll try to give a tentative answer but might not be able to comprehensively solve your problem.

Will I try to upsell you on more legal work? Yes, if I think it would benefit you. Otherwise no, I'll just do my best to help in 10 minutes. But you're under no obligation (and no social pressure) to go any further, and can always take the initial view I give you to another lawyer or to a service like Community Law or Citizens Advice Bureau. Even if I do upsell you, I'll try and give you some actionable advice you can take forward by yourself if you'd prefer.

To get the most out of your 10 minutes, please try to ask a clear and specific question. As I've only got 10 minutes to help, a vague question will likely get a vague answer.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Awesome deal, cheapies question what types of written legal advice do you thing might be valuable for a kiwi to get done? Within that coffee session?

  • Cool stuff and neat idea, good luck with this! A friend of mine is thinking of immigrating to NZ - do you handle immigration law at all?

    • +1

      Some, but if it’s a tricky question I’d instead refer him to a specialist immigration lawyer. Happy to take a look though!

  • +11

    Do you have any experience with bird law?

    • +3


    • +2

      Very little. Gave a bit of advice about native birds and bats under the Wildlife Act 1953 once upon a time.

      • +1

        It's an "it's always sunny in Philadelphia" reference.

      • Woosh…

    • I'm all good. I have Jack Kelly as my lawyer.

  • +1

    Are you able to provide advice on basic family trust setup.
    I just want to put the home that I have and to trust for my children.
    There is no one else involved and there's nothing else involved.

    • +9

      can you adopt me?

      • +2

        I would also like to be adopted.

        • Please sir/ma'am, my parents are MIA, may I be adopted too.

        • +1

          Me too, please.

    • Happy to provide some initial advice, but if you’re appointing other trustees then would need to refer you to another lawyer who can do the conveyancing to put the house into the trust (and who should probably also do the trust formation work too).

  • +3

    I engaged Tyrone's services from Cheapies for my tenancy tribunal matter. He was efficient, expert and thoroughly professional throughout the proceedings. Thanks to his assistance, we achieved a successful settlement. His fees were quite reasonable as well - excellent value for money

  • +2

    Could you provide 10 minutes of advice on how to attempt to sue an airline for money that was never paid?

  • Hi there!

    Awesome offer - interested in asking but want to make sure Its something you could actually help with. Do you have any experience with employment law, moonlighting whilst employed, and IP in this scenario?

    • Yes, well placed to advise you on this.

      • Thank you! Just submitted - look forward to hearing back :)

  • +30

    Peak cheapies, people trying to save $5 by asking their questions in the comments lol.

    • 🫡🫡🫡

  • I assume you are ok with fencing laws and property boundaries? Thanks

    • Well placed to advise you on this area of law.

  • What a great idea, do you provide specific advise on traffic law ?

    • Happy to take an initial look, though I may potentially refer you to a different lawyer if the issue is complex.

  • Just a general question - do you do certification of pre-nups or is that a pretty specialised part of law?

    • Hi - I do this work, though naturally not within the $5 fixed fee.

      • Haha of course! I might be in touch then! :)

  • @SpiltMilk hi… What a generous offer. I've completed the form and enter the word coffee however it only fives me the $89 or $199 option not the $5. I've put it through as a request for larger work as I didn't know how else to do it

    • I just tried again in capitals and it worked. Sorry will resubmit

      • Thanks!

  • How long can I get a reply? done it from the web but no reply for a week.

    • I'm working through a pretty surprising number of these - looking like everyone will have a response by end of Sunday

      • Hey, appreciate this must take ages but just wanted to check in as I haven't recieved a reply yet - do you still have some to get through? Thanks :)

        • +1

          A few more - finishing up for today, but will get through the last of them tomorrow.

          • @SpiltMilk: Hi, not trying to be impatient, but should I have heard back by now?

  • Hi Tyrone,

    I accidentally forgot to send my question before the deal expired. Can I send you an email? I have your email from last time.

    • Go for it :)

      • Hey, did you get my email?

  • Is there any hope of a repeat of this deal? :)

    • Coupon code is still going, so go for gold. Merry Christmas!

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