• expired

6 Fresh NZ Crayfish $249 + Delivery @ Container Door


These are export crayfish bound for China until Coronavirus stopped that. There are apparently >150 tons of crayfish that will be killed and dumped (they can’t be released because of disease risk) if they are not bought.

Call your besties on your cray-phone and tell them to get ready for a flash do at your place, because Ben's done another exceptional deal to bring you SIX fresh export-quality NZ crayfish for an unbeatable $249 (+ courier).

The crays arrive almost entirely deceased* (they're just alive enough to keep them fresh enough to eat) and they're delivered to your door in an insulated box packed with ice.

Each cray weighs between 450-500g. So what are you waiting for? Order now and prepare to feast on these beasts!

North Island

South Island

Alternatively, 2 Crayfish and a bottle of Champagne

Related Stores

Container Door
Container Door

closed Comments

  • +6

    $249/6 is $41.50 each.
    But here you can buy for $40, and you don't need to buy 6.

    • Yeah, I agree, hardly a 'deal'

    • Export quality?

    • +2

      Typical from Container Door I guess.

  • +3

    the price is not good at all, a lot of local seafood retailer can do much better than this

  • I keep seeing them advertised for $79.90/kg on the NZ Herald. (Edit: Think it's the same site as that mentioned by aih-lun)

    • Lol just saw the same deal advertised to the right

  • cheapest place to buy them in Christchurch?

  • +1

    Pak n save $79.99 per kg. 450-600g each.

    • We have also bought from Pak n Save (Auckland) and it's not even advertised as super special price and don't need to buy 6. Even cheaper if getting just the tail, often just shy of $20 each, if your recipe doesn't call for using the heads as well.

  • I wonder is this ‘export quality’ actually worth it….

  • +4

    “Almost entirely deceased” ….disgusting. Poor crayfish are they what, starving(?) to death?

    • -1

      They are semi-frozen and therefore semi-dead.
      I'm not so sure about feeling sorry for these crustaceans being kept in such state as it seems doubtful that they are sentient creatures.

      • +1

        Just because the FDA currently doesn’t classify them as sentient, doesn’t omit the fact they feel pain.

        • I wouldn't say the "pain" felt by crustaceans is the same "pain" experienced by sentient conscious beings.
          If you throw a crayfish in hot water it will probably react by thrashing about. Is it feeling "pain" or is it reflexive movement based on certain "pain" nerves triggering?
          For humans it is easy to see the thrashing as "it's feeling pain because that's how humans would react" and they would be correct to some extend except for the qualia of the pain. Human train of thought in such situation may be:
          1. The water is hot
          2. The hot water is painful
          3. I dislike the experience of pain
          4. Therefore, I will try and avoid the pain
          5. thrashes about

          For the crustaceans it's more likely to be:
          1. Water is hot
          2. "Pain" receptors trigger due to excessive heat, causes violent muscle movement for self preservation
          3. reflexively thrashes about

          If the two creatures above were physiologically similar it seems likely they experience the qualia of "pain" in the same way, however since this is not the case, it seems a bit of a stretch to say the experience is the same; therefore I'm not so sure about feeling sorry for semi-frozen crayfish as that seems like conflating anthropomorphisation.

          This is why I love Cheapies! We get to have discussions on philosophy and the nature of the mind with a bit of psychology thrown in - all because there's excessive amount of crays for sale!

      • +2

        The science is inconclusive so it's possible they feel pain. Keeping them in an 'almost entirely deceased' state is at best questionable in terms of being humane.

  • 500g is tiny… Hardly anything…

  • +6

    On a separate note with Container Door, but not entirely irrelevant since this deal is directly from them, we have huge reservations with their customer service and after sales responsibilities. We were underwhelmed twice after purchasing from them. First incident was something we bought and everything paid for and supposedly put aside as we needed to arrange a truck to pick up in a couple days. After organised for pick up, we were told they managed to sell our item to someone else and there's no replacement stock because their business model only allowed for preordering at the time. All they did was to give a refund which only showed up after 2 weeks. No apologies and no compensation. Second time was a set of furniture bought which missed a crucial part. It took them a week to respond saying there's nothing they could do, again, no luck in getting an exchange because they do not keep stock. They did provided a small compensation (though not enough to cover for someone else to fabricate the replacement part and returning is not an option for us because we will lose out on the big cost to get it delivered to our place in the first place). Moral of the story is, their business model is dubious. They are only selling these crays on for someone with an obvious (big) middle man cut.

    Drive down to your local fishmonger or supermarket and you will get something from a known safe source and sense of appreciations from the local businesses who know what they are doing.

  • +2

    "The crays arrive almost entirely deceased"- if the description didn't put you off, click on the link and see their promo video for the deal. The guy is waving around crayfishes like they're a movie prop.


    Show some respect to a flipping living thing ffs.

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