AirNZ grabaseat 10th birthday sale starts at 9am.
flights from $10
You will have to get in quick.
AirNZ grabaseat 10th birthday sale starts at 9am.
flights from $10
You will have to get in quick.
Seems the server is overloaded I can't get in
Loading for me, on mobile, but the dates are so far out, Jan 10-17.
Houston for $700 return is alright though.
$848 LA. $898 SFO.
31212 users online haha, we need that sort of traffic!
41620 now
A lot of disappointed people I guess.. Usually the seats are long gone by now.
Managed to load website after a few mins - unfortunately no real desire to book during the 2017 travel dates (Primarily 9-19 January for most $10 flights).
Yea, the amount of time between now and the flights was ridiculous.. I wonder who thought that up.
Might as well just go to Bali ;)
Ha exactly! Especially at $400 - $500 return from WLG.
Ah sorry - sort of a bad inside joke, Shaw and I got cheap AirAsia flights a few months ago, not this sale.
Was through 2 separate sales, $139 WLG - MEL return, and Air Asia Premium Flat Bed - SYD <> DPS, Bali (Return) $298( After conversion and baggage on the return it came to about $450, plus some AirAsia credit I had.
Yea, not complaining. Had to reroute through KL though, as they cancelled some routes, but that's fine, doesn't really bother us.
@Shaw: noice. I got wlg-mel on JQ ret for free and then combined with AirAsia megasale to KL - booked in November, trip is end of this month speaking of booking waaay far out!
I don't think its ridiculous. January is a good time for leisure travel as you can easily get leave. I mean some routes don't make sense (Welly to Palmy for a holiday haha) but I got flights to Invers - visit family and enjoy some Sth Island summer.
Well there will be certain cases where it does make sense, but for the vast majority wanting to grab a quick break away at a cheap price, it is a long way out.
If you want to enjoy the South Island, i'm not sure Invercargill is the place to do it ;)
@asmcar: yeah true, but my partner has family down there, and it will be an OK base to see the bottom of the south
I'm having no trouble loading the website myself. Currently 37904 users online (currently ChoiceCheapies has 52 people online). Can't see anything that isn't during 2017 and don't want to book too far ahead though.
Note: Card payment fee applies
Incredibly tempted for Niue but I will be starting a new job and am already taking time off to go to Asia. Went last year at a similar price - amazing little place and very affordable.
Accomodation in a basic but nice backpackers was 25/night twin share. BYO meat and cheese. A bar that does $5 cocktails run by former Wellington mayor mark blumsky. Would defo recommend.
Nice, would probably have grabbed them if wife wasn't studying. Seems to be the best deal there.
Hey man tomorrows the 15th.