• expired

15% off Everything @ The Warehouse - Veon 32' LED-LCD TV $228.65, Sphero BB-8 $186.15 & More


Shop via www.thewarehouse.co.nz & get an extra 15%off this long w/end (excludes Gift Cards and Red Alert. 15% absolutely everything else). Enter code 'WM15' in your shopping cart.
This seems to include Red Alert deals. You can get an additional 5% off with a Warehouse Money Visa. This code is sent to all Warehouse Mobile customers. When I was shopping I got a message saying 4% off redeemable in this session only. I tried the code and it worked with the 15% off. Look for this message and you should be able to get 19% off. Screen Shot

Notable Deals:

If you find any other good deals please comment them and I will add them into the list.

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The Warehouse
The Warehouse

closed Comments

  • +2

    Apple iPhone 6+ 16GB Certified Pre-Owned Gold(thewarehouse.co.nz) - $839 Delivered

    • Added it, thanks

  • Plus 5% off for the warehouse money card users. Been some good warehouse discounts this year

    • Added it, thanks.

  • +3

    PS4 Console 500GB(thewarehouse.co.nz) + PS4 DualShock 4(thewarehouse.co.nz) - $453.24 Delivered

    • Just be aware that Sony could bring out PS4.5 sometime very soon in the future, if you're buying new.

  • +2

    XboxOne Kinect Console(thewarehouse.co.nz) - $431 Delivered

  • +1

    I'll add a new comment for each I find and you can decide whether they are decent deals or not.

    It also seems to apply to the Red Alert deals posted earlier.

    • The text I got says out doesn't, odd.

      • Definitely works.

        • See if it works on gift cards

        • @ClipIt:

          Na, doesn't

    • I'll just add everything for the moment, feel free to add them yourself.

      • Alright, sweet as.

  • Works with clearance items too.

  • This work on warehouse mobile Sims containing 500mb and $2 credit.

  • +1

    Added in lots more deals.

  • XboxOne Console Standard 500GB + 1 game (Forza Motorsport 6, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Gears of War: Ultimate Edition, or Rare Replay) $423.30
    XboxOne Consol Elite 1TB $505.75

    • Thanks, will add.

  • Star Wars Sphero BB-8 $189.55 cheapest I have seen this.

    Legos are also 20% off… so now 35% off

    • Thanks.

  • Any free postage or pickup codes? I hate how they charge you to pick it up, when they have the stock instore already, and they don't charge their Noel leeming customers for pickups, both being owned by the Warehouse. So the pickup fee kills the deal on smaller purchases.

    • Not at the moment sorry, I haven't seen one since a month ago.

      • Thanks. Did pick up one error. Lego isn't 35% off, it is 20% off + 15% off, which works out at about 32%. But still pretty good if you are ordering over $100 worth.

        • I'll fix that.

    • They actually have a very stupid system where they post/internally mail the items to the store for pick up. Sometimes all in their own boxes… you can buy 5 things and end up with 5 boxes all packaged up with bubble wrap when picking up. No wonder they stop the codes..

      • They're not the only ones, book depository do something similar.

  • ugg need better deals

  • When I was shopping I got a message saying 4% off redeemable in this session only. I tried the code and it worked with the 15% off. Look for this message and you should be able to get 19% off.

    • Can anyone remember how to force this open ?? I remember there was a post awhile ago regarding clearing cookies/icongito etc but it is not working for me atm.

      • Try adding all the notable deals into your cart, thats what I did and then it just came up and appeared.

      • Use multiple laptops. And different browsers. That should boost your chances.

      • It used to be they don't give you a discount offer if your left the page logged in. Only if you left the page open not logged in then loaded another page. I'm not sure if that is still the case.

      • +2

        They use a company called Fanplayr for these coupon offers
        Here is a link to some slides, check out slide 5 to see the parameters they look at to decide when to give a coupon.
        If you're deleting cookies (and thus a new user), they'll look at cart value, number of visits, page views, search terms, visit source, time on site, etc.

        • +1

          I'm trying (not very successfully) to get it again. If you try to get the code please keep note of what of what you do. I might be able to put together instructions that will get anybody the code. Thanks gorbulas for that info.

        • +2

          I opened a new browser and cleared cache/cookies before starting. Didn't log in to the Warehouse site and just started browsing, using multiple tabs. Added a few items and got a 5% off orders over $79 popup, then a bit later (either when my cart total was getting near $200, or had been near before removing items) received another popup offering 6% off for orders over $199.

          Tried applying both to order, but today the system was ignoring the red alert items completely, so didn't count as being $199 as well as not getting even the 15% off. Removed the red alert item and added some gumboots and when I went back to the cart all three discounts were applied - 5%, 6% and 15%, so they all stack (even though my order was now under $199?).

