United/Air NZ are offering cheap flights to some eastern US cities. Only 1 other Boston flight deal on Cheapies 2 years ago and not as cheap however United may be marginally better. Fares include bags, meals and seat selection. Lots of dates and Boston in Spring/Summer is fantastic whereas in winter it's awful.
Washington D.C./Baltimore(google.com). Fly Air NZ to Sydney, then Sydney to San Francisco, and onto Baltimore Airport.
Orlando, Florida(google.com). Only see the really cheap flights for November. Last minute Disney trip! 16 hour layover in LA as well, so a good solid day to explore.
Boston(google.com). Over to Auckland, then LA. Long layover in LA and over to Boston. On the way back it's over to San Franscisco, then into Auckland then Wellington.
New York(google.com)
via Scott's Cheap Flights(scottscheapflights.com)