This was posted 8 years 5 months 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

$129/ $240/ $398 for 3/6/12 Months Gym Membership @ Jetts


Great deal to get in shape now that winter is over.

$129 for a Three-Month Membership Auckland North Locations, $240 for Six Months or $398 for Twelve Months – All incl. a 30-Minute Consultation with an Exercise Professional & Access Pass – 56 Locations Nationwide

Link to north shore Jetts deal:…

Link to Jetts deal south of the bridge:…

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Is this actually good value? Good/middle of road/expensive? Curious of how deals on gyms compare.

  • +1

    It is. I used to pay $21 per fortnight on a corporate rate.

    Les mills is about $1500 per year

    • -1
      1. I paid 22 per fortnight ,NO corporate rate.
      2. 129/3 = 43 ==saving of $1 per month
      3. 240/6 = 40 ==saving of $4 per month

      Please note if you join with a friend it gives you 1 month free.They even give 2 weeks trial free if you just ask.
      Considering all above, Its not a good deal for 3 and 6 months.

      • Wow. Some people are terrible at maths.

        13 weeks is 3 months
        26 weeks is 6 months
        52 weeks is 12 months

        So over 3 months :
        $129/6.5 = $19.84 per fortnight. Save $2.16 per fortnight

        Over 6 months:
        $240/13 = $18.46 per fortnight. Save $3.54 per fortnight. That is a 15% saving per fortnight.

        Over 12 months:
        $390/26 = $15 per fortnight. Save $7 per fortnight. $182 saved over a standard membership

        Next time don't mislead people with false maths.

        • not misleading people, just giving them a chance to make informed decision mate!

          As far as maths is concerned, it was just a quick one.I dont use calculators for simple maths like most people do.

          It could be deal from Jetts perspective but not a good deal from user's perspective.

        • @bholu:

          i think the problem is your math is off by a factor of 2. Reading your calculation it is a bad deal. Using the actual calculation it is a good deal.

        • +1


          You just contradicted yourself by saying you're allowing people to make an "informed" decision. The basis and foundation of being able to make an informed decision relies on the integrity, accuracy and legitimacy of the information supplied. You have not done this.

          And you speak for all users when you say it's not a good deal? Why don't you let the users decide that themselves? What if users like the convenience and the location of their nearest Jetts gym to their work/home, compared to a City Fitness gym which has far fewer branches, AND requires a minimum term contract to qualify for their $6.99/week rate (Again - do some fact-checking). Jetts is completely contract free. You are simply getting a discount for paying fees in advance.

          I'd far prefer to present the facts, than mislead people out of laziness.

        • @techhit:

          1. Buying a voucher and paying in advance is also a kind of contract , I would say a little worse than a contract because you have already paid in full.

          Can you please confirm if I buy a 12 month voucher and want to leave after 6 months, they will refund the rest?

          1. As per the website: City fitness has over 26 clubs, Jetts over 50 and Less mills 12.(facts)
        • @bholu:

          1. I'm not a store rep. If you're so eager to find out, why don't you give them a call? I don't dictate the terms and conditions. If I buy a chocolate bar from the warehouse and i decide to only eat half of it, can you please ask them if i can return it for a 50% refund?

          Also, going by your logic, would you consider a prepay phone as being the same as being on a term contract?

          1. You've just proved my point. 26 < 50.

          I suspect logic and reasoning isn't your strong point.

        • @techhit:

          I know you are not a store rep, But I think you should stand by what you say and do your fact checking too. This was in response to what you said:

          "AND requires a minimum term contract to qualify for their $6.99/week rate (Again - do some fact-checking)."

          Yeah 26 < 50 AND 12 <26, so as far as logic is concerned, isn't it wise to compare 50 to 26 first instead of 12? (in response to " Les mills is about $1500 per year")

    • -3

      "Les mills is about $1500 per year"

      no comparison ..

      how about CityFitness at 6.99 per week!

