Justinfromnz » user profile

Member Since | 28/02/2024 |
Last Seen | 19/08/2024 |
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Worked for me thanks

Justinfromnz replied to
beatthatflight on Seoul, South Korea Return from AKL $668, WLG $883, CHC $887 [June] on China Eastern & Shanghai Airlines @ Beat That Flight

Please post any Manila Philippines ones if they come up too :)

Justinfromnz commented on [Uber One] Free Big Mac with $1 Spend (Participating Stores & Delivery Only, Excl. Apply) @ McDonald's via Uber Eats
Wow its showing me a single big mac is $10.80 to buy isn't that crazy

Justinfromnz replied to
beatthatflight on Air China to Seoul, South Korea from $739 Return [May-Jun] @ Beat That Flight

Any dates are fine, but thats great thanks!

Justinfromnz commented on Air China to Seoul, South Korea from $739 Return [May-Jun] @ Beat That Flight
Any cheap flights to Phillipines from Auckland? Cheers

Justinfromnz joined ChoiceCheapies.
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