Davidsungenyeh » user profile

Member Since | 10/06/2019 |
Last Seen | 13/11/2024 |
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Very good stuff, I have been usung it, good for itchy skin and insect bit.

Davidsungenyeh commented on Panasonic Eneloop Pro AAA Rechargeable Batteries 4 Pack $18 + Shipping / $0 CC @ Lim Electronics (+ Pricematch at NL)
I bought the last 6 packets.

Davidsungenyeh commented on Receive $50 HOP Credit When You Buy a $5 AT HOP Card, Load $10 Credit, & Use it on 10 Separate Days @ AT Kiosks (Auckland)
I wonder if it works only for the adult fare or does it work for the student fare too?

Davidsungenyeh joined ChoiceCheapies.
Welcome aboard!