  • +2

    This link is for the gyms outside North Shore.…

  • +3

    I am with Jetts and currently paying $10.95 a week. The deal offered above is slightly cheaper considering also that there is no joining fees (usually $59). However, if you are paying in advance then technically you are in a contract! The facilities at Jetts are not as good as Lesmills or most other gyms and basically you get what you pay for. The 3 gyms I have been to this year are all very small and overcrowded during peak hours.

  • +1

    I'm gonna stick to my rule of:
    Never argue with _______ _________
    and leave it at that.

    People can take or leave the deal.


  • People often say that "Never argue with _______ _________
    and leave it at that." , when they are proved wrong or they are left with nothing else. Easy Escape.
    This statement is valid only for those who dont get into an argument at first place.

    /Over and out

  • +1

    "My name is Trump. I just like to voice my opinion without any substance and get a whole lot of rednecks and uninformed people to just support what I say and take it as the ultimate truth. Here's what I'm offering to YOU - the public. And let me tell you that what I say goes. What I'm offering is in the best interests of the people, because I am the voice of reason and nobody else can flaw my thinking.

    To YOU - the bargain, and dollar conscious community of Choice Cheapies, I am offering you all $1.99/kg Kiwifruit from Trump farms. I believe everyone should eat kiwi fruit every week. In fact, this is such a good deal and better than any other fruit deal. I don't care what you say but I'm here to sell you cheap kiwi fruit cos it's WAAAAAAAAAAAAY better than paying $2.99/kg for oranges, or $5.99 for 1 mango."

    But I like mangoes. Sure, I ultimately pay for the extra cost involved in importing these from other countries, but to me, I get great value from eating a mango, even though they're more expensive. I'm rich and can afford mangoes, but shouldn't you be pushing for more mangoes to be sold to the good people here who are on a budget, frugal, or would like to see their dollar go further?

    NO. You're stupid! Why would you waste more money on Mangoes? I just told you that Mangoes are more expensive. In fact, Kiwifruit is cheaper than Oranges. Oranges cost $8/kg more than Kiwifruit. So based on that reasoning, you're getting ripped off when you buy oranges over kiwifruit. So based on the fact that it costs $8/kg more, don't buy oranges!

    No it isn't. The kiwifruit you're selling is $1/kg cheaper than oranges, not $8/kg cheaper

    Oddly enough, the rednecks start to cheer Trump. The rest of the community is bemused

    Forget about that! That's not the point. I don't have time to think about what I say. Just listen to me. Let me ask you a question. Are you sure that all the oranges that you buy are ethically farmed and paid a fair wage? Can you tell me the date the farm was started, and who the original owners were 100 years ago. Can you assure me that the oranges you buy are not farmed by Mexicans?

    Errr… OK. When I go to a supermarket, I don't go into deep meditative thought about the goods on display and other than whether I am prepared to buy it at the price on offer, and if I perceive it to be good value. If I did have any questions about the goods, I'd be sure to ask the helpful, knowledgeable staff who are selling the goods though. But in most cases, a price tag is sufficient. I thought you were here to talk about selling us Kiwifruit, but you neglected to mention that you're telling us that we must enter a contract to buy a KG of kiwifruit every week, even though we may not want to each kiwifruit every week

    Contract, schontract! You enter a contract each time you exchange money for a Mango. It's the same!!!!!!!

    Well, it's an implied, non-written contract which doesn't carry a fixed term or penalties (if I choose not to buy Mangoes on a particular week). I don't have to buy Mangoes every week unless I want to"


    Whoa, what? So we're talking about EGGS now? Where did that come from?

    You can buy half a dozen eggs, a dozen eggs, a tray of eggs. Why would you pay for a tray of eggs

    Cos maybe there are people with large families who enjoy the benefit of paying for more eggs in advance and getting an immediate bulk discount over half a dozen eggs

    Doesn't matter… you're engaging in a contract for a tray of eggs. So ner. :P

    Not a term contract, though

    I'm gonna grab all the Mangoes by the p#ssies

    Err… what did you just say about Mangoes?

    Ooops! Did I say that out loud? Ummmm… my point is…… long pause….
    my point is……………. Hilary is dumb. Buy my Kiwifruit"


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