Great prices on engine oil. Be quick.
Castrol Edge 5W-30 5 Litre is the cheapest it has been in 4+ years.
Castrol MAGNATEC Engine Oil -10W-40, 6 Litre(
Hat tip to ZZE123 on OzBargain( albeit AU prices are much lower.
Update: Back on sale until 9/1.
Thanks, great buy!
Doing two oil changes for a pair of diesel cars and they each eat 5.3 and 5.9L so got three shipped. Was looking at the 10L Nulon for $100 but then I'd have to get another 2L somehow and the same stuff only comes in 10L or 20L quantities.
They specifically state its good for passenger diesels (although I don't know how much stock to put in "petrol" or "diesel" oil, I'd be surprised if there was any difference).