• out of stock

Authentic Sennheiser PX95 Headphones - $6.99 Each + Shipping @ 1-Day, Limit 2 (STRANGERNOMORE=$10 OFF)


Review : http://www.head-fi.org/products/sennheiser-px-95-versatile-o…

Authentic: Can be seen here, when this deal happened last time.

Limit $2
1x = $6.99 + 4.99 = $11.98
2x = $13.98 + $7.49 = $21.47

From Amazon ~$70

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closed Comments

  • Don't suppose any way to reduce shipping costs? Is this a repeat of a recent deal and anyone know about authenticity?

    • I doubt they would knowingly sell counterfeit products, but I guess they could by mistake.

      It could be a pricing error, seems too cheap…

      A few years back I had been monitoring 1-day's iPhone prices for a while. iPhone 5Cs had consistently been $450 every time they popped up, and they were always the same price for every colour. One day I noticed every colour was $450, but for some reason the white ones were $300. I picked up two at that price (they were selling for just under $400 on TradeMe). The next time they were on 1-day they were back at $450 again.

      • +2

        They had the same model on sale previously at $16.99 No-one else other than Amazon seem to stock them.

    • Expecting a free shipping code in the next couple of weeks but nothing now sorry.

  • you buggers are costing me a fortune! haha. thanks for the tip im sure these should be $69. i have a pair of px100 mk2 and theyre great but a little uncomfortable now so hopefully these will do the business.

  • Ordered mine, thanks for the heads ^

  • Sweet, grabbed a couple.

  • So elsewhere these are at least $US40 and can't see any places in NZ that sell them. I don't see how 1day can sell them at $7 unless they got them for free, or they are seconds, or they are not the real item, or of course pricing error.

    At this price, worth a look, and can always keep one and sell the other. Bye bye $21.

  • Great deal. Thanks

  • Good stuff! Thanks!!

  • Thanks for this deal

  • I don't need this… I don't need this…

    • No, you don't. People call me a hoarder but I'm not getting this.

  • Grabbed 2, I think they will probably be fake or a pricing error. Hopefully 1-Day will honour them if it is a Pricing Error.

  • Definitely not a pricing error. They were recently sold for same price. Counterfeits??

    • They were recently sold for same price


      • +1

        Earlier this month read it elsewhere that I had missed it

        • If they are counterfeits they will probably come without any packaging and be pretty bad easy to tell. The headphones just got heaps more stock on 1-Day.

  • This is available again!

    • +1

      Need to unexpire this deal. Good for another day. They must have a lot of stock to dump. If it wasn't Sennheiser, wouldn't be interested.

      • Reported it to the mods, should be unexpired when one comes online.

        • +3

          Cheers, have updated.

  • +1

    GP forums poster bought them last time and came in this packaging. Legit looking stuff or a very good copy.


    • Nice find, just looked it up on hear and here is the full post(gpforums.co.nz). Surprised nobody posted this last time.

      • I knew it was somewhere just couldn't remember where i has seen it.
        Thanks guys.

  • Update Deal

  • +1

    No longer available.

  • Hope these arrive this week, looking forward to opening the 1 day packaging and seeing whats inside. 1day have their own parcel bags these days.

  • Back in stock(1-day.co.nz)

    How many do they have? Haha

    • saw that. can someone comment when they receive them as to the legitimacy and quality. thanks

      • +1

        see the comment above posted at gpforums, appear legit

        • Good fakes perhaps? Counterfeit Sennheiser authenticity holograms (and presumably packaging) are known to be in the wild.

        • @ahmad:

          Through reputable retailers?

        • @ahmad: I would be surprised if fakes could have the QR authentication(qr-sennheiser.com) on them.

        • @Shaw: 1-day is not a reliably reputable retailer though. They have been caught selling counterfeit products in the past (years ago) and here is a recent unclear incident: http://www.gpforums.co.nz/threads/511352-Warning-Buying-From…

        • @ClipIt: The stickers have been pirated according to multiple (but isolated) reports on internet forums. It raises the question at least. e.g. http://www.head-fi.org/t/700604/fake-senheiser-ie800/15

        • +2


          Not defending them, not my job to, but that doesn't have anything to do with selling counterfeit products. It couldn't really be more different.

