getskillsfast » user profile

Member Since | 25/11/2016 |
Last Seen | 18/01/2017 |
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getskillsfast replied to
2cheep on GetSkilsFast - Complete Salesforce Admin Course 80% off ($99 > USD $19.8) (~NZD $30)

Hi 2cheep , Request you to please elaborate why do you consider it as spam so that we can improve our listing. Its a good discount on the…

getskillsfast posted a deal GetSkilsFast - Complete Salesforce Admin Course 80% off ($99 > USD $19.8) (~NZD $30)
Our hands-on training approach, entrusted by 50,000+ learners, will help you to imbibe the workings of the Certified Salesforce world. We…

getskillsfast posted a deal GetSkilsFast - Complete Salesforce Integration Course 80% off ($99 > USD $19.8) (~NZD $30)
At long last, the new Salesforce Integration Course is now available Online! This is the one and only course on integration available…

getskillsfast posted a deal Complete Salesforce Lightning Training 80% off (USD $37 > USD $7.4) (~NZD $11)
Lightning Components is a UI framework for developing web apps for mobile and desktop devices. It’s a modern framework for building…

getskillsfast joined ChoiceCheapies.
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