• expired

Mi Store Opening - Pocophone F1 64GB $479, Redmi Note5 64GB $299, Robot V Cleaner $379, 5000mAh Bank $5 etc (Limited Quantities)


Mi Store opening specials. One per customer, I think for each product.

Note that although some products may seem sold out online, I'm still seeing the Pocophone for example show up and can make it to the checkout page with the place order button and courier option enabled (not sold out at supplier) every so often as of 3:30 PM

Final column below is the quantities available. All of them will have that number available on Saturday and again on Sunday. Same amount will be available online although just once not twice.

Mi Pocophone F1 64GB (no band 28) – $479 – 30 graphite black, 20 steel blue
RedMi Note 5 64GB Smartphone with LTE band 28 & 2 year NZ warranty - $299 – 60 blue back+white front & 40 black
Mi Home Smart APP Robot Vacuum Cleaner SKV4022GL (original not 2nd gen) - $379 – 60
Mi Power Bank 5000MaH (Silver Colour) – $5 – 200
Mi 360° Home Security Camera – $39 – 60
Mijia Car Dashcam – $59 – 60

Other deals for scooters, fitness tracker, ear phones and home scale are here https://www.cheapies.nz/node/17641

Online sale starts 1pm on Saturday according to the store page https://www.mi-store.co.nz/ but no idea if all items will be at that time. The store's in Sylvia Park opening time is 10 am.

BTW, while this was initially based on the widely circulated Kiwiproperty blog post https://www.kiwiproperty.com/blog/entertainment/mi-grand-ope… I've updated it based on their Facebook/website and deferred to those were it differed in particular with the vacuum cleaner price and Note 5 respective colour quantities.

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Mi Store NZ
Mi Store NZ

closed Comments

  • +2

    Those Note 5 are cheaper on Aliexpress, about $250 NZD. Only problem is that it'll take a few weeks to get here and no CGA.

    • what's CGA?

      • Consumer guarantees act

        Btw, it's a great phone. I currently use it and definitely recommend for the budget side of phones :)

  • +2

    Maybe all these opening deals should be one thread, but here's the list:
    Mi Portable Folding Electric Scooter (White Colour) $599 – 70 Available Saturday, 70 Available Sunday
    Mi Portable Folding Electric Scooter (Black Colour) $599 – 30 Available Saturday, 30 Available Sunday
    RedMi Note 5 64GB Smartphone (Black Colour) $299 – 60 Available Saturday, 60 Available Sunday
    RedMi Note 5 64GB Smartphone (Blue Colour) $299 – 40 Available Saturday, 40 Available Sunday
    Mi Home Smart APP Robot Vacuum Cleaner $399 – 60 Available Saturday, 60 Available Sunday
    Mi Smart Home Scale $39 – 60 Available Saturday, 60 Available Sunday
    Mi Band 3 Fitness Tracker $29 – 100 Available Saturday, 100 Available Sunday
    Mi Sports Bluetooth Earphones – $29 – 100 Available Saturday, 100 Available Sunday
    Mi Pocophone F1 64GB (Graphite Black Colour) – $479 – 30 Available Saturday, 30 Available Sunday
    Mi Pocophone F1 64GB (Steel Blue Colour) – $479 – 20 Available Saturday, 20 Available Sunday
    Mi Power Bank 5000MaH (Silver Colour) – $5 – 200 Available Saturday, 200 Available Sunday
    Mi Home Security Camera – $39 – 60 Available Saturday, 60 Available Sunday
    Mijia Car Dash Camera – $59 – 60 Available Saturday, 60 Available Sunday

    (from a geekzone link to https://www.kiwiproperty.com/blog/entertainment/mi-grand-ope…)

    • Thanks I've updated to include the deals which seem to fit E&E. I've excluded the scale, fitness tracker & sports ear phones as they would probably be better in the other thread, but included the security & dash cameras because we probably don't want 3 threads. Since the categorisation is somewhat arbitrary anyway up to the the mods or OP of the other thread if they want to list all deals in that thread.

    • Yea thanks! I wonder why they cut and paste segments when it's originally one wall of text.

    • Seems that they've made some changes to that since the vacuum cleaner is $379. Also they swaped the colours for the Note 5. (Well they didn't confirm but I'm going to assume their Facebook posts must be right where they differ.) And I've just realised that so far they're posting their deals in the exact order of that list

  • +1

    The real question is whether the Note 5 and other stocked phones will have the European-aimed LTE Band 20 as per the standard Chinese resellers, or whether it will be the more NZ-suitable Band 28 version which is much less easily available (needs to be ex-Taiwan, Mexico etc)

  • I also saw in the comments of the facebook post for the Note 5, that the store replied to a comment that they have a local 2 year warranty on the phone.

