This was posted 8 years 7 months 16 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

$10 off Any Order at - No Minimum Spend


So my partner got an email from 1-day saying $10 off next order and unique code is STRANGERNOMORE expiring 14th Aug.

Usually these emails are only for specific accounts that haven't been used for a while and the code only works for that account, however have found it works for anyone, just one discount per email address (thanks to clipit for confirming)

Anything $5 or under is free shipped.

Sennheiser-PX95-headphones only $1.98 Shipped( Out of stock

Here is link to screenshot of email…

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closed Comments

  • Great find. Just got one of these( delivered for free! Thanks.

    • Nice, might have to create some more accounts with family members!

      • Don't have to have an account, just check out as guest.

        • Great, better take advantage of this before they realise haha.

  • +2

    Sweet, cheers!

    1 * Sennheiser PX95( = $1.98 delivered!

  • 2 Purchases for $0 so far. Only one code per email.

    • Thanks

      • Using a disposible emails( 2 Induction speakers and 1 micro usb car charger so far. Laptop chill mat is out of stock

        • Nice, hopefully they don't cancel multiple free orders to the same address. Fingers crossed.

        • Keep in mind that you need access to the email address to enable tracking and delivery adjustments like 'No Signature Required'. Dot trick is more convenient.

        • @Jay: You can access Mailinator emails later, I've bookmarked all the emails I used.

    • Dot trick works though.

  • I don't need a new pair a new of sennheiser px 95
    I don't need it…

    • $2 though…

      • But.. I already have 2 pairs.

        • Same, but they are handy to have!

    • Come on…you know you want one

  • 6 Induction Speakers and Counting! Hope they don't cancel orders. Christmas Sorted.

    • +4

      Don't kill the goose!

    • +1

      ok broden :D

      • lol, I'm the broden( of cheapies.

  • +1

    Missed out on the Sennheiser's. RIP

    • How many times has that deal expired now?

      • It's sold out this time, not expired.

        • Good point - have they not sold out previously though?

        • @ahmad: it's back in stock now :)

        • @ClipIt: haha

        • @ahmad: seems to actually be dead this time :(

        • @ahmad: Reload it a few times, can get one.

        • @ClipIt: Trying but failing

  • Doesn't work anymore?!

    Edit still working

    • +2

      Are you placing a second order? Try clearing your cookies first, or switch browser.

      • +1

        Ditto clearing the cookie cache for the site

        • yup, so far bought 4 Portable Induction Speakers and 4 Duracell USB Car Charger with Micro USB Cable.

        • @Huntakillaz: same address? Man are they going to cancel everyone's order?

        • @ahmad:

          Maybe, or they'll use it as a chance to clear out a bunch of crap they would have been unlikely to have sold anytime soon.

        • @ahmad: same address here. I'm cheaper than the landfill

        • @ahmad:

          3 different addresses 1 of each stuff under various families names.

  • +1

    Are you guys just going to keep ordering until they expire the code? Curious to see where you guys draw the line lol.

    I've stopped at four orders (one order for each family member).

    • 4 is it for me too.

      The thing is, there are only a handful of items that turns out free anyway, so it's not as if it's a massive discount.

      • +1

        True, the shipping will cost them a fair bit, especially if they ship the orders separately.

    • Just 1 for each family person seems reasonable,

      Like i know there four cars in the family ( but none have car chargers so getting 4 for free is a no brainier, the induction speakers are bonus.
      I got 2 for me i know one of my mates really loves her music so figured I'd give one to her.

      Get it only if it gets used or you can give to someone i think is quite reasonable.

    • +2

      The Ethics of Chic Cheap?

      Or the difference between genuine frugality and Tragedy of the Commons style grabbiness.

      • The way I see it is that there are ways to prevent these occurrences. Being a large store, they are more than aware of these. Not including shipping in the code is one way, it would have made very few of these purchases actually worth it.

        • Sorry, it's not a popular attitude, particularly with Kiwis, but I do think there is such a thing as greed.

          Yes, a door may be left open. But doesn't mean you have to walk through it and loot the store.

          Again, appreciate that it is a subtlety that few seem to understand.

          Essentially, that is the central premise of Tragedy of the Common. Take it cause you can, and if you don't, someone else will.

        • @Jay:

          Agree with what you are getting at, however do see it differently, which is fine.

          3 or 4 orders placed for product that a store is going to find pretty hard to shift in bulk isn't really going to affect the overall availability of a offering that has a value to the store of ~$5.

          The way I see it is that this could be a way for them to strengthen their processes and to improve their systems for the future, without a large financial hit, or much bad publicity should they fail to provide the products, which would be understandable.

          Going overboard and placing 10 or 20 orders, now that is a different story, and fits well within what you are getting at.

        • @Shaw:

          Don't try to legitimize your greed and stealing just man up and admit to what you're doing.

          Taking an item with value to the company, however small, and then making them spend a few bucks per item to ship it to you is not an acceptable practice.

