• expired

$5 - $100 off Promo Code Daily @ Uber Eats


To win Uber Eats credit, you must complete all three levels within the allocated timeframe. Each promo code value is worth anywhere between $5 and $100 and will be allocated at random. Prize pool consists of more than $300,000 NZD worth of Uber Eats promo codes. Limit of one promo code per user per day. You must enter a valid phone number to claim your prize. To redeem, enter your promo code at the checkout. Promo codes are for one-time use only, are non-transferrable and cannot be used in conjunction with each other, or any other Uber Eats promo code. All promo codes expire 31 March 2019. We will used your phone number to text you your code but your number will not be used for any other purposes. Uber Eats may decide to extend the life of the game with other prizes. Have fun!

This can be done each day to receive your free promo code.

Tip 1: Credit to parlane, you can also access this link directly to claim your free promo code. https://us-central1-shark-bait-cec8d.cloudfunctions.net/clai… (change 21123456789 to your number to receive the txt message)

Tip 2: Enter in a '-' in front of your number to get another code per day.

Referral Links

Referral: random (146)

Referrer: Free Delivery with $10 minimum order (excluding promotions, select stores)
Referee: No Delivery Fee for First 5 orders, with $10 minimum order (excluding promotions, select stores)

Related Stores

Uber Eats
Uber Eats

closed Comments

  • Be curious to see if anyone gets more than $5

    • Yeah they'll be few and far between. I got $5. Horrible game though, doubt I'll try again.

      • Also got $5 and agree the game is trash

        • Same

    • Got $7. The controls for this game is horrible.

  • $5

  • +1

    So is that why that 'burger-mobile' has been driving all around Auckland city is doing…

    • +1

      5 for me. Saw the burger mobile today too

  • Got $5 - Does your score mean anything as in affect your chances of winning bigger amounts?

  • $5 With a score of aprox 9,970

  • Anyone know how to get it to work on desktop?

    • In Chrome, press F12 on the Keyboard, then press CTRL + SHIFT + M and possibly select a mobile phone in the menu above the website.

  • +24

    They dont even upload your score as part of the claim, you just go here: https://us-central1-shark-bait-cec8d.cloudfunctions.net/clai…

    Change 21123456789 to your number. It will txt you a random amount I guess.

    • Thanks, I got $5

    • LOL way to prove it's completely random, stupid promo.

  • nvm

  • +3

    I just got $20

  • +5

    I just got $30 this morning

  • 3 more $5's for me

    • just $5s for me, not enough for a decent fried chicken meal

  • +1

    Someone on reddit made a workaround: https://uber-code-gen.netlify.com/

    • Already posted above. Now just need a workaround on the daily limit :)

  • +8

    Enter in a '-' in front of your number to get another code per day.

  • +7

    Holy crap I got 50

  • Two days in a row I "complete" the game but get no TXT.

    Looks like I've been blacklisted people.

    • Have you used your number in any other Uber promotions?

      • I got txt first couple of days

    • Looks like Skinny/Spark is blocking these texts. I've been getting the codes on my Vodafone number but not the Skinny SIMs I have. On those, I only got them the first time.

      • I'm on skinny and so is gf and we both getting the codes

        • Interesting. I guess there's something else happening. Anyway, I've managed to get a few 20s, 15s and 10s thus far, so I'm reasonably happy :)

          • @melp: I'm on Skinny.
            Got $15 and $10 today, so can't being whinging no more.

  • You get 2 codes a day with the hack but I have only been able to use one code a day. When I try using the second code for another order it comes up with an error saying "oops you already applied this promotion" I have tried with different codes but same error every time. Anyone else facing this issue?

    • I have but only today, so maybe it's just started. So just make sure you enter the higher one 1st I guess

  • A couple of things to note, even though the comp says the exp date is end of March my $15 voucher expires 1st March and I have other dates in there. Also you can't choose which voucher to use, last added, 1st used, so if u get a big one, don't go adding any 5s after it

  • silly question, but you can use the code on any ubereats account, right?

    • +1

      Yes, but you would only be able to redeem it in NZ.

  • sweet got $10 & $15 off today

    • did it let you add both? i got 2 x $15 but am holding off adding the 2nd as yesterday it only let me add 1

      • haven't added them yet will try a 15 and $5 then

        • let me add both the $15 and $5

          • @Huntakillaz: the old codes are different than the new ones, the new ones had sat in it for yesterday and sun in it for today, today did you add 2x sun or 1 sun and 1 past when they had no "day" code

  • I got a $7 and a $15 today and it let me add both. Only had problems yesterday.

  • It seems like not to be working, I got this message instead.


    • Same here, they're onto us haha

  • All of the restaurants have been unavailable today in Dunedin. Is this just a Sunday thing or what?

    • It was like that yesterday as well up until about 5pm, then they disappeared at 7pm. It's kind of weird, I'm not sure if they're short on drivers.

  • Code generators definitely not working anymore. Either its just down - or they are on to us, even tried playing the game and it didnt send me the code (said I had already won) even thou the texts never came.

    • or just the $300,000 total prize pool has simply dried up……. by us :-)

    • Worked for me at 6am this morning.

    • Still working here on Skinny. Just received a $7 and $5 code.

    • Seems like it was just was broken - i got the 2 codes from yesterday just now, 24 hours later and tried the link again and got 2 more so its all working again. $5 codes thou .

  • Putting "-" in front of the number seems to not work anymore. Gives "{"success":false,"message":"promo is not valid at this time"}". Guess it's back down to one code a day.

  • I've been giving an Error Forbidden message.

    • The campaign is over…

      • +1


  • The jig is up… over the past weekend I lived like a king making 8 orders, scored another $30 this morning but its telling me the promotion has expired..

    • +1

      Mine still work. They've just all been downgraded to $5 vouchers.

      • Even one that say in the text are over $15? Is this just new codes or previous ones?

        • New codes sent today we're all 5's. So I was using a 10 dollar code from two days ago. It just gives me 5. Does yours give 15?

          • @ERIS: I just added a new $10 and shows as a $10

            • @quote: Oh never mind. Is working but the 5 dollar one is applied first.

  • +2

    Promo looks to be over. If you play the game you get $15 off your first ubereats meal now - is this the same with everyone else?

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