frugalkiwi » user profile

Member Since | 24/03/2022 |
Last Seen | 20/03/2023 |
Recent Activities

Thanks for this! Got the wireless charging duo pad I've had my eye on for some time for $99

frugalkiwi commented on $40 off $100 Spend (Including VIP Sale Items, Exclusions Apply) @ Spotlight (Free VIP Membership Required)
Man they sure exclude a lot of items. Just want a cheap sewing machine 😫

frugalkiwi posted a forum topic Has anyone else had issues creating a FlyBuys account?
I can create an account but when I go to register more details and pick my reward (New World) it gets to the end then boots me back to the…

frugalkiwi commented on Brother JA1450NT Home Sewing Machine $102.68 @ Noel Leeming (On Special Order, Requires CSC Membership)
Damn missed out on this one! Great deal!

frugalkiwi commented on Free Selling on Home & Living Items @ Trade Me
I didnt get this email so must only apply to some sellers

frugalkiwi commented on Free Shipping (Usually $7) or $10 off $50 Spend (One Use Per Account) @ Briscoes
Damn the free shipping one didn't work for me and I was logged in (and never used the coupon before).

frugalkiwi commented on 15% off Sitewide for Sleep Points Members (Full Priced Items, Stacks with $15 off $75 First Order Refferal) @ Sleepstore
Thanks for sharing this! I've been eyeing up a Woolbabe duvet weight for awhile but couldn't justify the price!

frugalkiwi joined ChoiceCheapies.
Welcome aboard!