• expired

Amazon.co.uk - Xbox One S 500GB Minecraft Bundle + Forza Horizon 3 - $350.44 Delivered with Priority Shipping


Same as the PS4 deal, select priority shipping for the cheaper price.

Not a bad deal for a bundle, Minecraft is included for Xbox and Windows apparently, Price includes shipping and there is no GST/Duty as the price is below the threshold.

May be cheaper using your own credit card conversion rates.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel K Keepa.

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closed Comments

  • GBP 190.63

    at checkout.

    Wow that's cheap.

    • Yea it is aye, keeping in mind that is with VAT removed, which is good for us!

  • As you say, $350 delivered wont incur GST from memory. Isn't the cutoff around $400 for electronics? Great deal.

    I'll go google, but where does this model fit in the range? Is this the smaller body one, or the 4k capable one?

    • Yea cutoff is $400 (including shipping) can find out more at www.whatsmyduty.co.nz.

      I think you are getting Xbox and PS4 mixed up, this is the 2nd gen Xbox One, it is both smaller and capable of 4K playback, but not 4K gaming (I don't think?). That'll be the 'Project Scorpio' model in the future. The PS4 slim would be the "smaller body one" and the PS4 Pro would be the "4k capable one", if I read that correctly.

      • Yeah I'm rocking the original fat 40Gb PS3 with upgraded HDD. Time for an update.
        PS4 looks to be extremely gaming focussed, whereas this Xbox looks to sort my needs for a media centre with occasional gaming.
        Can these xbox one s units play h255 files?

        Looks good, thanks for posting the deal.

        • Ha I got one of those years ago from Japan, not long after release, it was sweet at the time! Remember carrying it back carry on (I was about 14?) and got some really funny looks from customs, but they were all good.

          Yea, I use the Xbox for a mixture of games and multimedia, would be much more functional if we didn't have 2mbps ADSL, but still works for our home Plex server.

          h265? I guess it depends on how you want to get the videos to the console, I think the Plex app supports them, but can't really comment on any other delivery method.

          No worries, hope it helps.

        • @Shaw: dude you must be 25/26? 2mbps! I moved to NZ because of the fast and affordable broadband

        • @dryburn:

          Ha, something like that, I leave that age remembering stuff to the wife!

          We are rural, so it's not ideal, but in town 100/100, so it's sweet. Ironically I get 4G at the house, so I end up using that more often for most things that don't involve downloading.

        • @Shaw: nice dude, I'm in that age range as well. slow internet sucks my wfie is still back home and complains that she can't even stream netflix properly.

        • @dryburn:

          Sweet, yea it does. I got a small fanless pc box that I run Plex on and wife is able to stream some TVNZ on demand, but other than that, it's really pushing it at that speed!

        • @Shaw: fast internet at work?

        • @dryburn:

          Yea, 100/100, as mentioned above, spend 12 hours here some days! Got my gaming PC in my office, the benefits of running your own business? Lol

        • @Shaw:

          If you are willing to pay for it, there's always Skinny 100GB over 4G for $52 etc

        • @Teckiwi:

          Yea bro, had seen that posted here before, we are only near a 2D 4G tower though, both other networks have nearly no reception. It's all good , most streaming/downloading/etc. can be done from the office. Plus there have been a few 2D data promos recently, so covered for a while.

        • @Shaw: illegal data hunting?…

        • @dryburn:

          Definitely legal, very legal :)

        • @Shaw: if you say so…

        • @dryburn: lol I have never heard anyone say that as a reason for moving to nz before. I'm guessing you're from Oz? https://truenet.nz/story/2016/11/october-2016-urban-broadban…

        • @techhit: lol I'm serious, that and no snakes was listed on the pro column

        • @dryburn:
          And sharks and spiders….

        • +1


          And Aussies….

        • @Shaw: oh I'm not from OZ but the same reason why I didn't choose Aus is because of the Aussies, snakes, spiders, sharks, its Nopeland

        • @dryburn:

          I didn't choose Aus is because of the Aussies

          Exactly! Giving you a free upgrade to Cheapies Plus Membership just for that comment!

        • @Shaw: what is Cheapies Plus?

        • +3


          An awesome exclusive club!

        • @Shaw: awesome!

  • The deal seems to be equally around the fact that the faster shipping option is cheaper.

    AmazonGlobal Priority (2-4 business days) 
    GBP 23.97

    AmazonGlobal Standard (5-10 business days)
    GBP 32.45

    I think I've heard of people getting the shipping back also, if it's not delivered on time.
    As is likely to be the case here if it's coming from the UK.

    There may be PS4 bundle deals on offer also, if anyone is that way inclined.

    • Even cheaper here depending on game preference.

      But it's expired lol

  • Whats the warrenty like when buying from the UK?

    • I don't think the consoles have international warranty, but I may be wrong.

      Amazon are pretty good to deal with though.

  • Also getting this message in the checkout: Congratulations. Your order qualifies for a £5 discount code towards a 3 Month Xbox Live Gold Subscription. Your code will be emailed as soon as your order ships. Codes must be redeemed within 14 days of receiving your console.

    • I noticed that in checkout too, I don't know if it's that great of a deal, but could be wrong.

      • Disclaimer: I've only have Xbox 360 / ps2/1. Xbox live would regularly have 30-50% off subscriptions. They would also have other really good deals like, 1 month for $1 and 3 months for $1 if you went ~ a month without a sub or were new. If this is still the case, its prob not worth picking up.

  • Currently showing as unavailable, and more interestingly, those that are available say they don't ship to NZ…

    • Lots showing unavailable, strange. I know the PS4 showed it doesn't ship to NZ, but had no issues getting to the final checkout stage.

      • Yeah I did purchase yesterday, but was lucky I had added it to my cart earlier at a lower price and it still went through at that earlier discount price.

        We shall see…

        Also found out that you can install VLC player on the Xbox One now, and that this can then natively play H.265/HEVC files, without the need to first convert or re encode via PC app and stream. You can just point this Xbox app at your network shared folder files, or to usb drive, and play directly. I haven't seen a solution like this for either PS3 or PS4, so that's a huge plus for the Xbox One for me, and it has direct harmony remote integration. Suits me perfectly for a home media hub, and this new S version can play 4k youtube and 4k blurays. Sweet, and thanks for the original link, IF they ship to NZ! Cheers.

  • Mine is on it's way, should be here Thursday.

    Amazon have just refunded my shipping, as it didn't arrive within the 2-4 days!

    Great deal, thanks for the heads up.

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