  • +1

    Note, appears the vacuum is the original rather than second gen

    • Thanks I put the model number but didn't know what it meant, updated now

  • Looks like an Apple store at first glance lol. I wish there were more products for sale, but good if you want to test drive a product already on display.

  • Any idea if they will have the Mi 8 Lite?

  • Home they have some of the mi smart home gear

  • Heads up the Note 3 may still be in stock on their website. Well I'm not sure but I managed to add it to cart and it looks like it will let me check out. It seems to come and go, not sure whether people are cancelling orders or what.

    • Now it looks like it's letting me order a Pocophone F1.

      • Black showed up just now again

  • Was too slow at 1pm, but managed to get the Pocophone after waiting 30 minutes for presumably someone's cart to time out and refreshing.
    Removed the Note 5 from my cart once I did so, so worth refreshing that page is anyone is still wanting one.

    • I don't really understand what the cart reservation thing is about since even if you have the item in your cart, it seems to go out of stock. I've had it multiple times with different colour Note 3 that it says "Delivery option is unavailable as at least one product is not available at supplier. "

      • Yeah, I had that too. Although luckily in my case it was just the $5 power bank and $30 fitness band causing it.

        • Also with the Pocophone F1 I mentioned above. (First it was fine then refreshed and it had that message. I didn't want to buy it, can't afford it was just checking.) Nothing else in my cart so must be that.

          Anyway if you really want something I suggest you don't wait on the order screen even if it seems reserved. Although I wonder whether PB Tech's system is sophisticated enough to realise it's gone out of stock on that final check out page, or if you don't refresh it's actually fine. (Which also I presume means you could hack it.)

  • Just noticed Mi Store has confirmed that flashing custom ROMs will not automatically void your warranty https://www.facebook.com/mistorenz/posts/250261215651296?com… as I believe some phone vendors still claim (despite the fact this probably doesn't sit well with the CGA)

    • How do you flash custom ROMs without unlocking the bootloader? AFAIK that's where the warranty ends for most manufacturers. I'm not sure if the CGA covers intentional user modifications.

      • Well I was wondering about unlocking the boot loader too but was fairly sure you can't so it was a given that their response meant you could. Still I'll double check. And there's no reason why the CGA does not cover a modified device. See for example these discussions https://www.geekzone.co.nz/forums.asp?forumid=97&topicid=108… and https://www.geekzone.co.nz/forums.asp?forumid=97&topicid=153… and https://www.geekzone.co.nz/forums.asp?forumid=76&topicid=208…

        If a device is faulty within a reasonable time frame of purchase and that fault was not caused at least in part by the modification then it's not fit for purpose. If you brick you device when trying to flash custom firmware or it bricks because of that custom firmware then yes, a manufacturer could reasonably deny you any warranty and I suspect Mi Store's reply wasn't intended to cover such scenarios (hence "automatic" in my initial comment). But if your device dies because one of the chips is poorly soldered or something of that sort then no, they cannot.

        For devices with custom firmware, a good rule of thumb is that generally if it's a hardware fault then the custom firmware would be irrelevant. One obvious exception would be if the custom firmware overclocks or doesn't downclock the CPU in the same way and this causes damage. As highlighted in one of the GeekZone discussions, if you are sending a device back for repair, it makes sense to flash the original firmware before doing so if it all possible. If the device fault is repaired, it may be difficult for the repairer to test without flashing back the original firmware and they could potentially charge you for that but whatever they still need to fix the fault itself at no cost. (And IMO if the device simply dies suddenly so you can't flash back the original firmware, you could reasonably argue that either they fix it then send it back to you and you can flash back the original firmware and then you can send it back to them, or they flash it at no cost.)

        I'm sure some manufacturers will try to make up bullshit about how the custom firmware may have contributed to the fault, one reason a manufacturer who is explicit that flashing custom firmware or unlocking the bootlocker does not automatically void the warranty is a good idea. I mean they could still do so, but at least they seem to have a basic grasp of NZ law which is better than one that doesn't. Although to be clear, it's not so much that the CGA requires warranties are valid even after modification but rather that it requires products are fit for purpose. It's a requirement that is beside any warranty the manufacturer may choose to offer. But a decent manufacturer will choose to at least partly reflect their CGA requirements in their warranties. (This includes with warranty lengths. Any mid or high end phone with only a 1 year warranty is ridiculous.)

        It's the same with using third party ink etc. Whatever manufacturers may say, unless the ink contributed to the fault (clogged cartridges or perhaps ink spilt and ruined the electronics or ink cartridge was really so badly that it killed the electronics), they cannot disclaim responsibility for their products just because you use third party ink.

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