          That is just a warranty issue, most NZ retailers have crap warranty claim procedures when it comes to phones.

          Will get them tomorrow and check them out. It'd be a massive surprise if they have in fact sold thousands of these counterfeit sets. I'm more inclined to think they simply didn't sell as well as planned and are being phased out.

        • @Shaw: Iv had fake ralph Lauren polos from 1-day before. Didn't bother complaining.
          These are legit from what I can tell

        • @rkl: Don't forget to give the deal a vote.

      • +1

        Got mine today. Looks legit and their website shows authentic too. Im happy

        • Same here. The holographic code in the authenticity sticker is unique to each headphone. If they were counterfeit, then you'd expect the code to be the same for everyone and therefore blacklisted, once you try to verify them online.

  • +1

    Mine have just been shipped.

    • Same here.

  • ditto

  • You guys getting your orders you up in the north island I'm guessing? Courier here has come and gone no phones yet.

    They any good? Whats the sound quality, do they fit ok? With whats posted so far these look legit. Woot.

    How the hell can 1-day sell the genuine article for that ridiculously low price?

    • 2 sets and 2 freebie pens.

      Checking the codes and trying them out now.

      Codes all good.

      Really nice to listen to music with. Won't be replacing my Sony NC set with them, but would be good for a spare, or to take travelling. Plus the wife is always losing her stuff, so will keep the second pair tucked away for when the inevitable happens.

  • Worth noting that NZ Post and CourierPost have now introduced a new online system enabling you to change/confirm specific delivery instructions, after the parcel has been dispatched. Part of their tracking system, now gives new options to having it delivered to alternative locations such as Z Stations, Countdown etc. Or to specify no signature deliveries, and where on your property to leave the parcel. This functionality is available right up to just prior the courier arriving.

    Finally, this new system overcomes the significant issues many have experienced with failed deliveries. The instructions are confirmed online and email, so gives validation of said changes. So glad NZ Post is now addressing these long term problems with its service.

  • i can confirm that 1-day does indeed sell some counterfeit goods. the belkin iphone cables they sell are pretty dodgy

    • Have you actually purchased one?

      • There is a difference between saying that 1-day has a history of selling counterfeit goods, and that these Sennheisers are fake.

        • +1

          I'm asking if gregclarke actually purchased a welkin iPhone cable or whether he thinks they look dodgy.

        • @ClipIt: Sorry about that

      • purchased several Belkin iphone cables. 1 failed as it came apart at the joint. and the other 2 stopped working after 2 months or so. and if they were meant to be authentic MFI cables too

  • +2

    Have been trying these out and they have been great so far. Really nice sound. Qr-sennheiser.com says that they are genuine.

  • +2

    I agree with clipit they sound great for the price paid for them , put them through my phone and opened spotify

  • +2

    Got them, Look, feel, and sound legit.
    Honestly the most premium feeling packaging i've ever opened.
    Sound quality comparable to my PX 100-II, and shockingly comfortable, you nearly forget they're there.
    Bought one for me and one for a friend, would still consider buying more.

  • Agree with others here, the sound quality is fantastic. If they are not genuine then this is an amazing copy.

  • Mine still haven't arrived :(

    Anyone else still waiting for theirs?

    • Agree with fatboyj contact them.

  • Wow that's a real long time. Did you get the 1-day email with tracking info? 1-day also send out an email about a week later saying the package should have arrived by now type thing. Best contact them eh.

    And got mine last week. Very impressed, look totally legit with the packaging. Sounds top notch would highly recommend AAA+++++.

    • Yeah i did get that email this morning,filled out their contact form straight away, will see what happens tomorrow.

      • Especially with you the one putting up this deal, not to get them for yourself would be real stink.

        • I bought it for a friend but yeah I'd be stink if i didn't.

  • Got mine in about 2 days after ordering.

    REALLY good headphones

  • +1

    I got $10 off this deal as well with code STRANGERNOMORE from an email we got from 1-day, so 2 headphone with shipping where about $11. Just need to log into your account I think.

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