This was posted 5 years 3 months 6 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Noel Leeming 1TB Xbox One All-Digital + 3 Games $276 + Shipping @ The Market


Please be nice as this is my first time posting.
This looks like the same deal that noel Leeming had for its black Friday sale. $2 cheaper.

Use to get 3.50% cash back. You have to click the link through there and then order to get it.

I joined themarket club 30day free trial to get free shipping and then applied the market30 coupon which brought my total down to $246. Most codes look like one time use ones but there are a few floating around.

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closed Comments

  • Great price.

  • +3

    good price but all digital system sucks

  • +1

    Mamamia that's a the spicey meatball.

    Don't forget boys and girls claim the $30 off 250 spend voucher to bring this down to a jaw dropping $246 as below

    Order Summary
    Subtotal $276.00

    Shipping Total $0

    TheMarket Club Shipping Discount - $6.00

    Total (GST Inclusive) $276.00
    GST $36.00

    Coupon Savings - $30.00
    Payment Total $246.00

    Might be a good idea to add that to the title to bring in more punters.

    ooooops already in the description forget my ramblings.

  • +1

    Let's see who got lucky and got their transactions cancelled… :D

    • +1

      Just got a email. Mine is on its way :)

  • All digital means once the online store is retired (which it inevitably will once new Xbox x series are out) you won't be able to download the games anymore.

    • +1

      Xbox 360 online store is still going strong so I don't think this will happen anytime soon.

    • yeah plus buying physical copies of the games is 98% of the time always much cheaper especially buying used games

      also whenever the store does close and you reset your console enjoy your paperweight

      • +1

        With digital games you can game share, effectively halving the cost.

        • +1

          this, in ps4 and nintendo switch i am sharing account and if you are getting discount plus sharring costs it's very cheap, i never thinked in sell my games so work perfectly to me

    • Don't be silly Microsoft won't close down the store. Game pass ultimate will continue long into the future. Unless you have a source that says otherwise

  • SASDEC19 works for $25 off

  • +2


    • Xbox One S All-Digital Console does not play physical discs.
    • oh! i just understood this! That's crazy

    • Luckily we already have a normal xbox one s 1tb otherwise I would be kicking myself. This one is for our kids who play games on game pass as they arent allowed to touch our discs anyway.

    • +1

      This is a huge deal-breaker for most people I would think. Why would you get a console that can't play physical games? Once the servers shut down this console is basically useless; however this system is very cheap for the specs that you get!

      • +1

        Because a high percentage of game sales are now digital and that is where consumers are moving to. I only use my disc for bluray these days.

        • That's correct, MS wants to make the Xbox like a PC with one-use game codes; they tried to make it so that disk based games could not be traded after installing it onto a system. This is their way of doing what they wanted by removing the drive altogether and making it digital only!

      • By the time they stop online support for the bbn console you will be able to pick up a second hand console with disc support for peanuts.

  • +2

    People seem to forget that buying discs isn't the same as it used to be. If I go out and buy a game the first thing it does is download and install all the patches. So once that store goes down you will either get a janky half finished game from the disc or a game that won't run without patches you can't get anymore.

    I used to be all about physical media but this generation patching is now the norm with all games getting them the lines between discs and digital is much smaller than most would think. I still don't really get the all digital console though, the motherboard is the same as the one S with the extra data port. I'd really consider getting this over an original one s if they had stuck a second HDD in there or at least given the option for one to be put in later to massively boost your load times or capacity.

    For those that are new to Xbox one as well, don't forget the cheap game pass I posted last week (shameless plug of my deal), could get an Xbox one with 3 years of game pass for under $400, not bad of you only pay 5 or 6 new titles in that time.

    • Getting gamepass is a must with this imo - and definitely load up on multiple years cheap of it!

      FWIW - I have an X and a one, and prefer digital games so I can play on both simultaneously (game sharing with myself/kids) - only disc games I always get are nba 2K and madden (which are yearly releases). The all digital console is ideal for a second console like my setup.

      • +1

        I already picked up game pass when I posted the offer, I got it primarily for pc games but now I have 3 years worth I'm thinking this would be great for me to actually tap in to it and play more titles, having tried the outer world's I'm not convinced my pc is up to standard for those titles at a decent smooth frame rate. I'm also thinking it's decent as a 4K digital media player that my PS4 can't handle and to use the wireless display app so stream the pc on to the living room TV.

        Generally speaking though the PS4 was my first dive in to PlayStation's and I just don't get on well with the dual shock. Having got a switch Pro controller and now an Xbox one controller for my pc the off set analogue sticks just feel so much nicer to play with. I didn't realise how much I'd missed the 360 controller layout until recently.

  • Currently in Australia and it's $199 and I still can't convince myself to get one of these, even when I have game pass. I think putting that money towards the next gen would be better served.

    • Next gen is a year away and wont be close to $199! Probably better to get in now, and then buy into next gen 6-12 months after launch (2yrs from now) when it is cheaper and have decent games.

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