          Anyway, definitely don't log in, use a cleared browser and just add items to the basket would be my suggestions.

        • @tieke: I'll have a few more goes and take a screen video. I might be able to get a video which anybody can follow exactly to get the code.

        • @tieke: Can you remember what your search terms were I can't seem to get one again

        • @tieke: Can you try following the instructions below

  • trying to buy poop paper but the $6.99 delivery doesn't help :(

    • Only 3-ply is good enough for me :)

    • Added it. Thanks.

  • Sphere BB-8 is even cheaper since it has been featured on Red Alert Deals. NOW only 186.15 http://www.thewarehouse.co.nz/red/redalert/product/2074160

    • I thought the code excludes Red Alert items? Yes it does work.

      • Didn't work with the main time-limited Red Alert items today (definitely not the induction hob at least).

        • It was working on all red alert an hour ago. Has definitely stopped working now. The code is no longer working on red alert deals.

        • @ClipIt:

          still works for the BB-8 but not the main deals

  • This is definitely still working.

  • +1

    $25 warehouse mobile Alcatel c3 on red alert.
    I can confirm that this is working

  • Won't work on ikea shoe rack on red alert special.

    • It seems to work on some but not others.

  • +1

    I have 5% and 1% offer, i applied the 15% offer, it will only let me add 1% extra (16% total). I would recommend people add the 5+1% offers first, then wait to apply the 15% offer afterwards, it might stack better that way.

    • Can you remember what your search terms were I can't seem to get one again.

      • +1

        all sorts of random things, I settled on 21% off (as opposed to 26% off). 15% code + 1% extra code + 5% for warehouse card. Try a different PC in your house.

  • +1


    Bonus bundle offer of 25% off for buying in groups of two. I paid $2.25 ea after all the discounts.

    • Thanks will add.

  • If anybody trys to get the discount pop up please screen video it some way.

  • If anybody gets/has a code that has come up please follow these steps:
    1. Install the edit this cookie chrome extension(chrome.google.com)
    edit this cookie
    2. Go to thewarehouse.co.nz
    3. Reload the page
    3. Click on the cookie icon and click the export button (see picture)
    4. PM me or post here all the text copied to your clipboard


  • This is still working!

    • Someone forgot the off button!

      I guess it ends when the 'Long weekend sale' does.

  • +1

    Had these(thewarehouse.co.nz) for under $350, sold out already though.

    Gears of War (DLC
    Fifa 16 + 1 Month EA Access subscription(DLC)
    Assassins Creed IV Black Flag (DLC
    Assassins Creed Unity (DLC*)

    • That stuff sells out so quick.

      • +1

        Yea, very. Managed to grab one, but had sold out by the time I went back to the page.

        Pretty sweet deal with the Kinect and 2 decent games. Now to find some cheap controllers.

    • shame, my warehouse visa ran out of money. Would you have gotten more than one Shaw?

      • Na sorry mate, didn't even think about grabbing another, only just had time to decide whether it was a good idea to get one lol

    • +1

      Funny, pretty frustrating, story. This arrived on Thursday, however on Friday morning I went to check my downloads and it wasn't booting. I investigated it for a bit, and then heard a clicking noise, it was the hard drive! Better that it failed immediately than after a few months though. So I took it back to the store down the road, and they said they'd swap it for a new one. The guy accidentally ordered a non Kinect (Standard Xbox) bundle, without the games or sensor or anything to replace it. Not really his fault though, as the one I had purchased was showing out of stock in their system, but was showing stock online, as I found out later. So I went back to the store, and informed him of this, then the poor dude spent all day on the phone trying to track one down, as the call centre is pretty useless, and wouldn't even create a custom invoice for me to reorder after getting a refund for the initial purchase. In the end they tracked one down in an Auckland store, and had to get approval from the manager there. It's been sent to me now, but it was a bit of a mission. Let's hope for more success second time around!

  • I've been checking the code every half hour to see if it has expired. Probably it will expire tomorrow, hopefully never.

  • This is no longer working.

    • +1

      Was nice while it lasted! Thanks for the deal.

  • +1

    This deal has achieved some stats:
    72 Comments - 4th Most Commented Ever
    21 +Votes - 5th Equal Most Up Voted Ever

    • Good stuff, hopefully see a few deals getting over 30 this year.

  • Just noting this here because I don't have enough details yet and because the comments haven't closed. If you have a Warehouse Mobile phone you should be texted a code to get a half price $20 top up during the long weekend. So if you have a Warehouse Mobile phone don't top up. Also it might a be a good time to get a sim though I will post the code here.

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