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FREE: Windows 10 for $0 Via Microsoft's Insider Program (Save $199)


Yes, Windows 10 is FREE! Even if you don't have Windows 7/8!

For those who aren't aware, Windows 10 is Microsoft's new upcoming Operating System which is expected to be released next month. To learn more about Windows 10, click here(microsoft.com)

Although Microsoft claim the offer will be available even after the release, it's probably best to join the Insider Program and claim it as soon as possible.

To get hold of this offer, simply join the Insider programme, download and install build a preview version on your old PC and enjoy Windows 10 for free. When Windows 10 it is officially released, it will automatically be converted to a full license and all Windows Updates will still be free.

This has been confirmed by Microsoft, you can read about the new blog post announcement on Microsoft's website here(blogs.windows.com) or below.

Getting the final release on July 29th for free(blogs.windows.com)

Windows Insiders running the Windows 10 Insider Preview (Home and Pro editions) with their registered MSA connected to their PC will receive the final release build of Windows 10 starting on July 29th. This will come as just another flight. I’ve gotten a lot of questions from Windows Insiders about how this will work if they clean installed from ISO. As long as you are running an Insider Preview build and connected with the MSA you used to register, you will receive the Windows 10 final release build and remain activated. Once you have successfully installed this build and activated, you will also be able to clean install on that PC from final media if you want to start over fresh.

Stay with us as a Windows Insider

As we’ve announced before, the Windows Insider Program will continue even after we release Windows 10 on July 29th. Windows Insiders will continue to receive future flights as we begin to work on the next release immediately after Windows 10 ships. You’ll get to see the latest Windows fixes, features, and updates and give us feedback. So stay with us! Of course, we’ll provide you an option to leave the program and stay on the final build if you choose: but we hope that we’ll continue to provide you great reasons to remain a Windows Insider.

A couple of things to note:

  • If you already have a Genuine copy of WIndows 7/8, you are already eligible for the free upgrade (make sure you upgrade within the 1st year of release). Click here(microsoft.com) for further details on how to reserve your copy of Windows 10 for free!
  • According to Microsoft's blog post, Windows 10 Enterprise is not part of the free final release program.*
  • You will need to join the insider program and most importantly, Install the current Insider Preview of Windows 10 to avail the full version of Windows for free. Even better, you can reinstall Windows without losing your copy of the full version!

Credits to mrmarkau67 from OzBargain(ozbargain.com.au) for initially finding it

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closed Comments

  • Do you have to install or just register?

    • Seems you'll need to install to avail the offer. See below

      As long as you are running an Insider Preview build and connected with the MSA (Microsoft account) you used to register, you will receive the Windows 10 final release build and remain activated. Once you have successfully installed this build and activated, you will also be able to clean install on that PC from final media if you want to start over fresh.

    • The upgrade isn't painful at all, I've been running 10 since the initial leaks, and have had no issues at all.

      • +1

        Same here… using Windows 10 on my desktop as my primary OS and even then it works like a treat!

        • Fast ring or slow ring?

        • @Shaw: Slow. Probably why it's more stable for me

        • @xDrak1x:

          Running fast here, have had no issues at all, not OS related anyway. Some third party drivers and what not, but that's to be expected.

        • @Shaw: Ahh that's good to hear.. I did enable fast but then had issues with Windows Update which just stopped working out of the blue.. So ended up reinstalling and stuck to slow instead.

        • +1


          Sweet, will be interesting to see how far ahead the preview builds stay once it's released publicly.

        • @Shaw: Haha yea

  • Yet more FUD. My understanding is, you need a valid Win7,8 license.
    Dont believe rumours , blog posts or some obscure twitter comments. Go to the source , MS itself. Please point us to ANY official announcement from MS stating that insiders will get a full Win10 lic. Its usually just some blog that hasnt bothered taking 10 minutes to research the truth.
    Insiders can upgrade to the release ver of Win10…that DOES NOT give them a valid Win10 lic.
    This has not been confirmed by MS, its just others misinterpreting MS's announcements.
    Win7,8 retail OEM will give you a WIn10 ug for free, loading up the prerelease will not.
    I'd love to be wrong….

    • +1

      It is worth paying attention to who Gabe(linkedin.com) Aul(twitter.com) is.(blogs.windows.com)

      The blog post(blogs.windows.com) differentiates between a free user upgrade (Windows 7/8.1), and being a member of the Insider Program.

      It’s important to note that only people running Genuine Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 can upgrade to Windows 10 as part of the free upgrade offer.*

      So, essentially, it isn't a free upgrade, it is simply continual use of software as part of the 'beta group' if you like, with the ability to leave the group and retain usage of the software.

  • i think u get free win10 if u run pirated win7 don't u?

    • You get the upgrade, but it doesn't become a genuine copy.

  • Just to confirm, this is still free if you remain part of the insider program.

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