          If you actually cared about the company as you pretend to with informing them of their process issue you'd just email them about it with a heads up, not just abuse this glitch.

        • +1


          Stealing? Come on now, what we are doing is far, far, from stealing. Greed? Yes, isn't that partially why we are all here? To maximise savings, by nature of which is greedy. But theft is a whole different issue, and a pretty severe accusation.

          Nothing is being "taken". The store is offering a $10 off code, with no limitations. If it was a glitch or bug that was being exploited to put these orders through, that could be theft, and would very likely have been removed when it was posted. Using a stores pre configured discount code to place cheap, or free, orders isn't theft.

        • -1

          @SrsSarcasM: If I went to 1-Day's warehouse and took a induction speaker it would be stealing. Using a coupon to get something delivered free? Greedy but not stealing.

        • +2

          @SrsSarcasM: stealing? It's not stealing if they hold the power to honour the transaction or not.

    • Somehow I don't think it will last the 9 days. I would be surprised if it's still valid come midday tomorrow.

      • It's still valid, and it's come midday tomorrow.

        • +2

          I'm surprised : )

        • +1

          Coupon may be valid but doesn't really count until the 'goods dispatched' email is sent. They can legitimately cancel anytime up to then.

  • +1

    LOOPHOLE It turns out that you can youse the same email address if you do your browsing in incognito mode on chrome. By the looks it is one per ip address not one per email address :)

    • Btw im not assoiated with haha

      • Think you accidentally ticked associated on this deal for 1-Day/

    • nope it just uses a cookie then. as you can do multiple different emails addresses from same ip.\

      Also i bet you're just trying to scare everyone eh :P

    • Na it's not IP based, it's just email address, as it's easy enough to change the address in the checkout process.

      Removed the association too, was hoping for some inside info!

    • Couldn't be IP addresses or else you would need to use a VPN. Just the cookie.

  • What's the bet they void the sales due to a technical error. W

    • Yep, same excuse used by Harvey Norman ($100 lounge set fiasco) and JBHiFi (below cost tablets + etc etc)

      • +4

        If they do hopefully there are less entitled morons on here than there were for that Harvey Norman error. So many people moaning to the press for something they had no legal right to due to a genuine error.

        • Perhaps they will honor 'most' orders, as I have noticed alot of retailers are currently having excess stock they need to clear out…

        • I is difficult to know if it is a error or not, or the person who thought up the coupon didn't take into consideration that they were selling goods for $5, which effectively makes things free. A $10 voucher after all is a $10 voucher. What is odd though is that they haven't got any staff today who may have picked up the error, and have cancelled it.

  • Original apple lightning cable only $4.98!

  • +4

    Holy crap I don't want to be the guy in charge of 1-day when he(or she :) wakes up this morning.

    Good job guys on all the sales pats everyone on the back.

    WTF all these bastards getting free stuff the f… happened you bunch of f…wits.

    I don't see 1-day sending out all this stuff for free they're going to send out emails with order cancelled.

    • +1

      Code still valid… Someones sleeping in

  • Just ordered 3 things using different addresses. WIll need to keep an eye on my neighbours mail!!

  • Terms & Conditions(

    While we endeavour to ensure that the price and description of goods or services are accurate, if there is an error in the process of listing a product or service on our website or a technical error in the processing of your order we reserved the right to refuse or cancel the order.

    Our right to cancel orders applies to orders that have been accepted.

  • So a flood of emails incoming any minute………………………………………….

    45mins to Olympics that'll keep us off this site eh.

  • Anyone going to get a Free Zoo York Tee(

    • Looked at them, but thought I'd leave them for someone they'd fit haha

      • Yeah, I'm not quite that greedy 😀

  • 1,723 people online now. 303,504 visits since noon. Good stats for 1-day.

    And only 1hr 30mins odd to a whole bunch of new deals. Could be a lot more fun and games still to come.

    • 1-Day doesn't always have products for $5 or less so it might not be so fun.

  • +1

    Dear Cheap Peeps, please stop buying up all the sennheisers, i havent managed 1 pair yet

    • Probably be more stock any day now, been on and off again for a while.

      • i know, but everytime i miss them

        • You can subscribe to this thread by clicking "Subscribe" at the top under the OP, this will alert you via email when comments are made. Another to subscribe to would be this one.

  • You guys are hilarious. Gutted I missed out on a lot of out of stock items but the comments made it worth it. Especially the reference to the giant bear.

    Also enjoying that the highest upvotes steadily grow

    • They will be more stock in 50 minutes, don't worry.

      • +3

        If there are $5-10 items of course. I wonder if I'll finally get those sennheisers if those restock

        • you haven't got any Senns yet??

  • The computing sale is back today(

    also some freebies from the loose change sale:

  • Do I need a mens onesie? Hmmmm

    • Nobody needs a onesie, EVER. Horrid fashion meme! #eyeroll

    • No, only if it's for a party or themed

    • For the price…

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